So how does your girlfriend feel about your political views?
Is she on the same page, or does she politely disagree?
So how does your girlfriend feel about your political views?
Is she on the same page, or does she politely disagree?
fuck off
Most of my girlfriends are liberals and strongly dislike their boyfriends...
shes not an inbred jew so she isnt a brainswashed sheep.
> 'I agree with what you say but you should be less harsh in how you say it'.
Good for me, she's a treasure
i'm a single pringle
It's not that hard to redpill liberal women. Just start with the easy stuff, like blacks committing disproportionately enormous amounts of crime while giving vague solutions like "something must be done" until they're ready for the true solution.
She somewhat redpilled me actually.
she's a devout christian and strongly dislikes muslims
cool by me
holy shit what an old meme
[Jetzt rede iching intensifies]
She doesn't have any strong political opinions of her own. As it should be.
My wife is totally on board. She's racist AF at this point, and she's central American. Sick of Beaners, nigs, and Muzzies.
Now I just trying to convince her that segregation was good.
Hmm, well my wife believes what I've slowly coerced her into believing. Fervently actually. When I met her she was celebrating Obama's first presidental win, now she talks with me about white genocide and deporting spics.
She agrees with around 90% of my beliefs, but isn't vocal at all about them/thinks I'm a tad TOO vocal.
wird nicht alt
... du ober äh zicke!
I asked her. She said:
So yeah, we good together.
She's not that politically alert. Thinks my views are overly harsh but recognises that I understand politics better than her.
> talking about what if hitler won right now
>we on the same page 90%
> she's more softy and feels dough
Not gunna lie, Claire's leaks were nice
My hand is quite open minded
Sup Forums will do that. 10 minutes a day bro
we alpha pepe's not virgins not chads
> sort yourself out
fucking nice. Didn't know she got fappening'd
my girlfriend stfu...then I ask her about bush...and she stfu...then I ask her about Obama...and she STFU
then I ask her about my cock...and she sucks it...
next question
She thinks shitskins are human. I just ignore her and for some reason she keeps wanting to bop me off.
Says she hates it and is a deal breaker but gives puss anyway.
We dont discuss politics at all. I've dropped a few hints but she's dumb as a stump
My GF is right leaning but mostly apolitical. Thinks politics is a frustration trap and a waste of time. Once at a social gathering she was asked if she considers herself a feminist and she laughed in disbelief and said no. She's a smart girl.
>tfw she's thiqq too
^stupid racist drips lonely cum in2 a sock^
hates niggers, abos and sand niggers as much as i do, anti-immigration and coming increasingly anti-gay. I wouldn't date someone who didn't share similar views to me.
share pls
We dont agree. Shes a special snowflake. Im a semi edgy douche.
She wants her side to be right
I want everyone to stfu and get along.
We have the same end goal i think just different views on how to get there.
Keep projecting faggit. Wasn't bragging, if anything it's a sad existence not having rp qt
All you really have to do is expose Islam and reveal how much the left is in bed with it
Same page m8, I doubt any relationship would last long if the couple differed, considering how the country is splitting in half
stupid racist feels need to respond to limp dic comment...
has she fucked a ton of guys before you?
If not, she is not beyond saving
my wife is a dem, i am not. its pretty excellent, i'm glad shes not a trump supporter, we have better conversations and learn more about each side. and i trigger her often.
Mine is basically a full blown feminist, thinks whites are evil, socialism works, etc. Oddly enough she doesn't really like blacks. I don't hide my power level at all. She thinks my views really really fucking bad and basically says she's dating a Nazi. Yet here we are. Been like this for two years and she loves my cock. Sex on demand.
Its like she likes to be punished. I belittle her beliefs all the fucking time. She gets really upset because she can't defend her positions at all. Contradicts her beliefs all the time, i.e is a feminist, thinks gender norms are wrong but wants to be a stay at home mom someday. Made her cry the other day because I texted her
>gender norms are bad unless they benefit me
Yes I green text irl fite me.
she's ok with the shit i say but she hasn't done as much thinking as i have. earlier she texted me and told me about how some fag we know sent a snap of himself wearing a dress, and she said "gay men are mostly just trying to be women". could be a lot worse desu.
She's your typical republican voter but not super political. Voted for Rubio in the primary.
She's getting there, but she has a lot of the key points down.
She even mentioned the JQ when in class with regards to why National Socialism took off in Germany and why they hated Jews. Stuff about the role of Jews in the post-WWI communist uprisings and degeneracy in Weimar Germany.
Almost caused quite a bit of trouble. She's learning she has to be careful around the uninitiated.
She doesnt like jews, but doesnt get my hate for assimilated non scandinavians living here.
she often tell me she dreams of exterminating all brown people
what do you think?
^triggers^ Nancy Pelosi's vagina^
same page-ish, I am fairly ancap but she is very conservative, i like it
You're not lying. Now I'm afriad to get drunk in public because I've been told to loudly repeat, "Gas the kikes. Race war now" when I was drunk in public.
wouldn't know don't have one
^when you dumb slutty whore...I dumb slutty whore you^
she loves niggers, huh?
Download the folder bro
when you type...I expect police to gather you up...
orson welles was a massive racist you dumb nigger
My gf is very red pilled. She hates liberals and when I start talking politics she gets all wet and goes, "you're so smart about all of this stuff it really turns me on!"
All I have to do is drop some statistics on rape crime in Sweden caused by Muslims or about how the UK is turning into a third world country, or bring up how I lost a job to illegal immigrants when I was young and doing construction.
I also say nigger in front of her and explain how the jews have caused most of what's wrong in the world and she doesn't question any of it. She's truly in love with me, feels good man.
Being a wizard is a strange kind of feel.
I just broke up. She was conservative, but not extreme as me.
when you type...I expect your racist white mouth to surround my penis
Hey I'm here. Keep trying though, I'm enjoying this.
get that faggot shit out of here dude
My wife hates how much i sensationalize it, but she agrees. She hates trump but shes not a left radical anti-trump liberal sjw dyke. She had the same normie opinion as the rest
>no experience, hillary is a politician, i dont like his education cutting
She never expressed views of "muh first woman" or "trump cant grab my pussy".....oddly enough, when presented with the evidence that hillary would have brought muslims over, shes glad that trump isnt bringing them in by the cargo container.
you fagged up my cock...I didn't make you fag up my voluntarily fagged up my cock
Far leftist. She doesn't know much about them other than that I hate drugs. She's going to dry weed today with her friend, which might mean we're done.
She is more Ancap then me at times. Nice to have a gf who keeps you in check every now and then.
where did you wander in here from? why don't you leave and take your fag perversions with you?
I find this hilarious but entirely expected
how old are you?
I was dating an older SJW chick but I revealed my power level too much too early and she kinda dumped me. For most of the relationship I'd counter her liberal talking points with sound logic and she seemed reasonable and open to it. But all the hysteria as of late kind of warped her thinking and she went full SJW "resistance" mode. If it wasn't for facebook we could probably fix these broken women
if I wanted to hear from a pre-pubescent girl...i'd ask your mom...or are you a funny boy?...are you a funny boy?
ok go talk to my mom just fuck off
Seems like she's just going along with your political beliefs to appease you. She's probably secretly liberal. And women don't hate Trump for logical reasons like his policies. They hate him because he's a powerful, arrogant, unabashed white male. If she has an ilogical hatred of him that's a bad sign. Don't be surprised if she divorces you one day
She is kinda communist. In the old way, not the SJW bullshit it has become, so...we both hate niggers, feminism and so, just in different ways.
I understand is a weakling
does being a nigger suck as bad as i think it does?
>what is a gf?
She is a far leftist, but she votes for a shit country that I don't care for, so it's all good.
^does being a racist dumbfuck make you feel large?^
Not at all
>good at 'dancing'
>don't burn
>go to jail
how does that black cock breath of her's smell
or is she the shitskin herself?
I can only get in a few jokes and a few true statements before she gets kind of quiet.
Last girlfriend was a latina (ivy league grad though nb4 chola spic) and she would actually laugh at my full blown right wing death squad antics and actually agreed on a lot of it whilst holding her own views.
I don't have a boyfriend
i like being white and i'd hate being a nigger. why does that make me a racist? you only come here because you've secretly wished you were white since the day you were born.
she's ok with my views but hates my wife:(
fucking jew commie bitch.
Can't really shit on this. You gave me a giggle m8
I also dated a liberal whore and never hid my power level. Sometimes we'd stay up arguing all night with my buddies because she wouldn't shut the fuck up about how the wall won't work, whites will become a minority, there's no difference between races. All while we were full on white nationalists.
Then I'd take her to the room and fuck she brains out and she'd come running back the next day. I cut her off and she immidiately went out to a anti-trump march
when you miserable... no1 else miserables....dumbfuck
why do you put yourself through that?
when you type...8 british mothers rape young boyz
If you can't get your girlfriend to agree with your political views, you have a weak personality. The mind of every girl I have dated has been like putty in my hands.
Claire who?
this fuck you fuck you fuck you
Quite jelly, user.
^said a dumbfuck that has only dated his mom's sisters^