Rest easy senpai, the spirit of the enemy is broken.
We need to focus our energy on 2024.
Rest easy senpai, the spirit of the enemy is broken.
We need to focus our energy on 2024.
Is there really any doubt? MSM likes to focus on how not enough liberals turned out due to the projected inevitability of Clinton winning, while never mentioning how there were probably millions of demoralized Trump supporters who didn't bother to show up since he never had a chance.
Of course he's going to win. And I'll get my life on track! This is my year.
Sup Forums succeded in Memeing Trump to be President in 2016.
Sup Forums now, has to Meme Trump into Painting ALL America RED in 2020.
pic related must be Memed into Reality!
Trump 2020! Make America Great Again! Again!
>he "predicts" an incumbent president will win reelection.
i mean, its very likely a president gets reelected assuming the economy is good.
Has anyone done a case study on this guy? He was one of the biggest enigmas of the entire 2016 election. He's anti-Trump to the point of cartoonishness, and yet one of his speeches made for probably the best pro-Trump campaign ad on the internet.
no one will ever top "the gipper". no one.
Not going to happen. Calexit happen and all states will be red.
>trump is going to win despite of we not knowing who's he's running against