We got a chase


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I ain't clickin that shit nigga


legit link. lets get comfy y'all


Comfy as fuck.

Playing paddy cake with the truck right now.


just stop that car wtf? pit maneuver

they said the pd following them doesn't allow it

get the strips out lmao

God damn I love these

it's just that easy!! roflmaololcopters420blazeit

That dude just said splink of an eye

This has been going on for 20 minutes wtf.

LOL why don't they stop him. My sides

If you guys missed the one from earlier today


ffwd to the arrest which is the most interesting thing. It has to be someone famous or important

any idea whats in the truck bed? Looks like suspicious garbage bags but i cant tell

What's the make and model of truck?
What's in the bed? Wheels?

thx anus


I don't we'll ever get a chase as exciting as the one a couple weeks ago were the guy fell of the crane naked

sweet truck senpai senpai
>not garbage bunch of rims

ahaha nvm its rims. of course its rims

If that's a Toyota truck this could go the distance.

>multiangle comfy streams

>captcha: vehicles

He fell? Shit did he die?

>based pit

Friday night chase. Nice.

he has some lights out is that why he was getting pulled over? ITS A DOG ITS A DOG


Yea. He ded

Doggo in the truck confirmed. This just got worrying.

oh fuck free doggo

>putting DOGGO in danger
Kill this nigger

>he's getting nailed by the red light cameras at every intersection

Dogpro needs to pee

Oh shit they are going to shoot the dog.

rolling for dead doggo

Is the same one from hours ago?

welcome to america

Went for the PIT and got bit

Let the dog go at the next intersection. He didn't sign up for this.



Doggo out the back window! Anyone get caps?

Doggo looking out the window lol

WE /freeway/ now boys


open er up
>wtf is a freway? highway if you comin my way

gonna need a qrd. did he steal those tires or something?

its fucking OJ
He just got released

but will they be mexican?

Content not available in my cunt.

is he retarded anyone got info on this fucker?

this is fucking weird

Not until October, leaf.

got work in the morning
>at will employment

>anyone got info on this fucker?

he has one headlight

Those are the only links available. I guess your shit out of luck

is it a nigger
is there a passenger

looks like late 90's GMC sonoma,

"human life is more important probably.. uh"

The cops are gonna kill that dog when they finally end the chase.

I think this jew predicted the fute

exactly. I was losing my mind when it happened live. Nothing about that arrest makes sense. Was it an undercover cop? A movie star?

dont hurt doggo plox

Plot twist: the dog is a narc

its a nissan

ow my ears

Da or assistant working pizzag8.

stay on em boys!

Yeah the reporter already foreshadowed that.

high level Scientologist one of the perks

"Better lead the cops to my house!!!!!!!!111one"

>The cops are gonna kill that dog when they finally end the chase.

hopefully they kill the guy too we can all watch it go down

is gangsta doggo bout that life?

jackass messed up getting off the highway!


This is a virgin chase.

>he doesn't know about white privelage

>uses indicators when going around corners during a police chase

digits its a mexican

Does driving with a German Shepherd count as driving with a weapon?

This mother fucker is using his turn signals...


He was even doing it for lane changes on the highway.

>virgin chase
>chad pursuit

just a deaf autist
>big missunderstanding

>pickup truck
Is it a white? Maybe a Texan refugee? Those fuckers are the worst. They're bringing crime, they're bringing drugs, they're rapists. I don't care if your state got hit by a hurricane, you dirty white motherfucker. This guy is fighting age, too, so why is he not there helping with the recovery process?


>riding dirty
>cop tries to pull you over
>go on a low speed chase
>feed dog bro your drugs
>let dog run away

the secret is to indicate right as you turn left

either hes oblivius or he thinks this is a joke



lol this host

lol all those wheels in the back bed..

definitely a spic.

ok that explains why he is signaling
but how much drug does he have when is the dog getting let go?

>I just don't know what that dog's gonna do

Doggo confirmed armed and dangerous

Mike and Molly WTF?!

racist fuck

front seat wat, and then the camera cuts away some cop fucked up


that dudes drugs are gonna kill the dog before the cops do