>California is on fire
>Texas is underwater
> Earthquake in Mexico
> Hurricanes in Florida
I don't know if I'm just being paranoid or could there be something big coming
>California is on fire
>Texas is underwater
> Earthquake in Mexico
> Hurricanes in Florida
I don't know if I'm just being paranoid or could there be something big coming
Other urls found in this thread:
Would you like a suggestion?
What is it?
Are you familiar with terrariums?
Those glass bowls with plants in them? What about them?
meh sentient beings capable of transcending space and time have better things than to drown us like ants. if it's anything intentional, it's some human govt related thing
>muh flat earth
so show me the fucking edge. stick a camera in a balloon and show me the edge, you can't do it because shit is near spherical
Repent and accept Jesus Christ as your one true savior, and you will find your salvation. Weep nevermore for the state of a world drowning in anguish and misery. Be at peace knowing that regardless of what the coming tribulations and cataclysms hold, you WILL BE SAVED if you humble yourself before the Lord, and truly acknowledge He who is holiest, the King of Kings.
May God bless you, user.
What could possibly top the final few months of 2016? We memed a shitlord into the US presidency.
A few more big events in 2017 and we topped that. Then 2018 gets even more interesting, because it will have to top 2017.
Perhaps weather is changing?
>All places with a shitload of spics
When Trump wasn't kidding around when he said he'd end DACA once and for all...
You're paranoid and obviously very young. Every 5-8 years there is a string of natural disasters all in one year. You're showing your age by not rememberin this, because when you are younger you are smarter and subsequently do not care about the world around you/natural happenings/ things that don't concern you because you were always happy
Amen. God bless and God speed
It's the great quickening that started after the eclipse. Now we just had the largest CME in 12 years
>California is on fire
As they have been since ever
>Texas is underwater
> Earthquake in Mexico
Welcome to Mexico
> Hurricanes in Florida
Welcome to Florida
Are you new at life?
Cali is always on fire Kek we have a fucking fire season for Christ sake
>All are Latin bastions
God hates Mexicans and all manner of Latin Americans?
We are undergoing a G4 intergalactic space storm or something crazy like that.
Are any of the liberals blaming Trump for it?
The Sun isn't too happy right now.
We'll get thru this guys.
Wrath Of God.
It certainly isn't looking good, but who knows whats going to happen next.
Yeah. God is punishing north america for the fascist drumpf
>Are any of the liberals blaming Trump for it?
Why yes, yes they are
I think something big and fishy is going on, maybe the particle accelerator in CERN, NASA, CIA, GOOGLE are doing this on purpose some how?
God has heard our prayers for a Boomer genocide.
>hurricanes in hurricane season
>earthquake on the ring of fire
>fires in brush-covered mountains of california
>OP thinks these normal things are a sign of something
Keep smoking all that weed, OP. It's working out well for you.