Sanity is making a comeback.
liberal agenda
Looks like it's being fixed a little.
Making an omelette.
Seems like someone is making it great again.
undocumented immigrants have no effect on the average person but every racist poltard acts like it does. admit it. you all hate brown people and would be furious if it was white people being deported you hypocrites
>anti gay cake support
>implying there aren't white illegals I want to GTFO of my country too
It's almost like when you lose an election, the other side gets to run things for a while, and even do things you wouldn't have done. Who knew?
>Implying there are no white DACA participants.
>36% approval rating
It is the right who should be afraid. You thought you elected a hitler, but ended up electing a Louie XVI!
Literally who? Not politics.
we are losing BIGLY
>Louie XVI
At least you didn't say Voldemort I guess...
she will be adding "Hillary Clinton arrested" to her list next week.
Its being made great again
You faggots remember what happened after that?
How's Mexico the country going?
How'd it keep Communism in check?
>whites being deported from the country they built
Of course we'd be mad
It's being made great again.
The chickens have come home to roost.
It's going to shit
what did you expect
i dont get it..she is complaining about ice raids (a good thing) and transgender troops (something trump did not like)
imagine a non-white country complaining about these things
>country you stole
fixed it for you melanin deficient one
Why do liberals pretend white Europeans were the first group of people in history to displace another?
oh look another person from stolen land
Wait which side of this argument is she on, this tweet could go either way
>grow up in small town of about 20k in Nebraska, a thousand miles north of the border
>most of Nebraska is 99% white, except the two big cities and the areas with lots of meat packing plants
>15 miles away from an even smaller town with a bunch of meat packing plants in between
>small town is literally half mexican
>regular immigration raids at the meat packing plants
>always newspaper articles in the following days about how empty the (other) town is now that hundreds of illegals suddenly vanished
>mexicans start to bleed over into our town too
>stores pop up with spanish names that don't even attempt to cater to english speakers
>Walmart replaces all the signs inside its stores with bilingual ones
>my entire apartment building smells like a burrito 24/7 with fucking mariachi music blaring through the walls
>decide to move to Omaha, because at least ghetto niggers consider themselves American and some are even tolerable human beings once you get to know them.
why do stupid trump supporters think any other race of people are living on forcibly stolen land their ancestors stole?
Anti-gay cake is the last straw.
Here we go
The tide is turning, and it's beautiful!
It looks like the age of Common Sense has begun!
blood and soil faggot if you fought a war for that land and won its yours fuck off kike
we're taking it back
Looks like you won't be replacing us after all Jew.
Things are going back to normal.
As always, FPBP.
The left overplayed their hand and pushed their agenda too quickly and too hard during Obama's last term. Now they're suffering the consequences of their actions.
>transgender troops
Not paying for your operations
Pass it through the legislature
>affirmative action
Stop discriminating against white people and men
>ICE raids
Uphold the law
>campus sexual assualt
US university campuses are the safest place possible in the world to avoid rape.
>anti-gay cake support
You mean freedom of choice? If you enforce this then you must also force google to allow ISIS videos and for them to run ads on them
>what is happening to the country?
Seems like basic laws are being followed rather than a bunch of moral posturing.
>campus sex assault
Affirmative action got BTFO? Tell me more about this.
but user 500% of womyn on college campuses are graped in the bagina don't you feel bad for them yet? They are an oppressed class you know and we're not just desperately trying to hold onto that label
according to 'sex and culture' we're in the last stages of society where we will be over taken by barbarians because western women cant keep their legs closed
Because that's how humans and literally every other living thing, including plants, behaves.
>anti-gay cake support
where can i pick up one of these anti gay cakes?
it's becoming great again
>lower wages doesn't effect the average person
Those Canadians!!!
% approval rating
So higher than on election day, then.
They stole it, but also developed it to be habitable to every minority out there.
Whites conquered America, they didn't just show up and take over indian villages and demand free money from them.
If Mexico can invade and conquer the US militarily, then more power to them.
I became redpilled a few months ago; oh god, how I hate these kikes. I hate kikes, I hate them. I hate kikes so goddamned much.
Here in Toronto 2 years back we actually had propaganda posters, paid for by the government, that said over 50% of college girls will be sexually assaulted. These posters were up at bus stops right next to our university campus. Fucking insane. They also had ones that said like 80% of nurses would face sexual harassment in the workplace.
white people are weeds? makes sense
the goyim know
this time we will shut thier lying mouths forever
lmao so glad white people going extinct. your grand kids (if you even breed) will be brown
the only people I hate more then them is the liberal traitors/jews that have enabled them
We must secure the existence of our frosting and a future for our cream filling.
The law is being enforced. Only criminals and criminal enablers cry when the law is justifiably enforced.
I had one tell me today that he was afraid of people killing him.
"It used to be so much fun being a Jew! I could make jokes, and now they are out to get me."
I think Jews are either delusional from all the inbreeding, or are legitimate pussies that are afraid of their own shadow
Nothin' that ain't happened before. Same as it ever was.
Yes, and there is nothing wrong with admitting that you prefer white race. I want all brown people gone.
Kayla is best trap
He's just indoctrinated by the media. (((They))) have all the liberals running around thinking the sky is falling.
stop regurgitating TYT taking points
>it needs to effect you directly to be a concern
Selfish privilaged mentalities are numerous on the left.
legit definition of sex harassment is being hit on by a guy you don't like.
the 20% it doesn't happen to are hamplanets
The irish need to GTFO
One of the largest blocks of illegals in America (and my country) are the irish
That is most likely it. He started rambling on about immigration, so I told him what it is really like, given that I have first had experience with the immigration system. Since my wife is an immigrant and was removed from this country, I started explaining the entire process to him. He was a bit shocked to find someone who is having immigration problems that isn't brown.
>1945-2000: "Antisemitism" means concentration camps and gas chambers
>2000-2017: Liberals abandon any attempt at persuasion that doesn't involve shaming people as bigots
>redefine "anti-semitism" to mean "literally any conservative"
>redefine "racist" to mean "literally any conservative"
>redefine "nazi" to mean "literally any conservative"
>a depressing number of idiots fall for it and start to believe all conservatives want to gas them
white people are far from extinct, and since we are the ones propping up anything that is good or green about this world, you should probably be more concerned about what will happen when we leave it
you have neither the skills nor the wherewithall to keep the lights on,
take a good close look at the shitholes that are modern africa/south america and asia ... and ask yourself what its going to be like when Europe and North America join it
but thats not going to happen, because long before we get "browned" out of existence, the lights are going to turn off, and your all going to burn on the funeral pyre you have built for others
who do you think is growing the food to supply these countries
who do you think the saudi's call when they have a petroleum problem to solve
look at the decay of the infrastructure of south africa and rhodesia, and ask yourself:
Whats its going to be like without whites?
Being better and smarter makes them weeds? I guess metaphors are a little tough for you to comprehend :(
> (OP)
Sorry brah, but I had to confiscate this Pepe.
>decide to move to Omaha
Creighton alum here. That was a bad fucking idea, but realistically our beautiful state is getting pooped on by poop-colored people more and more each year.
Did you make the right call, user? Maybe we'll never know. But I left for kentucky, where black people are pretty brazen in their anti-whiteness
what will it be like without whites?
basically heaven on earth. no racism, no poverty, no murder, no evil, no sadness. your future WILL be brown. accept it now or you basically hate your future grandkids
Save the gay cakes
having recessive genes hardly makes you better lol
you cant be racist to white people
Forgot about Gorsuch on the list of stuff that has happened to this country.
Niggas jus b wilin out bruh
>i took history in HS and got a C
i think whites will recover but it'd look something like this.
>muslims quickly breed out & take over europe.
>arabs start fighting with the africans and continue their petty religious wars even without israeli or american influence
>Russia takes advantage of the chaos to absorb all of its satellite states
>China invades the philippines
>mestizos collapse american economy, nigger strongholds become wastelands, niggers form packs and raid remaining white cities to rape & steal
>India / Pakistan cancel each other out because nukes
>Israeli expansion slows without USA to fight their wars
course correcting
>a few months ago
user, are you sure you want to stay?
Yes, you will gain knowledge here. Yes, that knowledge will change your worldview, FOREVER.
I wish I could go back in time to when I was at your stage, when I was still able to turn back.
You might still be able to turn back, friend. I wish I could, but I've come too far.
Be careful here, newfag. You might never be the same.
Don't really care about him, and Trump is within his limits to pardon him (on the fed level)
>tranny troops
Are more likely to commit suicide and have expensive surgeries and hormones etc, they aren't as effective of a fighting force. They also make up like 0.01% of the population. And Mattis said he would let trans troops serve so this is a non-issue.
Is unconstitutional and Trump has flip flopped on it ten times in the last week anyway and congress is about to codify it into law, Trump just tweeted that everyone worried about Daca isn't going to get deported anyway.
>affirmative action
Don't know what she's talking about, nothing has changed, if anything they should roll it back and treat everyone equally.
>ICE raids
once again, enforcing the law. Also Obama deported more people than any president before him by a long shot.
>campus sexual assault
Again, giving due process to people being accused, as the law should.
>anti-gay cake support
Allowing business owners to choose who they serve, and also allowing religious freedom, there's no problem with this.
Jesus, 7 months in and these are the biggest things they can complain about? I was promised right wing death squads and shit, and so far all Trump is doing is enforcing existing laws and not giving special privileges to people, and liberals are still shitting their pants?
It's just getting slightly more stable and sane, like how it was during the nineties under Bill Clinton.
Nope. There are apparently illegal Irish here somehow and I support them being deported. Obviously we care about demographics (maintaining the "white" majority or even complete homogeneity), but we, or I, still care about the law and not letting everyone just invade.
>believing meme approval rating polls
>post-2016 election, where all polls were publicly BTFO
You lost an election and you're throwing a bigger tantrum about it than you mocked the right for being childish under Obama.
>recessive genes
Just outed yourself as a retard.