Christian Revival

Now that marauding Buddhists of peace are chopping up Muslims, when will we see a new Christian revival?

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>Buddhists of peace are chopping up Muslims

Got a credible news outlet report?

>The government rejects this... But the BBC's correspondent says he saw...


>Burma is a Buddhist state
>Thousands of Muslims from Bangladesh pour across the border
>Buddhist temples are destroyed, statues are toppled, monks are murdered, woman are raped
>Ashin Wirathu ("Asian Wrath") organizes RWDS against Muslims
>Thousands of invading Muslims are murdered
>Media has a collective orgasm since they can harp on about non-Muslim religious extremism
>Buddhists are just fighting back to preserve their way of life
Buddhism is a top-tier religion.

the buddhas are slaughtering the muslims
buddhas see the muslims as a threat
so severe they have resorted to violence.
buddhas.. violence...

hell bardo summoned into human form.
that's how you know islam is an evil religion.
buddhas executing hell bardo's will
to bring good into the world.
yinyang shit.

What if we archive it

Thanks, Nordbro.





Don't know but can't wait to crucify degenerates

Me too my dear Stanislaw

Kinda envious of you guys on the front lines.
If shit gets real, what are you going to carry as a melee weapon aside from primary and sidearm?

Let's unite good people under the name of God, take back Vatican from that fag pope and reign over all earth

first off
we need medieval style power armor and anti-tank aluminium foam shields, after that it's whatever

I know butt blasted atheists and Pagans get mad at Deus Vult posting, but just look at all the anti-Islamic comments in this video or any with similar theme.
Deus Vult memes are great for unifying younger people against Islam.

i am not christian to be honest
but all i want to do is to destroy Islam and degeneracy in europe

I've always been agnostic but the truth is our civilization is dying because it cut itself off from the christian values, patriarchal social order and conviction of faith

I'm just waiting for the UN and media to start saying Europe should have them. Turkish ministers have been involved, which is a warning sign for Europe. I'd join the revival in a heartbeat.

>medieval style power armor and anti-tank aluminium foam shields
lol maybe late game, but I'm pretty sure the first few years of a major happening will be 'rebels' without any official government backing.
tac vests and AK's for all
But you could at least make a melee weapon.
If I was more skilled in metal works I would consider a gladius, but I'm making a mace picrelated style
I'm Agnostic as well but I was raised a Baptist.
Looking for a church to start going back to after 15 years because of climate



You're a blacksmith? awesome, I don't know what will be used, probably baseball bats, crawbars, hammers and axes and machetes at the beginning

That is true indeed
Every european value is based on god
I really envy you for living in poland

We're not as religious as we used to, leftist mush is coming on strong to us, I can only hope others are also realising what I am but it's probably just wishful thinking, the truth is we also have to purge the degenerates among our own.

There is a HEMA club in Poland, anyone here doing it?

Go away with your middle eastern crap. Christianity destroyed a lot of our natural, pagan, European culture.

Nah, I used to spar with sabre as a kid a couple of times but would have to train from scratch.

You mean back when Europe was a degenerate shithole?

kys pagan, christianity was an improvement upon paganism in every way


Nah I'm just a kiwi lol.
I have a range of tools, welder etc, made a tiny smelting furnace at home.
I've been a medieval fan for years for no real reason that I could identify.
When I was a kid there was a few guys who were in competition medieval fighting who would practice at a park near me every Saturday

Cuckstianity is a semetic desert religion that literally worships a fucking rabbi on a stick. KYS.

You should read the above screenshots and actually read the Bible.
Leftists have done a pretty good smear campaign about Christianity being a "Peace 'n' love, man!" and "God loves you no matter what!" feelgood religion.
The Bible is rife with anti-Jewish commands and stick-to-your-own-kind rhetoric.

Paganism (literally satanism where you sacrifice people, animals and abortion is highly encouraged) is basicly the same as hinduism, buddhism and so on. Greeks have been talking about the small differences and how similar they were since ancient times. Christianity on the other hand was shaped by europeans completely and thus it is the way it is, not like islam. Core reason why corrupt vatican is in europe. Same with jews hating christianity, its too good and goes against them taking the rule over people. Last 200 years we have been going down hill, you just have to take a look outside and ask why is everything so degenerate.

u mad bro?

That's an outsiders way of looking at it.
Remove Christ and God from the equation and tell me Christianity is bad in any way for the West

I see, im thinking of moving to our capital to practice until next summer and then going back after summer maybe, just figuring out my work since i work from home. These days seems like the best option, to start moving around more, doing something intresting, european related and it might end up being useful in the future.


I imagine in city fights spears, pikes, and halberds would be most useful since in a crowded riot you may not have time for a swing

it's obvious christianity need to have political backing to enforce it's ideas and become fruitfull. No one ever questioned that and that post is retarded

Long range weapons are always good as long as you can make sure a person cant get close to you. Has been like that historically, you can practice basicly anything, most do long sword tho. Btw polish company makes equipment for HEMA, so there is probably a good community for it in poland.

maces are also good if not too big

no, what are you christians fighting for? you have no structure or order, thats why your girls become whores, at least muslims have a political system

In clashed riots it can be difficult to wield a polearm
That's why you put a tip on your one-handed weapon be it a mace/axe/sword etc

The wakizashi has a blade between 30 and 60 cm (12 and 24 in),[4] with wakizashi close to the length of a katana being called ō-wakizashi and wakizashi closer to tantō length being called ko-wakizashi.[5] The wakizashi being worn together with the katana was the official sign that the wearer was a samurai or swordsman of feudal Japan. When worn together the pair of swords were called daishō, which translates literally as "big-little".[6] The katana was the big or long sword and the wakizashi the companion sword.[7][8] Wakizashi are not necessarily just a smaller version of the katana; they could be forged differently and have a different cross section.[9]

what's the muslim political system? Most Christian is feudal with God at the top and monarch as the top earthly vassal, Christian fight is a fight for morals, order and peace, against sin that corrupts entire countries and against violent subhuman trash that refuse teachings of Christian God and also to protect your people, especially the innocent

>what's the muslim political system?

Your God is a cunt and your religion a cancer upon the world, only Judaism and Islam are worse.

theres shariah in islam its a complete set of laws basically and you only leech on current politics in all cases thats why you are destroyed Allah has cursed you

I don't think you can call that a political system, its a set of rules but so are commandments

cuckstianity is judaism half brother
((old testament))
also christianity doesnt care about race
only cares about getting more christians, that's why it was spreaded in africa.

what would the bible say about the millions of christian niggers that are living in europe or america?
they are your equal

"Love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you.” ( Mt 5.44 , Lu 6.27 , Lu 6.3 ) “Do not use force against an evil man.” ( Mt 5.39 ) “Do not resist evil with evil.” “Forgive and you will be forgiven.” (Lu 6.37 ) “Do not be anxious about your life.”( Lu 12.22 ) “In everything do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Mat 7.12 )

Wanna know how I know you didn't read the thread?
These only apply to fellow Christians.

Mark 5:11
There was a herd of pigs grazing on a nearby hillside

Ya'll cherry pickers

>pic related
literally meaningles, le 2050 face
>Implying Sharia law is respected by most muslims
>Implying it can ever applied to its fullest
>implying it's not a inferior relic of a system

the "anti race mixing" verses are pure fucking laughable speculation

as i said before millions of the refugees in europe are christians or would convert if need be.
>These only apply to fellow Christians.
tell me how christianity is supposed to get rid of them
it wont. it doesnt matter if you've been christians a lifetime or your ancestors were. you're at the same level of a nigger that just landed ashore

>These only apply to fellow Christians
Those are all the spoken commands of Christ Himself to all men.

All of those are the spoken Word of God. Direct quotes of Christ.


Implying church didn't build a system of methods of how to deal with non-believers (purging, forcebly converting, clensing with trorture)

>Direct quotes of Christ
mmm you're right
I hold some pretty harsh reservations about Christ.
He was a mirror copy of a heretic from 10 years earlier called Simon who led a rebellion.
And the evidence that they found his remains in a tomb is more than compelling.

Wealth and Freedom spoiled the west so much there are people who seriously want to larp as christian isis.

Be carefull what you wish for, instability poverty and violence gives birth to those organizations you want to be part in. Moreover, they have a tendency to declare quite a few people traitors/heretics, which you might fall into.

All in all I bleieve you are just spoiled brats, nothing more.

>I hold some pretty harsh reservations about Christ

That's three shitholes I see lol
is that your argument?

First we would need startup militias that can plan for and defend against the islamic menace. The problem is too many christians have been sold on the leftist agenda of gays, communism, and of course refugees and most belivers who would take up the sword are scattered and afraid to seek out other potential defenders of their faith. Only once we seek out and train ourselves can we properly push where most politicians won't. Once enough Christians have united they begin to Deus Vult all of the rapefugees back to where they came from.

They're not buddhists if they're chopping up people.

can you even read?

ill make it more simple for you.
your church has no problem with a completely BLACKED europe as long as it stays christians.

race isnt part of the equation here. your belief works like this
believer= good
unbeliever = bad

your religion is saving niggers on a daily basis in order to get more disciples
and killed white europeans because they didnt want to convert to a judaic religion.

As I said earlier I was raised a Baptist but am Agnostic.
I am returning to church but hold reservations about the deity side of things.
Do you have any arguments refuting this position?

If you don't know Greek you've never read the bible.

>not realizing gays are a self solving problem

Go look up their suicide and breeding rates.

>we deus vult now
>we save europe

just a note on the Buddhist thing

There is surprise in the West at the Buddhist Burma dealing with Muslim hordes. This is because Buddhist in West are generally hippy dippy peace-nic types

Whereas Buddhists in the East are normal. If you punch a buddhist in Thailand or Tibet for instanc, he'd punch you back for sure.

The Western 'spirituality/hippy scene' is cucked beyond measure. Full of fakes on the CIA payroll

>returning to Christ
>without Christ
wew lad
If all you mean by "church" is you're walking into a building and associating with people who call themselves Christians, that's utterly and completely meaningless.

Just admit it Pol. It's over. Islam will rule the west

What if you fuck off and stop advertising your shitty website?

Certain denominations are less putrefied as others.
Some Catholics are puritans but they're around 50/50. Mormons are based, Jehovah's Witnesses try to be as based as possible. Amish style people are an unkown

mad cus bad?
Bible states niggers are beasts pretending to be human (won't quote but find the KKK leader talking about this), blacks and muslims are violent therefore evil (check stats)
You obviously haven't been to catholic church nigger

Yes they can physically attack you for not wearing a shirt and showing off tattoos. This happens to western tourists more so like Aussies and Americans.

Any fucking news outlet at the moment you absolute inept cunt.
Whilst it's exaggerated so that THEY make us take in gook saracens, it is happening.

>Bible states niggers are beasts pretending to be human

oh really?

>Says the pole

How many poor Germans and Russians did you brutes kill in the 40's? Muslims and blacks killed none back then.

>implying pope francis isn't a fag degenerate that belongs on a cross

are you retarded XD

Kiss my feet and suck on my toes. Your pope orders it!!

Ever heard of Christian Values?
I assume you weren't raised a strict Christian or you'd understand.
Basic morality and decency is 90% of church, everything that plagues today's west is abhorred in the church. Scantily clad women and bastard children, drugs, alcohol, gambling, idolatry and degenerate music, even profanity.
I'm a Blue Collar guy in New Zealand where we have loads of Boongas and they conduct themselves in a far more "holy" manner than most of us whites, the only divide is Christianity

>won't quote but find the KKK leader talking about this
how about every other priest running the sunday's mass ?
lets go ahead and ask him about this surely he will agree

Christian values aren't Christian values without God. They're just arbitrary worthless garbage nonsense.

Catholics aren't Christian.

oh there we go

>not the true sub-cult

what a fucking joke

>implying vatican doesn't reject the truth from bible for political reasons and has to be red pilled

>every other christian is wrong
>im the only one that gets it right

any 'Christian revival' would be manipulated and shilled to conform with the establishment.

and any attempts of digging deeper for the truth by looking into gnosticism or something runs the risk of being sucked into freemasonic circles.

'They' have been manipulating people for a long time, they are good at it. Whenever anything gets 'organized' they will man ipulate themselves to the top of the organization.

The one thing that terrifies 'them' is the decentralization and disorganization of the internets.

user of the internets, by being so autistically inept and disorganized you have become THE biggest threat that the establishment has seen in a thousand years!

poland is a shithole

lol wut, They are base values that you strive to adhere to, your personal relationship with God is to help you do this.
You got it backwards

Furthermore, please explain why you perceive Christian Values to be
>arbitrary worthless garbage nonsense

>the value of God's commands comes before God Himself
Christ save me from the philosophically illiterate.

imagine if every single human being in the next couple of generations was to become a Sup Forums autist

literally no one working, no one fueling the jewish economy

it will never happen(we'd be replaced by chinks or niggers), i know, but it would be a sight to see