Mfw potsmokers still aren't getting what they wanted

>mfw potsmokers still aren't getting what they wanted

haha dumb fucks you were better off when it was totally illegal

whatever you say mr 56%

Canadians are actually stupid AF. Canadian cops already don't give a shit about weed. I know this because I've literally had a cop walk past me smoking a joint in Ottawa, told me politely to "put that out" and then walked off while I continued to smoke. What is going to happen now that its going to be 100% monopolized by the cops are the friendly weed bros are actually going to start enforcing public intox ala alchohal, dui's from smelling of weed ala alchohal, and even more drug testing from employers who unlike to US don't normally check your piss. Nice freedom, and all it cost you was 4 years of current year man

>be american
>get (fill joke here)


t. butthurt gay shitskin

MFW this is literally big government declaring war on the best weed producers in North America, and you will now be paying twice normal rate for shitty (((government))) weed

>you will now be paying twice normal rate for shitty (((government))) weed

make it harder for degenerates to smoke

hard to get upset about something that only affects loserly potheads

glad they get what they deserve for voting under the spell of addiction

Why would i buy from a dispensary when i can continue to buy from the guys who sell it to the dispensaries

>potheads are this immoral

haha wow what a shock turn out they really were criminals all along

>live in Alaska
>above canada
>legal weed
>gun rights
Do any men live in canada?

I'm not a leaf, what's everyone on about?

The #1 complaint from women in Ottawa "Where are all of the men?"

alaska seems comfy

ontarioans are getting fucked over with legal marijuana but it doesn't matter because they aren't even real Canadians in the dumb dumb province. Even Quebec is more Canadian than them.

well not to get into too much detail, but there was this thing that happened downtown near the rideau centre, and well to make a long story short most of them jumped in the canal and swam off towards smith falls. Never heard from them again.

Winters are long, dark, and brutal. SAD! (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
Summers have more mosquitos than you can imagine.

I like comfy cold weather and dark nights and northern lights but holy shit I don't think I could handle living in Alaska.

Is it a super pro-corporate / anti-DIY set of laws?

further proof that stoners are absolutely useless.

> swamp still not drained
> let's attack our friendly neighbors to the north

Cops do give a shit. I got arrested because a passenger in my car had a flake of weed on his leg (I have no idea how he spotted it), which led to a search of the car and they found some weed and a pipe. I hadn't smoked weed in several years since that time but because my passenger was smoking and was in posession I got arrested too.

Yep. God forbid they leave something like pot to small businesses and entrepreneurs and market competition. This country just has this insane desire to be in control of everything.

You get around

That wasn't me, I'm in the midwest. Meth country, not hillbilly heroin country.

last I remember there was no law against smoking weed, just the sale and trafficking of it. its never been taboo here, i smoke it with cops.

making it legal will only up costs, downgrade quality for the first 5 years and smell up every god damn square inch. its gunna be another repeat of useless housing/furniture due to the oils like with cigs

Sounds like you got a shitty cop. I've been searched and had ounces taken from me and been let go.

I think probably a good portion of the cops must smoke weed too, they probably take it to smoke themselves. they really only care if they think you are dealing. he really must have gotten the cop on a bad day or something

>Is it super corporate?
Far from it, they placed it it he hands of the provincial liquor monopoly

will this make black market pot price go up or down? im confused why this is bad

>be me
>look for edgy shit on dankweb
>find site selling weed for like 20 USD per gram.
lolwat. Fucking americucks actually pay 20USD per gram?
You can get it delivered to your door here for like 8 CAD per gram

I live in canada and own a gun. true story.

This. Even in Canada there's literally no excuse to own gun. It's 2017 faggots. Get armed.

err no excuse not to own a gun I mean

I have to fill out the paperwork and it's so gay. If the world ends, I can steal a gun.

For just long-guns Canadians just have to do paperwork once. Then you can order guns straight to your door.

yeah and it's gay

I only need the gun if the world ends

Of course. The moment they said they'd legalize it it was obvious they'd only allow it to be sold in government stores.

The government wants all of the weed money, just like the booze money.