Fucking Sweden. You WILL accept and welcome refugees.
I thought we were past this! I thought we could let you make the right decisions but it's clear the EU is needed as a voice for morality in Europe now more than ever!
Fucking Sweden. You WILL accept and welcome refugees
jews really run everything it seems like from the UN to the EU, like wtf. Why arent nations funding israels destruction knowing that jews are undermining their safety and security, these are literally acts of war under the guise of migration and SJW law nonsense.
Sweden has taken in the most third world shits than any other, why should they have to take more and more. they've done far more than their fair share
Good! It would be racist if Sweden didn't comply to their masters.
Sweden is what pushed me from "yes, it's all shit, I'm not getting involved in politics" to "I'VE SEEN ENOUGH, THIS INSANITY NEEDS TO BE STOPPED."
when are they going to wake up
It's gotten to the point where this shit is comical.
Why dont the Swedes just say "fuck you" and stand strong? Dont they realize that the V4 are doing the same thing and that the Merkle is a paper tiger who has to rig the election to stay in power?
Won't stop until you start putting these genocidal traitors in the ground.
Because other Countries are not complying with the refugee quota. And the number of war refugees may have declined in recent months but the number of economic migrants has not.
Sweden MUST do its share, per the EU's orders.
I don't want other countries, who refuse to take more islamic invaders, to take more islamic invaders, even if it means that many islamic invaders will leave my country.
My country, unfortunately, only knows the extremes in politics.
Sweden better accept more diversity. We need more cultural enrichment enforcers.
My inspirational idol, Barbara Spectre is right, Europe needs to evolve from this dumb tribalistic self-preservation nonsense. To donate towards multicultural NGOs and diversity think tanks, call []888[]045[]1488. Thank you for your consideration.
lmao how the fuck is finland getting away with accepting so few refugees?
It's all rich jews hiding in protected parts of the western world. The jews in israel dont give two shits they are just dodging sand nigger rockets and trying to hold on to their land
They're fucking nuts.
EU should be shot for being enemies of virtually any nation that wants to keep its customs, culture and history intact. The EU cares for nothing but its replacement migration scheming, in order to eliminate all racial homogeneity and create a world-wide war through increased socioeconomic tensions. They are all global economic terrorists and should be viewed as enemies of humanity.
I can't even joke about it anymore. Poor Sweden. This is pure evil.
Replacement must continue. No other choice, no other way, borders dont work. Besides you fail at reproduction and cant sustain your disgusting perverted consumerist lifestyle. Therefore you need to risk importing hordes of antagonistic races and cultures, hoping what they will work for you and not straight up bash your head in on the street for no reason.
good, we could use a few arabs and africans
open your borders Swede, open your heart,
save the refugees
god bless you
We must remember that the people of these European nations do NOT care. They prove time and time again that this is the will of the people, by voting for pro EU parties, by voting for pro immigration parties.
If the will of the people dictated it, we could have a white ethno-Europe tomorrow. I would add that the same can be said of the UK, Germany and France.
Do not feel pity for those that will not help themselves. They have an incredible tool at their disposal, democracy. How do they use it?