Late capitalism is a real thing. Karl Marx is laughing in his grave. Enjoy that infinity growth Sup Forums into nothingness. Retail apocalypse is true, 2018 is going to be really bad. Next come Sears, and then everyone else.
Late capitalism is a real thing. Karl Marx is laughing in his grave...
Was it 'late capitalism' when the demand for horses plummeted due to the combustion engine?
late stage is a faggot meme for plebbitors
you have to go back
>in all fields
Amazon is just buying everything
recreating the start of 1900's
>industrial revolution
3D printing
>airplane for travel
commercial space flights
>combustion engine
Electric car
No. Talkies I tell you. Talkies ruined the moving picture show.
Who /bionicles/ here?
Oh please, there is just no more money to be made in the future, and without labor the system collapses, capitalism needs to reinvent itself otherwise it will not survive as it is now.
Automation will see to this. Absolutely nothing lasts forever, that includes this rigged as fuck system which has monopolies in every aspect of anything that is productive. Now all we gotta wait for is the next correction so we can prop this dying system again.
>there's no such thing as new inventions, creating new industry
Holy fuck you're stupid
Swell argument, hotshot.
>without labor the system collapses
>Automation will see to this
I you can't figure out how to make money without labour, you're just going to have to die.
Get me off this "Elyisum/WALL-E" timeline.
Walmart is actually doing pretty well lately
>"T-THIS IS THE END OF CAPITALISM!" said the increasingly nervous Marxist for the 180th year
The great depression was supposed to be the end of capitalism. So was the hyperinflation crisis of the 70s, or the dot com bubble, or automation of manufacturing, or the housing market collapse.
Capitalism is extremely resilient. Your shitty failed ideology always collapses. Marx was a charlatan, his theories have never worked.
What inventions retard? I work in numerical control and literally machined parts that went on the spacex rockets, I would gladly listen to what you are on about because if anything, the technology you talk about just makes things accelerate faster, things are becoming easier and cheaper to make, as far as manufacturing goes. I think we are in agreement but you're just being retarded and not realizing that you are agreeing with what i'm saying. Anyways. I have now left this thread. I have school tomorrow.
>Capitalism is extremely resilient
Until the next fix is in. Let it fucking die already. I would rather have quick pain instead of this bloated corpse continuing. The system is doomed my friend and as much as I dislike communism, marx will be right about this one thing and the occurrences that surround us is proof of that. I'm not saying we haven't progressed thanks to capitalism, we wouldn't be where we are right now if it wasn't for capitalism, but if you think it is some universal system that will last forever, when nothing lasts forever, absolutely speaking, then you're just as crazy as marx is.
Shit's too expensive, there are a shitload more niggers and mexicans fucking everywhere, which makes things even MORE expensive due to shrinkage, whites moving to enclaves while (((they))) raise the prices of houses there, and anything affordable that isn't out in the goddamn country also has niggers and mexicans there.
We have big, big issues, the the biggest issues are niggers and mexicans. Life would be much cheaper without them.
>what is the Internet
>what is Amazon
Nobody shops for toys and gadgets in brick-and-mortar stores anymore.
Of course Marx was right. It's been clear for a long time.
> this dying system
You underestimate capitalist. Do you think you privet consumers are needed? Ha, very entitled. Future would be automated monopolies selling resources and robots parts to each other.
Return on investment has been constantly in decline since the 1800s, just as Marx envisioned.
Now the only profitable investment is fucking property, since land is finite and everyone demands it. Eventually land prices will be so high it will only be affordable to oligarchs and then the proles will decide we've had enough, rise up and start fucking shit up. Your days are numbered, porky filth. Watch out.
Day to day, nothing ever happens, but you can try out propaganda and laugh at what people actually react to.
If you carefully read Marx you will see that communism will not ave you from robots. It will replace you will robots. With materialistic determinism of Marx there is no reason to keep humans if they become less efficient and non productive.
What kind of internet platform can I start when real-life workers aren't needed anymore?
It's fucking dogma at this point. Marxism is a cult.
>With materialistic determinism of Marx there is no reason to keep humans if they become less efficient and non productive.
Marxism is humanist. Capitalism will dispose of humans as soon as robots are more productive, since capitalists only see human value in terms of specific productivity within the confines of capitalism.
>Not understanding why our purchasing power has diminished
>Not mentioning the central banking infrastructure
>Not talking about sub-prime lending
>Not talking about the accumulation of debt
>Thinking we want to replace a fucked up system that inflates and crashes with a system that never works in the first place
You commies are infantile in your analysis. When will these shit eating cucks learn?
If capitalism is collapsing then what is next? A world with no need for money? ( except gold press latinum whatever that is
>20 years of garbage tier kid toys
>dont cater to demo older than 8
>dont recognize tabletop games
>dont sponsor kickstarter board/card games
>dont keep good vidya game selection
>dont try to offer exclusive items/editions
>Karl Marx was right.
When I was like 15 I could buy WW2 nazi models, D&D and comic related shit, play some mario 64, check out all of the PS1 games, skate down the isles and grab some magic cards on the way out. I might even buy a metal album.
They changed and went soft. So many places made an active decision to "clean up their act" that half of Sup Forums doesnt realize how much different the world is compared to 20 years ago even. Now the shitlibs and SJWs have their foot on the neck of anyone who dares appeal to anyone so there is no going back. I dont even think the idiots realize the side effects of their bullshit. The system isnt faulty, people just wont stop kicking the machine.
>You commies are infantile in your analysis
>Anyone who disagrees with me is a commie
>Calling other people infantile
Sub prime lending, and usury in general has everything to do with capitalism.
The debt crisis is yet more proof we are in late-stage capitalism, money must be made from thin air in order to sustain the excess consumption that sustains profits.
Yep on paper its "humanist".
All you commies can do is nag about some "theories" of some dead German faggot that never worked in hes life, but never can lay down a functional resilient communist system.
All it bred was authoritarianism gulags and some fucked up secret police.
To keep it from all tumbling down.
Meanwhile capitalism existed since 16th century.
Communism will does it too. Essentially robots will become oppressed class and this would be historical inevitability that oppressed class removes parasitic class. If you propdice nothing, bourgeois how can you compete with glorious proletariat? You can steal added value only so long. You time is finished.
In the communism, dead industries will be kept alive, new way of commerce can not be developed.
>until the next fix in
You mean it'll adapt and become stronger? Marxism can't even fucking do that without imploding on itself. Have fun waiting the rest of your life for capitalism to end.
>Have fun waiting the rest of your life for capitalism to end.
It's already ending though. Why are left-anarchism and right-fascism gaining popularity?
>Next come Sears
I was at the mall a couple weeks ago and Sears was starting to sell shit like toilet paper, paper towels, garbage bags, and other assorted good's you would buy at the grocery store.
If they really think generic toilet paper and Ziploc bags are going to save the company they deserve to get shut down.
My Sears is an absolute shit hole, and the worst part is it's only a couple miles down the street from corporate headquarters. If the one by corporate is this bad I can't imagine how bad a Sears is on the other side of the country.
“The problem with a society aimed at only growing more consumers is obvious - it drags the strong down and halts, even reverses, evolution. Survival of the Fittest is inverted because the weak are better consumers. Consequently all the worst elements are preserved and protected, all the best elements are discouraged. Intelligence, resourcefulness, originality, curiosity - all the elements of the human brain that made us successful animals on this planet have been bred out of us.”
Those SJW college kid dumb asses brainwashed by professor Goldstein?
If you though the hippies in the 70s where pathetic watch these guys.
Get a load of this guy, he thinks the internet is real life!
The premise of late stage capitalism is false. Society and economics are not in a never ending evolution leading ultimately to better forma like you think. It is only a never ending cycle of decay followed by regeneration.
Sears used to be among the nicest stores. What went wrong?