Not sure what to think, Sup Forums. On one hand the trap memes would be great, but with this bitch being black AND a womyn, I feel like that could spell trouble for right wing control.
Michelle Obama Run?
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that would be a large, girthy salami if genuine
Shed win in a fucking landslide.
Yeah she basically destroyed everything..
schools, morals, becoming a female...
fuck her yo
Hes gonna be great
Think we'll see a bc for this Obama?
Nah. Has the left not learned anything from Hillary? We don't want dynasties. Instead of finding wives of past presidents, and old corporate people, they need to get a left wing populist. They need their version of Trump.
What is it with dems and thinking that fucking a president gives you special presidential powers?
How did she destroy schools though? She had no power over schools.
Please no more black presidents. We're still recovering from the last one
We are not Byzantium. Being married to a President does not make you eligible to be the President. Any Democrat voting for a politician's spouse is a crypto-monarchist.
At least Clinton could at least say she spent 12 years working for the government, even if she only got elected by riding on her husband's coattails (like the feminists of the 50's dreamed of).
He has to many skeletons in the closet, amongst other things.
using all the money for breakfast gibs and lunch gibs instead of teaching
We already had a black man as president. That's not interesting.
She doesn't have any power over what the schools do though.
It's not B/c they're crypto-monarchists it's b/c we have fucking term limits and ppl want continuity.
For the love of god be gone with term limit cancer.
Her husband did.
The identity politics would be off the charts if she was running, and god help the US if she won.
The left is now obligated to run a minority candidate. White man are out. Even white gays. 99% it's gonna be a woman.
SInce incumbents win reelection well over 90% of the time, how is it you can possibly believe term limits are limiting anything, fag?
They didn't really do anything to the schools though. Schools were already ruined. And what Michelle wanted to do was get people fit, what she wanted was a good thing. I didn't like Obama either, but let's not pretend every single thing was bad just because it was them.
Your point is retarded and based on the current system of having term limits, fag.
There's a reason president win their reelections most of the time because it's their last fucking term.
Ppl don't bother trying to vote imcombents out since they know he's going to go eventually.
Don't you believe in democracy?