Why are white Australians such pussies?

Why are white Australians such pussies?

>Be me at work today
>Meet with white Australian
>Talk about Anglo-sphere
>Talk about Aborigines

Guy gets all SJW and says:
(((they))) were here first.
We should change our constitution.
They should get gibs.
White people are mean.

What the literal fuck Aussies? How many of these faggots do you have in your country?

I thought you guys were tough and didn't give a shit what other people thought, not cucked to the Abo?

>mfw this has happened to me for the third time.

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It puts off the foreign wankers.

I guess Oz has the same type of nible savage-licing limp wristwd libera ls as we have here.
Rhey all have to be mocked vicious ly and relentlessly.
Soneone post the Dear Conquered Peoples pic, the one with Chris Columbus, since I'm on mobile

yea hate it - happens where i live, when an abo turns up for a job, he gets it almost regardless of qualification vs his competitor. Its affirmative action on steroids. Shit for us, shit for them (in a job they arent suited for) and really shit for business. Whats even worse is when you start going west from Sydney u get mudslimes and wogs, when you go north you get chinks. Actually u go anywhere - u get chinks. Btw Abbot isnt that cucked.

He was probably a Melbourne soft cock
Only city people like abos
Rural and suburban retards shoot abos

If you see that leave the company.


Said he was from Sydney

Also said he hated Perth for what its worth.

Australia is pozzed as fuck...lived there for 20 years in NSW.

Thank you f a m

Sydney is the gay capital of the southern hemisphere...nuff said.

Funny you say that, he actually said Sydney was a lot like LA or San Franciso.

too many faggots over here

>when an abo turns up for a job

i see this board has finally become a satirical parody of itself

Yeah, like San Francisco...they even have a bridge they're all proud of

>turns up for a job
So never ever?

20 years in Aussie...never saw an abo working.

Our state funded media is going all out on a brainwashing campaign and that's the result.
The sad part is our current government is "Conservative" and the state run media just shits all over them and they let them get away with it.....

ABC and SBS are poison

and now he's in your country... enjoy :^)

On his way back this weekend. I genuinely feel sorry for anons in OZ if this guy is the norm.

I never understood this squatters rights rule that SJWs live by.

>They were here first
define here. any area that's connected by land is automatically theirs? no because you don't see eskimos in northern canada complaining about the maxicans and laying claim to all of north america. they seem to use the borders that we define.
they didn't have any defined borders, they were not a country. just because some monkey was banging rocks together in a tree 1500 miles away doesn't give them eternal rights to all land in a 1500 mile radius.
and of course at the end of the day ultimately all these people are better off living in a white country.

I find the Liberal Party of Australia (In Aus liberal assumes the classic sense so Liberal Party is like US Republican Party) an highly insidious and dangerous party because they actually do a good job of pretending they are tough on immigration, unPC, alt-lighters, etc...yet in their actions they destroy Australian race at full throttle.

Australians are the descendants of bongs so they are genetically destined to be pussies. Americans are mexicans and therefore are immune to being limpwristed gay nerds.

They had no concept of nationhood, they were stone age savages. The whole concept of giving "Their" land back is ludicrous

>I never understood this squatters rights rule that SJWs live by.

I told him the brutal reality of history around the world is that land belongs to whichever people can hold it by force.

He made a face at me like he had just tasted ass.

This Sydney is where everyone from world goes to get pozzed, then they go smoke meth when they get the bugfever in melb.

That had me a bit puzzled too mate.

The best part is; the further back in time you go - you find the indigenous people stole the land from some other indigenous people... or this tribe stole it from that tribe and so on and so forth.

You can't just go back through history righting all wrongs or it will never end.

Is it true abos drink gasoline?

to be fair i am neet though

they sniff it

>BE aussie of American descent
>work in modern multicultural workplace
>south Africans, Greeks,Indians, Chinese
>white Aussies are the laziest cunts
>all the immigrants are anti gay marriage, anti Muslim and don't understand why we pander to abbos

Says the German descendant.

Anglo-pride world wide.

Yes sniff it. But Aus government created some kind of special gasoline that doesn't make them as high, but they always find something to get high with so it is a futile task.

>aussie of American descent

you have to go back

based nanny state looking after our niggers

Bro tried

No jobs

Can't afford rent

Amerifats are also suffering from cultural decline

Holy shit it's true.

>be retard tier American
>gets a job with a bunch of gooks and curries (that's a retard tier job)
>only Aussies working that job a retard tier Aussies (if they weren't retards they'd have a better job)
>"OMG white Owsees are so lazy!"

Cool anecdotal evidence brah.

>Prior to the introduction of Opal, Comgas (a brand of the aviation fuel avgas) has been used in many communities to discourage use of fuel as an inhalant. Unlike Opal, however, Comgas contains tetraethyllead (TEL), a substance that is poisonous and is banned throughout most of the world for automobile use after the discovery that it was creating an increase in lead particles over the entire earth, including the poles.

>giving abos toxic petrol just to stop them getting high off it

White assausies pride themselves on laziness. It's a form of ensuring there was enough work to go around

Now the imports are taking the jobs and good managers are preferentially hiring them

Just because we have softcock bleeding heart wankers in a lower concentration than other countries doesn't mean we're completely immune, don't be an idiot.

>white Aussies live in (built) the land of plenty
>gooks and spooks live in slave labour shitholes
>backstabbing government opens flood gates
>now white Australians also have to work for peanuts if we want to compete

How could you possibly consider this to be a good thing?

Let me guess he was from the city?
All people from cities are cucks, and abos are not like the niggers in America, they mainly are in rural areas not cities.
Rural Australians fucking hate abos, even the libtard ones. They really are irredeemable, all they do is use gibs to get drunk at 10am and sniff glue.

>Let me guess he was from the city?

Yeah he is from Sydney. He got this wistful look in his eyes talking about them saying "they had culture in OZ for 60,000 years before the white man".

It was pretty disgusting.

>They really are irredeemable, all they do is use gibs to get drunk at 10am and sniff glue.
So they're like our natives.

They don't drink gasoline, but they are partial to a bottle of methylated spirits.


They love to walk a dog

We're the last of the real Aussies on pol. Most Aussies irl may as well be having regular gay sex on the side. It wouldn't make them much gayer.

>never understood aussie hate on /pol
>went to sydney last year for work
>walking through city - constantly accosted by homeless
>mention to native white aussie "wow, there are lots of homeless here"
>he responds unironically "there are no homeless here, mate"
>understand now why Sup Forums hates aussies
>support ip ban for aussies
>understand why oz was a prison colony
>disgusting ppl - happy they will be wiped out
>kiwis are aussies that can read

Why does their PM look like an Agent Smith?

Wtf? Yeah there's a lot of people that want to give cryptic and condescending replies whilst implying you're an idiot and they are some awesome salt of the earth by saying 'mate'.

You've sort of got to suss people out before you talk to them. Don't want to get caught up with a cunt.

Why are so many homos in Australia?

i got a few aussies on fb and when they mentioned abos years ago on it i said "are they still around? i thought they all died like the aztecs? do they still live in caves and throw spears?" it got some laughs but some of the aussies on his wall got real triggered

i then brought up that they used to eat each other why do they care? we used to shoot them and that got more laughs.

Anyone from Sydney/Melbourne are not your typical Aussies. That's like saying every American is a Cali liberal.