Ask a Mexican anything
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they dont look spic at all my dude
Do you look like this?
It's all there. It's like you've never seen one before.
Do all the beaner girls love it in the butt?
>2 minutes after this photo was taken
>DACA on the ropes
>Earthquake kills 80+ in Mexico
Who else literally has no sympathy right now?
when are you going back?
how come the only mexicans that come to the us are the ugly fat ones?
Why don't you get off your greasy ass and make your own country great instead of coming here and insisting on fucking ours up?
He's already back Burger
Not OP
Those Mexicans are the poorest, most of them are from the indigenous descendants.
That left chick's legs really turned me off for some reason. The other two look like average sluts I'd bang and leave.
¿Sentiste el terremoto we?
I noticed mexican women come in either 2 varities. Turbo sluts or loyal wives. Why is this?
That's actually a good question.
no, i live in north.
Are you a rich white mexican? Or are you a poor brown one?
Why are all Mexican posters degenerate pedophiles?
I was asleep during the tremor, but many of my friends did feel it. Also, speak english pendejo
Stop roleplaying as me faggot
Dad in the picture vs no Dad in the picture?
if you ain't loyal you're automatically a slut so pretty sure it's like that for all women
What do you think of us?
Relax bro, anyway a lot of people in Yucatan are larping about the earthquake. I didn't feel a shit
I heard mexicans were descended from oompa loompa's that were said to live deep in the mexican rain forest, before being discovered and made to work in candy factories and later on all factory/construction/janitorial jobs? Is this true?
It's sad that your country is becoming a caliphate
I like you because you fucked up argies.
can you explain to me why mexican-americans think that blacks are their friends?
when I went to mexico and talked with the Mexicans there, I made a few good friends in CDMX and they truly despise niggers just like the whites and Asians do.
why do the beans in america seem to be indoctrinated by congoid culture and the real mexicans down south are not?
by the way, I loved your churches. any people who hates jews and niggers is a friend in my eyes, I hate the illegal cholo looking ones though, and when I was in CDMX i was in Roma so it was really nice. your food is also pretty fucking amazing.
How many corpses have you seen in your life?
What percentage of that chick is indigenous, like 8%?
the hispanic subculture still acknowledges the differences between the sexes so there is less social conditioning on a lot of them if they had a stable family life. the turbosluts are usually the kind who act like blacks in my experience
Very little. She shows no traits.
I live in Yucatan. You do too?
Can you send me some empanadas?
Also fuck off, we're full.
I kinda want to go Latin America and breed 3 young Latinas like that at the same time. Of course not here in the states, because I don't want spics breeding here, or to have to actually raise the spiclets
Because you've only ever met low caste indios
Do you actually believe that the US unfairly took the lands it gained after the Mexican American war ?, are you fully aware that Mexico voluntarily gave up those lands by signing the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and receiving payments from the US government ?
Do you find it hypocritical and retarded that most Mexicans are very nationalistic about their country yet they refuse to go back to their country ?
Do you find it hypocritical that Mexico stole land from Guatemala yet Mexicans constantly bitch about the lands they voluntarily gave up ?
Woah. I've only met one other Sup Forums user here, haha. Anyways, the fucking FB posts about the earthquake got annoying fast, didn't they?
me encanta
can prostitutes collect unemployment in mexico? i only ask because you look like you'd know
that's all they send us..
why aren't you trying to wake your fellow mexicans up OP?
start by buying each of your family members this book and tell them to share it.
it's why mexico is fucked up.
At least some of the memes are good
are jews bad?
Do Mexicans not like Argentines?
In my experience in so-called most Mexican Americans HATE blacks, especially the ones that live near them.
Do occasionally see brown Mexican girls dating niggers though.
It's just a meme
Is it true that Mexican's like the United States?
Like I've heard they get here then for the most part assimilate and don't fall into a particular voting block.
¿Cuánto quieres el coyote?
How long have you been in Sup Forums?
Is this the rich "north" mexican who basically claims to be white? If so I member you and your bullshit
all latin americans hates them
1 in every 200 hundred girls, dont fucking lie :(
not like i am white to bitch about it but still
He's an stupid
brown Mexican girls love niggers, almost all of them post niggers on their social media as man crush mondays and all.. hell my only nigger friend just had his first child with a Mexican girl. It's a fucking ugly mix though, lol.
I've noticed the light skinned Mexican girls only date other Latinos and whites though.
sopa de macaco.
How do I find a girl that looks like that?
they hate the argies for being white
Cause they nobody likes them just like niggers also I hate the fact that they call black people as "morenos" to not offend them. In Mexico we call black people 'negros' = black and we don't give a fuck.
metete a videos de rock hispano o videos de anime y Latinoamérica y nadie odia a nadie solo esos pendejitos underage
go to Mexico or find a US half-Mexican girl (since US Mexicans are much darker)
they are not white.
Why the fuck are their so many latina race traitors pablo?
When do you go back?
How slutty are all your sisters and cousins?
Do your women give a shit about white anglo men? Not trying to imply they don't like their own race but I've heard mixed messages that they're easier for well-off western cock or that they're actually uptight and only go for chads.
take a trip down to Tabasco or Chiapas.
those people might be indians, but they have a sense of who they are, they belong in those lands.
it's their birth right. but thanks to crypto-jews and slimy arab fucks like Carlos Slim and the other cock suckers from PRI and PAN those people and the rest of mexico are being forced out to make way for the ultra-elites and sheeny snakes that live in mexico's gated neighborhoods.
when will you mexicans stand up for yourself and jesus christ and take back your country?
what ever happened to 'LOS DORADOS'?
take a stand taco bender. drag those jews ripping apart mexico to the streets for the sake of your race.
nestel which is a jew corporation was trying to tell the people of oxaca that they owned the copy right to h2o and they could no longer collect water.
how is that NOT a attack on humanity let alone the people of mexico? you going to let the jews do that to your people and your country forever OP?
take and stand.
>Why are there so many latina race traitors?
(white guys have jobs)
All latin/south america are a shithole
its a mixed race to begin with you fucking idiot. the light skinned ones are serving their best interests by embracing the white part of their genetics
we dont really have a race, we are a mixed and most of us are making the choice to be more mixed with the white side, how is it being a traitor? you are the ones betraying full whiteness
all poltards love drumpf the jew.
so is italy, and that's why we used to call them WOPs.
My family is civilized so 8%
Well she's 90%
No one likes neither mexicans or argies, one of them is an european wannabe and the other WE WUZ AZTECS N SHIEEEET or WE GRINGO NAO
actually my friend eduardo calls them 'Changos del Congo" its pretty fucking great to see others share the same ideas.
I herd mexicans families disown the ones that do that.
good on them.
Why you northern people like “corridos” so much? They are very repetitive and the singers have ridiculously heavy accents.
It's actually good news, we are going to receive lots of people with higher education and qualified workers.
Regarding the earthquake, most people here are just having fun making inappropriate jokes about it. (Except the Oaxaca and Guerrero people that actually suffer it)
dont lie provinciano, latin americans prefers mexicans over all latin americans.
I saw 23andme data that said Mexicans are very often more african than Native American. Kind of fucked up
>not calling them "pretos"
argentina, mexico, nicaragua... are the same shit. All spics need to be annihilated.
This. I'm 100% pure bavarian phenotype and argies are whiter than me
we call them prietos, lol
Ya empezaron los pendejos
How do you feel about this?
So when are you going to stop posting this picture of a Brazilian woman, calling her Mexican and pretending like you know her? You're pretty pathetic and sad trying to pander and fit in with these fucking losers on Sup Forums, but I guess that's because you're a fucking no-life loser just like everyone else here LARPing, pretending to be white. The truth is it doesn't matter how white you are, or if you live in the most northern part of Mexico. As long as you're born in Mexico to Mexican parents you will always be considered a shitskin, and you will be discriminated against just as much as the southern Mexicans. You are considered just as valuable as them, so stop acting like you're worth more, you're not. You're always going to be a shitskin Mexican, so stop acting like a house nigger and realize you're acting like a disloyal dog by seeking the attention of white people and caring about their opinion more than your own countrymens' opinion.
I think you mean the few Afro-Mexicans that exist identify as Native Mexicans, cuz otherwise that's completely wrong
Well mostly of them like the stereotycal european male but only of you're handsome mostly depends of the person
very nice
Why do your women generally suck in bed? I've had several. Not impressed in the least bit.
Im virgin
forgive them for not being as whorish as white woman but dont worry, they are getting there
>Hispanics in the US not hating blacks
Fake news. Have you never actually spoken to a Hispanic here? They hate niggers
Well, not completely.
trips of truth. only cholos like niggers