The final redpill
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The final redpill is that George Lincoln Rockwell was absolutely right about the negro question.
The final redpill is that we ARE gonna get outta here.
>West falls because of African migrant gibs
>Africa has no more gibs
>95% of Africa starves
The end
nuke africa&asia, save the earth
This info supports several prophecies. Disturbing because Black + Asian people get almost wiped out by the year 2400.
It seems as though these predictions were made on the assumption that africans are human.
I strongly doubt that you can fit 4 billion niggers on a continent without genocidal levels of violence to force the population back down.
>I strongly doubt that you can fit 4 billion niggers on a continent without genocidal levels of violence to force the population back down.
The violence won't come from them. It'll come from whites. A population that large grows to that size because removing the element of poverty also removes most violence.
they usually only take the fatties and the uglies
all yours
Gonna be a heaven for white women...
You're going to meed more korners to fap in, komrade!
Anything to humiliate white nationalists
Africa will be a literal desert - all the animals killed for meat, all the trees taken for firewood. Billions of feral nogs wandering the continent searching for the latest aid package dropped by Communists. What a glorious day.
show ur flag pussy
Fucking this. You will get Haiti on a continental scale. And they will beg for gibs to save them. And dumbfucks like the cucktholic church will try to bail them out for converts.
Please explain
>gonna be a heaven for leafs
We need to seriously start considering the possibility of a virus that targets only black people and releasing it in Africa
Unless China colonizes Africa and enforces strict population control.
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