Just found out I'm 4% African, how do I cope?
Just found out I'm 4% African, how do I cope?
Other urls found in this thread:
dayyym, das ruf, nigga
get some niggerstamps and blackfare
buy my Deniggerization Tonic you are guaranteed to remove that 4%
Impregnate some white girls and be happy you are master race
Kill yourself, then everyone you know.
By celebrating that you're at least 4% good.
Not all niggers are stupid. Only a small part of you is nigger. It's not that bad.
>Apply for welfare
>Check that you're African American
>Collect dem sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet neetbux my man
there flinching when shooting
flinching when loading?
Either get some mushrooms, or if you can't, at least get some liquor, slam back 5-10 shots, then finish off the rest while listening to this. youtube.com
ask to be cameraman on the view
collect food stamps and welfare while still earning 100k.
She's a qt unaccustomed to aggression.
you know what you need to do
You're white.
who cares nigger? just be a decent human being and citizen and no one will bat an eye
Wise words mate
>just found out my great grandparents on both sides owned slaves
I don't know what to do with this information
Pretty much this. 99% of Sup Forums hates nigs because they act like beasts.
Be specific.
Egypt is in North Africa.
It must suck to have nigger blood though.
Just have kids and they'll have less of it. Breed the black out of you.
Look at the bright side, you can say nigger in public without a chimpout!