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I don't get it.
It's just COTTON, just PICK the damn stuff!
Faggots trying to force Christian private businesses to bake cakes for their wedding
Fuck that. You can't make him do shit.
Just go to another baker instead of crying a fucking river WAHHHHHHH
You retards are gonna get trump re elected.
Can I demand a nazi flag cake with gas the kikes race war now. from a jewish baker?
Basicly cake is art so someone could force Speilberg to make a gay porn.
There is absolutely no reason for society to treat relationships that exclude one of the sexes the same way as relationships that include both sexes.
They want the attention. Same reason atheists sue schools because of "prayer" or whatever. They don't actually give a shit about the issue, they just want their 15 minutes on CNN.
Written by (((The Economist))) so mind the extreme bias
Wasn't this more about the fact that they wanted the bakers to participate in the ceremony?
it's just pussy, just stick your dick in there already faggit
It's just PUSSY, just FUCK the damn thing!
dang it, i was too slow lol
bitch I bake it like hostess
Originally I was thinking that the baker should have the freedom to refuse business, but then I started thinking about what if every company was allowed to refuse business? For example, what if Google suddenly refused to allow alt-righters to use any of their services? That would be a pretty fucked up world, considering they are practically a monopoly for certain things. Take AdWords, which controls a huge portion of advertising and the money that comes with it. Now imagine that zero alt-right sites could receive any of that advertising money. They would all be banned from Youtube as well. That's practically dystopian.
So yeah, now I think they should be forced to bake the gay cake for the sake of greater freedom.
You would just do the smart thing and go Apple like you should have all along.
Sup Forums uses google and android and then whines about how fucking left wing that shit company is.
It's a fucking CAKE, just buy one elsewhere.
You know they wouldnt push muslims to do it.
What reasoning would the court use that is actually supported by precedent to overturn Colorado's anti-gay discrimination law? Which justices would support a decision to overturn this law? How could they square this with refusing such exceptions for racial characteristics? Why would they do so when 2 years ago they decided to expand gay rights?
Here is an article by everyone's favorite Jew outlining the case for upholding the decision of the appeals court in Colorado:
Here is an actual precedent for this case where conservative justices ruled that religion does not entitle exceptions to having to follow state law:
Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, observed that the Court has never held that an individual's religious beliefs excuse him from compliance with an otherwise valid law prohibiting conduct that government is free to regulate. Allowing exceptions to every state law or regulation affecting religion "would open the prospect of constitutionally required exemptions from civic obligations of almost every conceivable kind." Scalia cited as examples compulsory military service, payment of taxes, vaccination requirements, and child-neglect laws.
Employment Division, Department of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith
Christian Legal Society Chapter v. Martinez
They never ask muslim bakers to do it
Firstly, Apple fucking sucks. They're a company that offers nothing except propaganda. Secondly, Apple is left wing garbage as well.
Also doesn't change the fact that Google owns the largest, by a very significant margin, advertisement and video platforms.
How many Muslim-owned bakeries are there in the state of Colorado?
why aren't gay people mad at muslims too?
I mean if he were an actual gay person he would have a right to sue if this occurred in a state with anti-gay discrimination laws. Either it hasn't yet, or the person it happened to chose not to sue. Either way if the law is being applied neutrally to all religions, it will hold up in court based on precedent.
>ignores the high quality of Apple products.
Yeah Apple sucks. That's why they build the most stable and reliable devices on the planet and have the worlds best customer support.
Inb4 "muh freedom of choice"
Yes, because the average user gives a shit about rooting their shitdriod 5 minutes after they buy it. :-/
businesses already have a right to refuse service to anyone, provided they dont say shit like "its just cause your a nigger" or fag or kike etc etc. these days you could probably just say you have ptsd from an attack and the person looks like the one who attacked you, so doing business with them causes you to have panic attacks.
it's worse than that. they are anti-christian and want to force their degenerate lifestyle on christians.
it's a fucking CAKE, just bake it yourself
Exactly, they can't refuse service based on sexual orientation in Colorado. If you believe that wanting a cake for a gay marriage was not a part of someone's sexual orientation, I dunno what to say to you.
How can you say that laws can be upheld that say you cannot discriminate by race but you CAN by sexual orientation?
what would happen is that competition would rise and sweep the unserviced customers and voila google loses its monopoly
>How can you say that laws can be upheld that say you cannot discriminate by race but you CAN by sexual orientation?
But you can discriminate other people religion?
Shut up faggot. You're either the most gullible meme-tier nu-conservative or a really transparent leftist shill.
>How can you say that laws can be upheld that say you cannot discriminate by race but you CAN by sexual orientation?
Neither of those laws should even be upheld, though
That's not how it would work at all, and that's not how it works now. You lolbertarians never cease to amaze me. You think Google is like a standard monopoly? They're more powerful than the railroad and oil monopolies that inspired anti-trust laws in the first place. They have no competition. Either we need to regulate the internet like a public utility, or we need to hit Google with anti-monopoly laws and fuck their revenues to fund a competitor.
>high quality of apple products
>reddit space
>average user
just what in sweet fuck are you doing here if you dont leave I will tell your mum
Comparing a tiny christian business to Google.
This and this for lolz
jew detected
visit walmartsubsidywatch.org
the 1964 Civil Rights Act was a mistake. Berry Goldwater and Ron Paul were right.
It is not base on "sexual orientation", but on the bakers religious belief that it is wrong and a sin. "It is just pork muzzie goy'm, just kill it and serve it already"! Not really a bigot, just proving a point! If the baker has to serve to gays, then jews/muslims must serve pork!
Fucking kill fags, leftists, niggers, and kikes. They all need to fucking die.
If there's such a demand for gay wedding cakes why the hell hasn't some faggot capitalized on this and opened a gay cake shop?
stop posting tweets from literally who's.
You new? These homos do nothing but post nobody's twitter comments all fucking day.
That sounds gay.
At this rate I may vote for Trump in 2020, if he's not impeached next year that is.
No one else is saying fuck off to the muzzies and fags as much. Hilary(yeah, it was spelled with one "L") would have made it law for everyone to become gay in some way or be sued.
What if your religion requires you to take drugs that are illegal? There was a case about that and the Supreme Court ruled that the state is able to regulate that and religion is not a means to commit illegal acts.
Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, observed that the Court has never held that an individual's religious beliefs excuse him from compliance with an otherwise valid law prohibiting conduct that government is free to regulate. Allowing exceptions to every state law or regulation affecting religion "would open the prospect of constitutionally required exemptions from civic obligations of almost every conceivable kind." Scalia cited as examples compulsory military service, payment of taxes, vaccination requirements, and child-neglect laws.
Employment Division, Department of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith
Honestly though why are religious freaks triggered by what other people do in their own lives?
I'm assuming no one's running around at night to Christians' houses and planting a giant burning cock in their yard and screaming, "Get out Christ lover!"
>religion is not a means to commit illegal acts.
So not baking a cake to some faggots is ilegal now?
>from civic obligations
How is baking a cake a civic obligation?
sad day when the Left doesn't understand the Bill of Rights and the 1st amendment.
Not enough demand. Turns out more people care about quality than politics in real life.
Why can't gays just go to another baker that actually wants their money?
The law requires you to do your job equally for all customers if you own a for-profit business open to the public. They can regulate behavior, not speech. He is allowed to believe that gay marriage is wrong, and express that publicly, even at work, but he cannot refuse service on that basis.
It is his obligation under Colorado state law as an owner of a for-profit business open to the public. Golf clubs can refuse to host gay weddings.
>eats bacon in front of mosque or temple
>homos makeout in christian bakery
>spitefully ask for gay themed cake
>fag wants wedding cake
>don't want to violate my faith but also hate fags
>decide "ya I'll bake your cake.."
>wedding cake with laxative laced icing
>bring that shit to a gay wedding party of 100+ fags
>sit in the back of the reception hall watching fags choke down cake
>mfw 100+ fags moments later are shitting all over the place and trampling each other to get to the bathrooms
>What if your religion requires you to take drugs that are illegal?
Gonzales v. O Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao do Vegetal (2006
Hahahaha I love Trump today.
>Man is forced to bake a cake
>Apple can't be forced to write backdoor-able OS for the FBI
hmmm. causes me to ponder
They eventually did but the issue is saying this is ok, however minor the actual harm, would legitimize anti-gay discrimination of all stripes as well as invalidate all such laws which would set a discordant precedent in the face of Obergefell v Hodges and allowing racially based anti-discrimination laws. Either these laws are ALL constitutional, or they ALL are not.
You can't pick and choose which characteristic is is ok to discriminate on.
>business refuses service
>other business takes service
>first business is less profitable
wow amazing woah
more importantly
>forcefully compelling someone to perform a service
that's slavery
>You can't pick and choose which characteristic is is ok to discriminate on.
You absolutely can and do.
im going to a jewish bakery later and asking for a cake with christ standing on fallen a dreidel
Slavery is if you don't pay them, and beat them, and rape them, and own them, and they can't quit.
That is federal law, this is state law. The Supreme Court needs to only uphold the validity of Colorado's right to have such a law, not the federal government's right to intercede on behalf of all gays in matters of discrimination.
They cannot refuse service on account of race. This was hotly debated in the mid 20th century, and thoroughly settled in the courts. Why sexual orientation deserves separate treatment, there is no basis unless you are claiming sexual orientation minorities are a lesser class of citizen, and the Supreme Court did not do that in the gay marriage case, why would they here?
What if someone claims smelling extremely bad is their religion, is it ok to bar them from a fancy restaurant? According to your logic, you can't.
>this is state law
And if a state law is found to violating someone's 1st Amendment right, such as forcing someone to partake in a wedding ceremony that runs counter to their religious beliefs?
Leftist businesses regularly fire people over right wing views. See the recent Google fiasco.
Fuck these faggots. Go to another bakery.
>come on schlomo
>its just a cake
The mother fucking maga hat bday cake rejected by another baker? Cakes. And rings. And failing to recognise how Ruth and Naomi=Literal Adams and Eves. And born eunuchs. And David and Jonathan's sexual bonding. Then you don't know fucking anything. Nobody wants your stupid woman raisin cakes. Ever. That's all pagan BS. Straight out of the Bible. Rings are indicative of Sauron. You fucking morons
What about size? Hair color? Type of clothes they were? There are numerous characteristics that you can very well discriminate on just because you feel like it.
>sexual orientation minorities are a lesser class of citizen
You aren't fucking people, for starters.
Federal Supremacy clause. Colorado has no real rights, just like the rest of the states. Basically, states can have more freedom, but not LESS, like the fags want.
You don't understand these people at all. They literally think Christianity is the root of all problems in the world.
>christians are religious freaks
>degenerates with a fetish for sticking their dicks in men's poop shoots that's been meme'd falsely as "sexual orientation" are perfectly normal
Why shouldn't the christians just be forced to bake a cake to publicaly celebrate degeneracy, goyim?
get yourself a based windows tablet
That would be more of an intrusion on your privacy and right to enjoy a space. If someone is disheveled in appearance that is still allowable grounds for removing someone from a for-profit, publicly open business.
Either you cannot refuse service on the basis of race or sexual orientation in Colorado, or you can refuse on the basis of both. Overturning the appeals court ruling would make a mockery of any state anti-discrimination statutes.
How exactly is job behavior 1st amendment protected? You cannot compel speech but you can compel action, and courts have consistently ruled that.
You are not forcing them to attend the wedding you are forcing them to interact with gay customers. The act of baking the cake is not altered, it is not more burdensome on the baker to have to bake a cake for gays so why should it be more burdensome for the gays to obtain such a cake?
None of those were protected under Colorado state law. The point of such a law is to protect traits of a minority group believed vulnerable to persecution by a majority group and that's exactly what happened here.
My aunt's friend bakes weddings cakes for a living, he says fags call him up fishing for lawsuits when he says he only bakes "wedding cakes" not "gay wedding cakes" then he informs them there's no such thing as a gay wedding cake when they bitch at him.
So you can force a Muslim to serve you pork then?
>degenerate with fetish to cause fall of man mix species grab their daughter's asses and anybdoy else's and go to a synagogue of satan
>also degenerate with a fetish to eat fungus and protozoa and not understand a damn thing about biology and hate himself and is a gender and Christ killer or traitor. And thinks she knows everything. And then went to an isis meeting
>the state should be able to force people to do business that they don't want to do based on the thoughts that are possibly inside their head
Discrimination is not ok, but businesses should have the right to refuse service for any damn reason they want.
Yes, it should be law that any Muslim that does not serve you pork can be stomped to death.
how many fag friendly bakeries are there? as a denverfag i can confirm that there are many and this couple wanted to stir some shit as they could have gotten a cake from a number of different bakeries.
Okay, can I have a Hitler cake saying 1488 best day of my life with a cookie concentration camp on top?
No. Why would pork be on the menu of a Muslim bakery?
Businesses cannot be coerced into producing anti-gay messages:
Its a real shame that this bakery had a complete monopoly on all cake business in the US. There is literally no other way to obtain a cake in the entire United States of America other than to go through this one bakery.
>legal tender is printed on money because reasons and because it's "clearly" not all simply usury