Leftists can't answer this one

Can any leftists explain to me why you are calling transgendered men "women" when you wouldn't fuck one... because it's not actually a woman...

Pic is sort of kind of related.

Other urls found in this thread:


I wouldn't fuck a fat chick but that's still a woman. I wouldn't fuck a tattoo chick, drug addict, or crazy person that were all women either because.... I'm not attracted to them.

I call transgender women "women" because that's how they present themselves and want to live. And that's cool . I just don't want to fuck them

Can they go to the little girls shower room.

No because they are not children.

I don't want to fuck a dog. Is a dog a woman if a surgeon cuts its dick off?

i dont care about what you posted but heres more breakfast

Damn this is gonna be a cheat meal next month or so. Maybe for my birthday

French toast and eggs sounds good.

Dude, desu im leftist and i will be honest to you, we mostly dont give a fuck about this kind of people, we just accept them like they are and live in peace. Were all free to choose who to fuck.
The image you have of us waging a jihad for fags is created by (((establishement))) to hijack and leech left, so people like you hates us to the point of dreaming about torturing/killing us.

In the meantime they are doing a good money with all of us.

Looks like straight diarrhea and cum on a plate. Fucking pleb food

Biscuits with sausage gravy is GOAT.

Are the the biscuits buried? Must have biscuits.

It's called biscuits and gravy faggot

Can any leftist explain why we're apparently calling transsexuals "transgendered" now even though if they're cutting off their genitals it's clearly their sex that they would like changed?

Post more breakfast

You can see the outline of two of them


god damn that looks delicious


It's called you're a fat, diseased, slovenly MONKEY who eats pig shit. You disgust me. Kill yourself at once.

fuck that looks good. how do i get this in my mouth at midnight when i'm trashed?


>no starch
into the trash it goes you stupid roo fucker.

>for breakfast
brits are gay af desu

IHOP, Huddle House, call an uber.


>be amerifat
>be aussie
>fight about whos fat and whos retarded

>only one slice of bacon
Shit breakfast /10

But the reawon you won't fuck a fat chick is because she's fat. You won't fuck an addict because she's an addict. You won't fuck a transgendered man calling itself a woman... because it's not a woman. Because now it just has a hole where its dick used to be.

Probably just because the guy couldn't keep from eating a piece before he took the picture.

In fact... some transgendered men calling themselves women still have dicks..

>Keep the bacon
>Lose the tranny

>I wouldn't fuck a fat chick but that's still a woman

That's because you're a loser who can't get laid without being a suck up SJW faggot

I guarantee you jump at the chance to call men "fat neckbeard manchildren who need to man up" or whatever especially if they dare criticise your precious leftist horseshit

All of you do

You're all insincere hypocrites who only throw your own race and gender under the bus to jerk off your ego


You are either born a man or a woman.
No amount of cosmetic surgery can change that.
End of story.

Best post on all of Sup Forums