How will globeheads ever recover?
How will globeheads ever recover?
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Please study gravity before you make such a moronic statement, thank you.
>thinking the moon exists
lmao he doesnt know
Do you ever fly to conferences of flat-earth believers?
Make sure you pull the shade over your window during the flight. Looking outside at the earth's curvature would make you very unhappy.
Moonman is the mover
Why doesn't water in glasses/bowls/sinks rise/fall with the tide?
The moon is affecting the Earth's tectonics not the water itself
Ironically the flat earth association or whatever retard club has members all across the globe.
Also why is it mostly americans who believe this shit? Why are they so dumb holy shit
Mexicans are too busy picking strawberries or hiding from Los Zetas to post moronic opinions online.
So, they're drawing cartoons now?
Spherecucks are so gay they think the earth and the sun and the moon are just giant floating balls. Question for you faggots: if those are the balls, where's the giant cock in the sky?
The only thing you are pulling is your dick.
now this is a good troll image
These flat earth faggots will just say they cant see the plate its a conspiracy. Its really a mental gymnastics competition to argue a point the most cant prove but a handful have proven in an irrefutable manner
You forgot to show how the bottom 1/2 of the globe curves back in. The world isn't flat you moron.
this you fucking dim wit.
Photographic lens are all the same and the amount of sunlight doesnt effect the picture. Also the weather patyern never changes
The accepted curve is 8(miles squared)
8in.(distance in miles^2)
Which means to take the square root of the distance traveled in miles and then multiply that figure by eight inches.
So for example, if you traveled one mile, the formula would look something like this;
8(1×1) = 8 Inches of total curvature
And for the first ten miles traveled of curvature in inches…
8(1×1) = 8 Inches of total curvature
8(2×2) = 32 Inches of total curvature
8(3×3) = 72 Inches of total curvature
8(4×4) = 128 Inches of total curvature
8(5×5) = 200 Inches of total curvature
8(6×6) = 288 Inches of total curvature
8(7×7) = 392 Inches of total curvature
8(8×8) = 512 Inches of total curvature
8(9×9) = 648 Inches of total curvature
8(10×10) = 800 Inches of total curvature
Yet we can't measure any curvature AT ALL!!
Can a flat earther please legitimately explain to me why we can see live broadcasts in other countries where it is night during our daytime. If the earth was flat it stands to reason we should all have daytime at the same time.
Then why do we need so many cell phone towers? Why not make just one really really powerful one?
>ocean = jar of water
why do i even bother responding
bring back eugenics.
Waves bruh. But seriously. What the fuck is up with the glitches
This is making tje presumption the earth is completely symmetric. Its not.faggot.
Different types of film, different times of year, different processing methods? Grade A bait.
Also flatcucks explain how the sun sets in one place and rises in another if the earth is flat? Wouldn't that mean the entire earth would be simultaneously dark or simultaneously light?
Or is the sun just a giant spotlight?
so the sun, which supposedly revolves around the flat earth, only lights a small part of it, so please explain why the world is not completely dark for 1/2 the time at the same time...
so it's moving landmasses and not the water? Why isn't the water affected by the moon's gravitational pull, but the land is?
So what is this (((REAL))) shape of earth?
Why do they fake it to make it look like a perfect sphere?
Using basic trig, we can measure the sun is about 3k up above us, and is small.
I always use tv shows as a legitimate source of info. Why I learned 1/2 my vocabulary on Wheel of Fortune and The Price is Right made me a maths genius.
Thanks for showing us the only picture of the earth ever. Clearly this is not some early composite using a primitive form of photoshop, but the only picture of the earth and its clearly fake, uet theres not a single picture of flat earth even though ive seen and been in planes thousands of feet above the earth and saw its curve, you are right though, this photot proves it all user
We got creationists as a 1/3rd of our population (the VP is one, no really)... We're kinda fucked.
Thanks for not dodging my question
so is it flat like a plate or flat like a world map?
3k as in 3 kilometers? Or 3000 what?
I'd love to see your working out using to measure the sun's distance and size.
What is surface area Alex?