Vox Gay getting absolutely wrecked by Torba and GAB at large

This is hilarious to watch. His fucking wife is out there making stupid legal arguments on his behalf. Vox fanboys are going to be working double hard to save this idiot's reputation...and they do it for free.

Other urls found in this thread:


Vox is a one man cringefest

Can I get a brief rundown of the situation for somebody who doesn't religiously follow washed-up pseudo-famous science fiction authors from the 1990s?


I honestly thought he was a meme when I first learned about him. Calling himself "Supreme Dark Lord" and the shit about having an IQ of 200 with him standing there all bald and pasty looking, I thought it was some satirical character made to make fun of the alt-lite. How has this guy not been bullycided off the internet until now?

that synopsis looks like the most generic game of thrones / lord of the rings ripoff of all time

Yeah but what's this situation about? I only know him from a couple of episodes of molyneux. I don't read fantasy and I figured he was full of shit when he claimed to be a game developer, but I thought he had some play opinions. His takedown of George RR Martin was pretty funny

>Vox hates neonazis so he goes at andrew anglin calling him a fed etc.
>Anglin's fans respond, a couple of them call vox a pedophile
>Vox says he will sue those anonymous accounts for defamation (lol) forgetting that he also calls his enemies pedophiles and encourages others to do the same
>Vox cries to torba, says he wants identities of accounts and posts deleted
>Torba tells him he'll only act on a court order
>Vox calls and e-mails him asking him to ban ebil Nazi's from Gab
>Torba tell "supreme dar lord" to eat shit and laughs at his whole ridiculous persona
>Vox says he will quit Gab until it distances itself from free speech

All of this because Vox is friends with several high profile fags and wants to become the defacto leader of a more presentable version of the Alt-right.

>How has this guy not been bullycided off the internet until now?
He didn't even enter into the general consciousness until he started a little bitch fest on Gab about Anglin a couple days ago.

Well, he fought a bunch of harpies in the sci-fi sphere a few years ago (see: Sad Puppies/Rabid Puppies), but tipping over the Hugos is the Special Olympics of political activism.

I don't know much about the situation but just reading this makes me believe I will not be giving a shit about any of this now until the rest of eternity

Oh, the kike wants to gain some goy points after several censorship of JQ.

stupid fucking kike

Gaymergate faggot just wants to write books and stay edgy. Unwilling to go where everyone else is going because he is personally compromised and can never be anything more than an alt lite cuckold.

do these shitskinned parasites don't know they are obvious?

the constant shilling of (((gab))) on here isn't by accident.

Very succinct. The most retarded thing is Vox and Anglin agree about IRL optics. Vox is throwing a bitchfit in the hopes his site and book sales don't get shut down by tech elites, but he's drawing far more attention to himself by looking like a bitch.

>Free speech
>Speech without any possible boundary

Some faggots can't see the difference

I have an idea... Let's mass report him to get his shit demonetized and shut down as hate speech

Apparently that was due to the hosting company / registrar threatening to get rid of them if they didn't delete the post making fuck of St. Heather

Why is she so fucking untouchable?

You aren't allowed to mock and satirize state sponsored terror attacks and false flags

I was vaguely aware of him as being Cernovich's beta orbiter.

Why are we purity spiraling and trying to wreck every fledging alt right alternative platform to goybook/twatter/etc? There is no muh freeze peach as long as they have to use sjw domain registrars, or sjw hosts or sjw ddos protection. THERE IS NO FREE SPEECH ON THE NET WITHOUT INFRASTRUCTURE TO SUPPORT IT. Anglin is either a Milo tier provocateur faggot or a plant out to shut down every rw service he can with his retarded meme.

people have been trolling him and he can't take the bantz so hard he's going around threatening to sue people is all i've gathered from it

He doesn't get online video ad shekels, far as I know. Best people can do is not buy books from his publishing company. This libel shitshow, combined with his gargling of Milo's balls is plenty enough evidence for me.

Yup, its a pretty flimsy narrative as it is. If people are allowed to poke fun it'll fall apart all the faster.

Anglin's situation has normies waking up to the idea of the internet being entirely controlled. Tucker is even getting it out on Fox News. If he is ZOG controlled, it's backfiring.

The situation has also incentivized people to build a non sjw registrar. I believe Torba is doing it, as well as others.

greetings fellow altrighters

how do you do

At this rate, Google Chrome will be hard-coded to default to Google DNS. Same for all Google Home devices. Soon enough, the same will be true for Alexa devices. All of these DNS will flout the law and filter out 'undesireable' content on the DNS level, and frankly they have the ability to do so. What political will can be mounted against industrial titans?


Torba is a fucking faggot.

Gab is the same silicon valley shit that never turns a profit and just sucks up idiot investor cash.

Yeah it's really flimsy, especially considering the fact that recent video footage was released proving that Heather was never hit by the challenger at all. In fact, she simply stumbled and fell from the surprise of the car suddenly whipping past her and then had a heart attack due to her terrible health. This is why the narrative quickly died in the media


He was a conservative columinst in the early 2000s. Then he went full alt-right after being all over gamergate.

Yes that is free speech, moron.

I'm not sure they'd be willing to totally remove the mask like that. But at that point we'd have to push legislation through Congress to nationalize some of their services and make their terms of service the limits of the first amendment. No more "but we're a private corporation, goy!"

Trust busting wouldn't make much difference, since the pieces would all have the same ideology. It would be quite a fight.


Protip: No one is on gab. I have an account, never post shit, and have followers that is how small the userbase is people just randomly follow you.

Agree with Angling being (((false flag))) to make us look bad

Yup, plus her mother saying she died of a heart attack and no autopsy report yet.

I think this whole Vox shitshow started as him fearing backlash from the Challenger of Peace. Had he just waited, the narrative would fully collapse.

It's their browser, they can do what they want.

Firefox is better anyway.

A columnist where, the Mayberry Gazette?
Sorry I don't keep up with every scumbag trying to capitalize on the rise of conservatism.

Gab already turns a profit.

>t.edgy child

So how did this evolve from Anglin making a joke about a fat dead commie to Vox at war with gab?

I'd really like a tl;dr.
Here's a butt.

The NeoNazi, swastika flag wavers are pure cancer for the right-wing. This Vox guy, who I don't even pay attention to, is right to hate them.

Anglin is a legit guy but he may as well be a CIA plant or something since he's doing the job of one (i.e. making the right look bad).


lol, cry more about hate speech, communist queer

Although I should add that he's a faggot for wanting peoples' identities from Gab.

And the people at Gab are also a bunch of faggots for constantly getting caught up in childish drama.

Anglin also thinks waving nazi flags n public is a bad look. He's said so publicly. He just likes to have a laugh on the internet.

free speech has conditions on it put into law that have no connection whatsoever to "hate speech"

It's really getting past your bedtime niglet.

Free speech is free speech, KIKE SHITSKIN.

Try harder.

Anglin goes for ironic nazi to desensitize, in my opinion. He's also publicly stated (before Cville) that Nazi larping at rallies is bad and should be banned. Even if he's a plant, he's not unreasonable.

My current thoughts: say you ban all natsoc regalia, and the hundred to thousand guys in the park comply. Agent provocateurs or feds can stand outside area /ourguys/ control, behind cops, and get photographed. Whole thing becomes nazi rally. If one of them doesn't accomplish that, the MSM uses a pic from a Fed (Klan) rally instead (saw this after Cville.) How do we counter?

Apparently this guy is a failed sci-fi writer and no-one wanted to read his books so he jumped in the alt-right niche so he could have a captive market.

Anglin is almost certainly agitprop, but at least he's funny. Vox is 100% muh big brain nigguh conman like his protege Thenovich.

>free speech has conditions


The fuck did they do with Tucker-san, is that a cross with Takei?


If you explicitly ban nazi larping and have documented evidence of people getting booted from rallies for it then no one except the most brain dead leftists will believe photos of one dude with a swastika behind police lines away from the rally

>What are libel, slander and defamation laws
Talking about the JQ but not knowing their tools is moronic.

Been following Vox for years cause he was pretty based on traditionalism and economics but yeah, this is comically shit behavior. Hope Sup Forums give him a new asshole and a little humility.

I tweeted at Vox a couple weeks ago to have a snickers because he was really cranky after Charlottesville...

Clearly he didn't.

I had a gab account until I caught wind they were about to pull this McGregor/Mayweather garbage. Social media whores are social media whores, fake news. not politics.

reminder vox vs anglin in 12 hrs or so

>Freedom means having no conditions, I cant' steal rape and kill without impunity, therefore I am not free.

Its not hard to think things through. Why don't you even try?

>I thought it was some satirical character made to make fun of the alt-lite
Which is funny, because he ardently defends the Alt Lite.

This. Vox is an autistic faggot but seeing Torba act like a tough guy is fucking pathetic.

>inb4 it gets shoahed before it even starts

screencap this

Isn't Vox a faggy liberal news site or are we talking about a person named Vox?

Who the fuck names their kid Vox wtf???

Yeah that's step one. I also heard someone say (I think Horus) you superglue a "I'm fake news" sign to any of those guys who don't comply, since they're either antifa or Feds. Won't be able to use their appearance afterwards.

Plus no action in Blue states.

How much does it make?

Does this mean Vox is no longer going to shill "alt-tech," constantly?

I hope you're trolling m8e

>Posts faggot e-celeb drama
>Is faggot

The funny thing is the whole natsoc debate has been totally eclipsed by Vox's shitty behavior lmao

A person named Vox. Full name is Vox Day. He's a super race mix wanna be Alt-Right big brain nigga. He knows a lot of stuff, but is super fucking boring and dry, but he's arrogant as hell so any value he might posses is lost.

>Freedom means having no conditions, I cant' steal rape and kill without impunity, therefore I am not free.
This is true

So what? This is about telling lies, witch it even wasn't.

>b-but let me talk about freedom now
Way to move goalpost, hooknosed vermin, but as much as your communist brainwashing makes you feel words are the same as rape, it is just braiwashed delusion.

Are you with the legion of evil?

On point. I'm a fan of Vox but this is pretty weak. I can agree that Platonic free speech doesn't exist because technically rights don't exist, but it's absolutely something worth pursuing.

To clarify his position on this, below is from Vox Popoli:

>This is a concept that appears to be a particularly difficult one for the binary thinkers of the world to grasp. As I explained in the Darkstream last night, there are three types of free speech:


>As I have repeatedly explained, I support Public free speech, which is the form protected by the Constitution, reject Private free speech on the basis of private property, and observe that Platonic free speech does not, and has never, existed.


possibly she had anglin on the other week but she only done it live on jewtube nonlive is hosted on other sites

Why does his blog seem to spend more time complaining about the alt-right than anything else? Looks subversive desu.

Not sure. I've heard Torba say it turned a profit, whether or not thats all from voluntary user donations, I'm not sure.

He is a narcissist who thinks he can do better but is too much of a coward to lead himself.

>Tfw you remember stumping on VoxnDay in 2011 when he was an anonymous running a blog writing autistic microanalysis of "Alpha", behaviour and "what a true alpha male is"
>You come to know that he has now gained significant exposure and turned out to be some Bald Oldcel 2/10

Why does the libshit meme of "manrighters" and "alpha male experts" being incels always come true ,pol?

>no action in Blue states
I dunno I think that depends on what the goals are. If you want to have big unimpeded rallies then they should be in red states. I don't want to see people get hurt but nothing has redpilled people more than rallies in blue enclaves where innocent rightists were surrounded and beaten by violent leftists with the approval of the government.

>abstract moral principles don't exist as laws of the physical universe, therefore I won't aspire to them.
>Time to sue a troll

Truly only 200 IQ expat tri-racialists can aspire to understand the Eichenwald maneuver.

Oh fuck me, he's a manosphere guy. This explains everything.

The question was freedom, and its conditions.

Cast me a spell you brain dead faggot


His argument as represented by his idiot fanboys is simply that freedom of speech simply does not exist at all.

at least the dork lord himself has thought it through a little.

Didn't used to be that way. Once the eye of ZOG turned on us after the election he started freaking out.

Actual alpha males wouldn't write blogs about it.

Looking through his archives, he has a bunch of fairly redpilled shit on the JQ. Has he disavowed?

True. Too much of that can demoralize though, gotta have a show of strength along with the redpill. Maybe small flash mobs of vetted people in blue states.

Sounds like Vox is going to sue Gab out of existence. Wew.

lolzozlzlzozlz hey dudesz how's life?

i hate jews and euro pedo fags
pic related

kill that faj

Jap tucker is pretty hilarious

ahahaha hahahaha hahaa (((teddy))) is a soccer fag

we hate (((vox gay)))

That was nice, thanks. Vox has always been a joke.

Vox Day originally said that when someone calls you a racist, you should call them a pedophile.

Vox started attacking Anglin but got distracted when a couple of random Stormers called him a pedo.

Vox asked Torba to reveal their names / info so he could sue for defamation, Torba refused. Vox called and emailed repeatedly until Torba got sick of him.

Now Torba and Vox are fighting, and Vox has attacked free speech repeatedly, while Torba is winning the respect of his users.

Anglin meanwhile is sitting off to the side, unscathed, pretending to barely pay attention.

(What's extra funny is that VD was supposedly big on Alt-Tech and liked Gab a lot, so he's burning bridges over nothing, and has now quit Gab.)