He seems pretty funny and down to earth.
Why does Sup Forums hate Zucc so much
Why does he seem like he's trying so hard to be human?
Every part of his life is tailored. Even his fucking 1 piece shirt has more humanity than him
Kek fpbp
because it's natural to hate reptilians
>man literally invented cancer
>man is a jew
>man stole his idea like the jew he is
>man dates an asian
>marry ugly gook so you can open up facebook on china and spy on their citizens
>Ping insults you at every dinner and mocks you.
He's a repressive Kike muppet. That being said, i want him to run purely for the memes and the banter. He has the potential to outdo Jeb! on that front.
clearly he's a lizard but whats worst is he's a commie
he wants dem voters of course he's gonna shill for UBI
Hey does anyone else see that gold on blue Freemason banner in the back?
He's a fucking robot, no personality at all.
>Implying I would want the CEO of Censorship Inc. to run the nation
hes not human
You will post more of these.
We need to meme that Faceberg must unionize it's workforce. That will show the true face of Zuck.
He won't be able to be Mr. Virtue Signal when his employees are being truncheoned over the head and fired en masse for unionizing.
Push hard for a Silicon Valley union, Jewggle too. It'd 4D chess.
Although it's unlikely Sup Forums could suppress the urge to destroy him, it would be to our benefit to meme him into the Dem candidacy so that we could later on destroy him.
>the crown prince of Jewry
You're not getting my precious bodily fluids.
he looks like a dead fish
>source: cnnmoney
Jew confirmed
Suck more dick please
He has enough dirt on absolutely everyone to blackmail himself into the whitehouse. I don't think enough people truly realise the implications of (((social media))).
Bump, this
where is the picture of him with that magic jewish jacket?
Almost a thousand shares but not even 40 likes?
That's an interesting take on the matter. You reckon it's our duty to keep him as far away from political office as possible?
Is facebook not reason enough to hate the stupid faggot?
I think hating him is a bipartisan issue.
I think he died a few years ago and the current Zuck is just a robot.
If you take CS50 on edx, they have a segment where they show Zuckerberg coming back to Harvard to talk about early Faceberg, and he is a TURBO DOUCHE. You can not be more douchey and cringe inducing than the arrogant dipshit speech he gives this class of CS50 students then magically all that disappears a few years later and he just becomes some kind of zero personality puppet.
All kikes are evil
Every single kike is 100% evil and should be gassed
I'd go further. He needs to be taken out for the future of mankind. Ingsoc has nothing on the Zuck.
He's really creepy. He makes the hairs on my neck stand up. Honestly, do you have any idea what this guy is all about other than he personally likes killing the animals he eats?
Agreed, I hate his face. He will never win the love of the people. He is difficult to look at and not feel angry. He also has the same fakeness that Hillary gives off so strongly.
Because he's a reptilian.
>removes toast from toaster
>eats it dry
This thing is clearly not human
He's a good person, he made mistakes, and sometimes acted like an asshole, and he built the most cancerous website on the world wide web, sounds familiar desu.
>bitches about wall
>sue native hawaiians for their land
>loses lawsuit
>build wall around house
> Zuck2020 datamining thread
Hey everyone, let's explain in detail everything we don't like about him so they can get to work softening the perceptions of two billion people on Facebook in time for 2020!