Soon I'll be back more fabulous than ever.
Miss me yet Sup Forums?
Shill thread or real milo?
Oh please darling you know better...
Go suck some more bbc faggot.
Timestamp and tits or gtfo
so, how are our future prospects?
Fake and gay
Daddy Trump is doing a marvelous job so far. Soon, I will be returning to campus to trigger some SJW's. I'm ready to make my return as the DANGEROUS FAGGOT once again. This time more fabulous than ever.
Don't be silly.
I love you milo
I will give you my bbc for meth. Do you except wh*te boi?
Been a while since I heard about this fag. Thought he finaly disd from aids.
>using a 2+ year old pic
yeah this isn't Milo lol
milo isn't that flamboyant fag, you need to study more the target you're trying to impersonate
i hate that faggot and wish he would be thrown off a roof by socially conservative muslims.
Milo, do you know anything about Plus Ultra? I just discovered Trump is part of some dope secret societiez n shit meant to benefit humanity. My mind is blown.
You're not really gay or a jew are you?
Good job man ;)
You started this war off really good, and we honor your sacrifice.
Milo is the grand wizard of trolls. I learned from the best. He gets information from trolling like I did. Trolled my long distance family on my father's side for 8 months to get what I need from them. Information to form my own opinions of my father's father. my father, and his sisters put together.
Welcome back to the fold. Please contact your think tank owners and send more right wing icons.
“Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a book.”
- Barcus Bullio
I don't kiss and tell ;)
low-energy b8, m8
>in all fields
time stamp plz
I'll plead the FITH. We all know what happened to JFK!
With the notoriety of this place, I wouldn't blame him if he didn't. But it would also be cool if he did.
Milo you claim to be a Catholic and yet you think faggotry is somehow acceptable.
You rightfully oppose gay marriage. But you must surely understand that your willingness to engage in homosexual acts makes you a degenerate faggot. Do you not know this? You ultimately hurt the cause you claim to want to help with what you do.
Would God not forgive him if he asked?
We know you will
this place is full of r/the_donald /nupol/ites who love jews and faggots
maybe just the hair with a timestamp? plausible deniability?
He definitely is that flamboyant. Looks like his diction.
Liking kpop and plastic women is pretty faggy senpai
Forgiveness requires Repentance.
Hahah okay. Thanks for that at least! Hope you're doing well. Take care.
... sage
Milo will never be black haired
and come back to Sup Forums ever again
Guess I have to buy a faggy book now, thanks "Milo"
He came back from the pedo hit piece really well. It goes to show that the usual liberal tactics to disable conservative voices don't work anymore.
Your take on Charlottesville?
If it is, love your book!! Keep up the good work. If not, fuck off!
Don't miss the link on your way out
how much coke did you do tonight Milo?
Milo, what do we have to do to suck on your sexy wiener?
>google Barcus Bullio
>top result is this thread
>8 posts by OP
>no timestamp
The real Milo understands the value of proving it's really him.
I definitely believe this is milo or he wouldn't have responded to my question the way he did.
Scroll up and see my question and his response. Give user Milo faith.
No doubt.
Also he has been lifting
The faggot would have posted himself shirtless.
Have you had any communication with Bannon? Do you think Andrew Breitbart died under strange circumstances?
i like milo
o shit!
You look like one of the fags from Depeche Mode.
milo has bigger balls than most all the 'net warriors' in this thread.
he does - action life
you watch and comment - reactionary life
yay Milo is really you?
FAKE AND GAY. you're not the real glorious fagget so gtfo
Why do people like Milo? All I ever see him do is read off the same 5 statistics at every event he goes to.
Who's this old man?
its how he does it
I still can't decide who's queen of Sup Forums. Milo or Taylor Swift.
He's some shitskin homo.
Literally no one can trigger leftist trash like Milo. He'said the freekin Troll King.
Yea, obvious post of picture from 2 years ago when gamergate was actually relevant
God damn those fags could sing!
Gonna need a timestamp before I believe it. Having said that, if this is actually milo congrats, I hope you make Berkeley burn to the ground, and I've considered buying your book.
if what happened to milo then, happened now, i think he wouldnt have left breitbart.
you know his presence brought out every muzzer on this forum. ha ha!
faceplant girl lel
Hopefully he'll have to go get a real job soon.
Milo is fake as fuck, everything he does is for publicity and money. Pretty sure he doesn't care about anything he says. Idk how people like him desu
This. He's realized he can get mega attention and cause massive outrage by insulting the ruling cultural elite and ridiculing their shibboleths.
Just like any faggot ever in any society.
It's all about the Yous and nothing about fixing things. He's a Sup Forumstard, not Sup Forumsack.
This is the most fake and gay thread ever.
If a bunch of antifas get arrested during free speech week will you still say he isn't fixing anything?
Fuck off creepy pedo
I wouldn't say he's come back. But it certainly didn't destroy him. Maybe i spend too much time on Sup Forums tho.
How does this happen? Is she so exhausted that she can't support her body?
>Timestamp and tits or gtfo
I'd like to see full cock pics.
He was on NYT bestseller list for 5 weeks straight, if thats not "back" I am not quite sure what is.
They were performing in the rain, and she's just bad at standing up I guess. Up side for all that pain is it got them loads of publicity and they kind of went from an unknown group to somewhat famous.
You don't say.. you blind cunt
The #gamergate didn't give it away for you, no?