Did he do it, Sup Forums?
Did Bush do 9/11?
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yeah to finish what his dad started
No. It was kebab
It was Saudi Arabia and a bunch of pissed off cavemen, you autist. Don't need a false flag when you can take over the narrative for a real attack, entire world hates US and people are actually surprised when some fringe occasionally acts out on it
no, that's the only gamble Kenny Rodgers here didn't take (and he lost on all his other throws of the dice)
Israel did 9/11
The only thing standing between humanity and world peace.....IS ISRAEL
It happened in his term, so technically ......
Mossad did it or was at least complicit.
I don't think he did it, but he and others knew it was going to happen and used it for nasty, evil, nefarious purposes.
Joint operation between Mossad and the CIA. Dubya may have been kept in the dark about it.
Sure, Bush did everything wrong to america, now go back to bed.
Nope. I doubt he had any direct involvement. He just gave the talking points.
holy fuck a kenny rodger reference
this is my favorite post of the night no matter what
yes now stop asking
>fought against the creation of the 9/11 Commission for months
>tried to get Henry fucking Kissinger appointed head of it
>backed down in face of massive outrage, finally allowed it to go forward with a miniscule budget
>only agreed to testify to the Commission behind closed doors, off the record and not under oath
He sure as fuck acted like he had something to do with it
None of that means he did 9/11. He probably just followed his handlers' instructions.
Doesn't matter. If humanity ever knows for certain it won't be until there's nobody left that cares.
Hi Jeb
considering george bush has the brain of an autistic golden retriever, I sincerely doubt he was the mastermind behind 9/11
>wealthy Saudi family with royal ties lives in gated Sarasota neighborhood (4224 Escondito circle)
>family leaves the country 1 week before 9/11
>gate records show the hijackers visited the family multiple times
>hijackers flight-trained at Sarasota airport
>Bush was in Sarasota reading My Pet Goat
we have more than a coincidence here.
Trump did 9/11 confirmed boys
But what about WC7?
> Implying 2 planes brought down 3 buildings by arabfaggots.
Maybe everybody's right. Bush conspired to fake a terrorist attack on Tower 7 JUST as muslim extremists flew jets into the twin towers.
We all win.
He had trouble tying his shoelaces. I doubt he orchestrated something so complicated.
Truther tards get it all wrong by assuming the American govt had anything to do with it.
Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and probably others funded it, whilst Israel complicitly sat back and allowed the carnage to ensue.
Most likely but anyway George Beoff was the biggest cause of the white demographic so quickly declining between 2000 - 2010. And his father before him caused the US to go from 76% to 69% white in just ten years. Anyone want to talk about this.
and they fall like a perfect controlled demolition.
> pic related
bush did do 9/11 jet fuel cant melt steel beams 9/11 was some mossad tier shit remember the nose knows
This. It is 100000 times easier to get a bunch of Islamists to hijack planes than the insanely difficult task of covering up controlled demolitions of two of the biggest buildings in the world. Plus the retarded idea of missiles at the Pentagon and the other plane.
What is this SHIT?
BBQ sauce doesn't melt hot wings.
Flavor town was an inside job.
Deep State operation via compartmentalization.
There is a reason why each of the intelligence and law enforcement agencies had walls of separation preventing the exchange of records.
In fact, that is the primary reason why 9/11 happened.
Doubt it. He's too fucking dumb to be able to plan and pull it off
No not really, but yes sort of becuase he was part of the mechanism that allowed Al Qaeda to carry out such an act, ask why they did it.
And when I say Al Qaeda i mean Saudi Arabia.
There were agreements your previous administrations signed up to, but new ones broke them you agreed to the rules and you broke them and 9/11 happened.
Next time think twice before upsetting the Wahhabists, read the rules.
Cheney was directing the op from Norad. Bush may have been told what was going to go down though.
my sides.
The most telling part of that was them having Bush read My Pet Goat a thousand miles away while Chaney called on the shots that day. Bush may have known something but he likely wasn't one of the conspirators
>No not really
Gore did
They rig tall buildings during construction to ensure if something happens like 9/11 the building won't topple over
oh sad Dr. Rov, how misguided you are
He's is too fucking stupid to "do it". It was a deep state/mossad operation. Cheney was a major player in that op.