Should we have a multi-tiered school system designed to separate those who are capable of going on to school for engineering, physics, math, etc. from those who aren't but are still capable of doing productive jobs like trades?
Should we have a multi-tiered school system designed to separate those who are capable of going on to school for...
Like Germany? Yes.
the tits are rockin but that fucking face is fugly as fuck
Yes. Office work, academia, and STEM are not for everyone. Not because they can't, but because they just don't want to.
School should prepare people for their futures as working adults so that our civilization continues to function, grow, and thrive.
We are wasting money.
Public school should be a last resort, honestly, homeschool BTFO public school in every conceivable metric. The mere fact that the first argument people have against homeschool is "muh social skills" proves that public school is a glorified daycare.
That said, a tiered education system in which students are seperated each year into an Academic strata, and "average" strata and a "omg gas these niggers" strata would be fucking dope.
Public school should be seen as welfare tier schooling.
gonna looks like dogshit without makeup
Yes, a one size fits all approach to schooling is stupid
we already do you college-prep teir fagot.
Yes absolutely. Universities have turned into an absolute scam. Only the smartest people who are destined for research or very cognitive disciplines should attend. Other people should be going to trade school or doing apprenticeships.
Yes. We should give kids IQ tests and start coaching them for their potential life paths as early as possible. Or we could keep our heads in the ends and continue to waste human potential.
stop trying the "divide and conquer" tactic with the youth.
best form of learning for the youth?
getting fired.
You assume that degrees like lab sciences, mat, and physics are desirable, or at least individuals who can score well on related standardized tests. Your assumption is wrong. Those degrees are now traps, with no employment at the end.
t. unemployed lab science major
So cut people away from opportunities?
You're an idiot.
This is why they have classes like maths A, Maths B and Special ed.
It goes against the leftist dream that everyone is the same and that everyone could become an astronaut but it's just reality.
1. At this point very few people have the resources/time to homeschool
2. You're very possibly confusing cause for effect.
Homeschooling could definitely be seen or said to have those effects because the parents care more or the demographics of home-schooled children are better than those of publicly schooled children.
It isn't just a good idea. It's a necessary idea.
Your idea would waste human potential and you clearly don't understand how society works.
just advance people through the grades when theyre ready instead of advancing everyone together based on age. if they cant finish by age 18 just drop them.
Would race mix/10
Post moar
How is it a good idea to deprave people of education?
And you fully understand how it does?
Countries like Germany already have tiered school systems and they seem to be getting by fine.
> Sending people with ~100 IQs to study topology
Not everybody needs or even benefits from education beyond a certain point, it just becomes wasted resources
We already do it's called college, it just is filled up with too many fillers because of gay capitalism and government not being involved enough.
"I don't have the time to homeschool my children" is newspeak for "I had almost five years to get my shit together AFTER the birth of my child, but I didn't, so I think Uncle Sam can be a surrogate parent 40 fucking hours per week, 250 days per year". Homeschooling takes no times at all. A week of publicl school can be condensed to 3 fucking hours. If you have 3 day weekends, like you work 4 10s rather than 5 8s, you can homeschool a kid. Not to mention the very very obvious fact that if both parents must work to pay bills they probably should wait to have kids.
Mixed with the gayest aspects of communism too
nice arguement fag
When the system is designed to be impossible to fail. Look up common core. They stir so much shit into the coffee that any monkey can pass a math class. There's a problem.
no it's speak for
>i'm whipped by my wife to have babies as fast and possible and i have to impress my family by trying to make my stupid bitch wife shut up
We have this in Ontario. In high school, there are different streams of difficulty based on of you want to go to college or trade school.
I wish I was homeschooled
That's why you have things like scores and GPA's.
I'm not sure what they call your high school score anymore. They have changed it since I went there.
They used to, and most probably still do in Europe...some off to Uni, the rest off to trade training-some of which can be quite technical and challenging...
I honestly don't get it. I did okay in college, got a so-so STEM degree (BS in Ecology), got a sweet gig in a totally unrelated field (was college really necessary?), and opened a thriving side business without any business school other than Trumps tweets. And my wife homeschools the kiddos. Is it that hard to tell the wife "if you want kids, we need to be stable enough for you to be a full time parent"?
That's why they have classes like maths A and maths B.
So everybody can get the best education they can and learn to their abilities.
Yes that's a good idea.
Me too
You could make a c-shaped building with 'branching paths'. That way, you have the students kinda sorta on either side, and have the cafeteria in the middle. Make sure to schedule equal portions from either learning center to meet at lunch to interact and share ideas. Over time, the college just becomes another college with anybody studying anything. It'd be awesome.
And how would that be decided? Will you be assigned a career at birth? Based on what? Your gender, race, class? Sounds fucking stupid.
whoa nigger is that LS
>You assume that degrees like lab sciences, mat, and physics are desirable
Well they still pay above the mean for other degrees, I was just saying that they took a lot of intelligence to get into and pass as undergraduate, etc. degrees.
It is.
You can struggle at school when young but grow up to be smart.
Fuck no
>tfw smartest kid in shitty public middle school
>kinda autistic but had some friends
>known as the funny kid
>get into impromptu freestyle rap performances with blacks/spics
>tfw accepted by IB high school program
>full of upper middle class kikes and chinks
>they form cliques with other richfags
>go entire 4 years alone
>get into top 10 uni
>finally find group of other poor students
Fuck smart people. Most of them are horrible, privileged(in the true sense), close-minded people. I would rather be the smartest person among the ignorant.
Smart people come from families that actually appreciate education.
School is an opportunity for those who come from families that don't appreciate education to realise education is important.
Plus this idea is also insulting to school teachers.
I say go further and separate students based on their most efficient learning style. Teach math on the basketball court or wood shop. I learn by doing and working with my hands. Modern school is good for girls who want approval.
> Smart people come from families that actually appreciate education.
Smart people are born smart.
A smart person who never went to school still won't know maths.
School districts like mine created seperate schools for kids who aren't stupid potheads who want to do something with their lives. They would have sections of the school to train kids for CS, Math, Business, etc. because they are worth the resources unlike the minorities who milk the government. Let the strong become stronger.
Something like this would be absolutely ideal.
Or better yet, no forced schooling at all.
Parents show their children tons of shit at a young age, What they have an affinity to they get them going on immediately and an alongside helping of some basic stuff like reading, writing, and logic classes.
Kid loves cars at 3? Get that fucker a wrench and get him going immediately.
I've always been a fan of the German system, a lot of people would save taking on debt if they went a different path
But getting into IB enabled you to go to a top 10 school retard. You're immeasurably better off than you would've been with niggers and spics
Who's saying smart people won't be educated?
Yes. Not only would it be more efficient and productive for society, it would also make people happier. People are happy when their lot in life is stable and not in question.
or how about get rid of education by the state and let the free market handle it