this loony is claiming science is a religion and that the GOD of science is punishing people in the form of hurricanes for not believing in global warming
Liberals are evolving
>Getting more retarded
Did we break them?
not watching any youtube videos recommended by an arab but it is true that science has been co-opted by the left/marxist as their official religion/as a replacement for religion. And you have the same kind of irrational fanatics blindly believing what the priests (scientists) say.
I think it's brain is a little backward,
I mean, look at the eye on the left side
Are you all too retarded to realize this is satire?
>recommended by an arab
Is this bitch for reaL?
I'd fuck its mouth
>flag bantz
>hiding behind meme flag
Show yourself bong/leaf
She sounds fully woke.
Satire. You can tell that this girl is a conservatard because, like all conservative camwhores, she has fucked up teeth.
Actually, I know it has to be you posting this and I'd still totally hit it.
She's trolling and I'd let her step on my dick tbqh.
Would bang the liberalism out of her desu.
it is satire but that fucking eye is disgusting can't watch full vid
By drowning liberal cities? Sure showed them.
They are become unstable (even more so than normal) their double think is taking over.
>claiming science is a religion
finally an honest leftist
why is she cross eyed? also, why are her teeth so crooked? why do people let this disgrace become famous?
>very obviously a troll
Advertising is against the rules.
let me guess swedecuck, you're one of this girl's beta orbiters and she gets you to shill her videos here.
nobody cares about her low grade poe's law parodies.
it's satire
She's a low-key qt
is there hope for our women?
Penny is a qt
Her eyes are fucked.
>this shill thread again
Get a life. Also get views for your boring videos the normal way, by making shit that isn't boring
Did you mean "devolving"?
>tfw she took the sciencepill first and ur all brainlets