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treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/Documents/A Financial System.pdf

Based leaf.

I spent the day cancelling cards and figuring out where I'm gonna buy some fucking land.
FUG, even if I live off the grid they'll jew me out of property taxes unless I play their game.

Can we ever be free of the jew?

Something is off about that Equifax logo, can't quite put my finger on it.

You need to freeze your credit as well.

At this point, it only seems like the political way of ousting kikes from prestigious economic and state positions is to get rid of money lending- which was always bad. Money lending is not *free* money for the economy, it's always owed. It has the similar effect of growing the economy by just printing more money. I think by demanding the end of money lending the right wing could finally graduate from social warfare.

You are exactly what (((they))) want. A panicked person freezing all of their credit and socials so you as a consumer are afraid to consume. Its a plan to have people lose faith in Trumps Economy so it is no longer on the rise.

Economic retard here. Also coincidentally a musician. wtf was this bitch doing as CEO of security? Also my credit already sucks shit, should I care about this?

We can't even legally live off the grid in Canada, count some of your blessings. On the other hand, should I be cancelling my credit card up here? I'm not sure how deep equifax goes within Canadian law.

Fug checked.

Just usury.

>Also my credit already sucks shit, should I care about this?

Do you care about people stealing your identity? Getting your tax returns? Possibly committing crimes in your name, or saddling you with thousands of dollars worth of debt?

It's the shift into the bitcoin economy
Start investing now, and gearing your business towards bitcoin exclusive trading

Pay attention you paranoid cucks

>Pasta Inbound

Do NOT enroll in the Equifax 'protection' (hurr duur you've been fucked. too bad). It will NOT fix your credit if you get hit with credit fraud.

FREEZE your credit files at all FOUR credit bureaus - Equifax, Experian, Innovis and Trans Union. Also freeze your credit at ChexSystems, a consumer credit reporting agency

Temporarily or permanently stop those bullshit mailed 'pre-approved' credit card and insurance offers optoutprescreen.com/

Credit Freeze State rights : consumersunion.org/research/security-freeze/

All this will NOT protect you from tax return fraud. krebsonsecurity.com/what-tax-fraud-victims-can-do/

Data from krebsonsecurity.com/2015/06/how-i-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-embrace-the-security-freeze/

Please copy this info and paste it in other Equifax breach threads.

Sup Forums is being bombarded with shills, shitpost bots, and weeniehut gen z newfags from god knows where. Gen Z is welcome here if 18 but for fucks sake teenage content is terrrible. If you're a regular here you've probably noticed the ridiculous amount of

I probably should do that too

I'm getting rekt either way but to be honest it was to not have to worry about so much. I inherited some money and I was paying off the cards monthly but now I just want to be a hermit and shitpost all day. A few less cards and a debt freeze would help. I'm a pretty nervous and paranoid person already, this just made me feel way worse.
I have a few BTC and other crypto shit already, I already got cucked, now I'm just trying to figure stuff out while I ride the wave.

fuck all (((banks)))

what u want to do is build a good credit history and make the jew think you are playing his game

then when you have a good credit score you max out all your possibly obtainable cards and loans

go to eastern europe or asia for 7 years and live like a king

7 years later the debtors will stop chasing you

you go back to freedom land and rebuild your credit score in a year

What if you're someone who cares about more than yourself?

>paying a small fee to unfreeze your credit when opening a new line of credit
Yes its a shit jew scam seeing as how they put us in this fucked situation to begin with but how often do you open a new line of credit in the first place? Just freeze your shit.

>oy vey youll be too scared to consume
What the fuck is a debit card? If you pay for most everything in credit you are a retard, granted you arent just paying it off immediately and milking rewards


Sounds like a flawless plan

yes. How do I stop it?

Ha ha ha ha you think the collectors ever stop.
They sell to other collection agencies that call you every day as long as you live, and they follow every family member trying to get them to puke out your phone or address.
They have no reservation in telling them you owe money.

Either way- how the hell did university campuses manage to tiptoe around this one despite being neo-communists?

We just had march on wall street less than 10 years ago ffs

It's really depressing to think about what OWS could have been if the movement hadn't gotten hijacked by the progressive crowd.

Paying to freeze your name is absolutely a jew scam. What you are failing to realize is this, more than just people use Credit. Businesses do as well, people also tend to use Credit more under a booming Economy. Taking a loan out for a new vehicle or home isnt maxing out your Credit, but a huge security risk like this tends to have consumers a little weary of consuming. Trump every Month talking about how the Economy is at record highs every Month makes people want to Consume more. If you dont get that there are forces out there doing everything they can to force situations to make Trump look as bad as they can to shut down a 2020 election, then I dont know what world you are living in. It isnt here though.

Yeah, niggers and holes wouldn't stop talking about identity politics. Made the guys that actually gave a shit leave.
Anybody know the name of the jew that was at the OWS shit that called what was going to happen years prior and was interviewing people that were there?

Occupy Wall Street being hijacked by the jewish invention of SJWs is what is defining the millenial generation.

Occupy was the closest the American people have collectively gotten to mass redpilling on (((them))). However it was doomed to fail as it was "led" by hippie retards who can't grasp shit about how Finance works, they just had the reptilian part of their brains awakening and realizing something has been going horribly wrong. Because the protestors were mental midgets and rejected the idea of having leadership at the rallies and protests, they bent over like a dog when feminists and faggots took over the movement to ((((((((push their agendas)))))))) against muh oppressive one pahcent.

I wonder if Soros was paying for those SJWs even then.

I don't have a credit card but I applied for a debit card two weeks ago. Am I going to die?

You are already dead

Flip a coin

I agree with you on all these points, HOWEVER, you and I are still PERSONALLY at risk right now. So what are your personal plans if not freezing your credit?

>no more lending
So basically anyone who doesn't have rich parents shouldn't have the opportunity to start their own business?

I have your card info and just spent $700 at McDonalds

I had some 3rd party shithead try to come after me for some tiny debt he bought from US Bank. the 7 year statute was almost up and he started claiming to be a financial crimes cop to my employer.
>My boss told him that I had died.
>the harassment stopped

Dude. OWS had progressive elements from the start. It was anarchists and libertarians

Jesus fuck Holder in due course is a fucking torpedo of bullshit

It really did devolve into communist trash. I remember the infiltration OWS suffered being compared to Putin's infiltration of his opposition when they protested. You approach youth on corporations or the state "keeping down the man", they receive you so well. But you mention the banks, and they become very meek. Idiots.

The pundits John Lebowitz and friends were also very quick to mock them. Effectively, we were shown the blueprint of how the leftist media operates, and it's apparent in how they abandoned antifa after they outgrew their usefulness.

Yeah. You have a problem with that?

It was the absolute worst people for the job trying to do something way above their intellect and expose something they didnt understand. How else would protests calling out [what they didnt know was] usury and jewery turn into faggot parades?

The bong is right. Lending is necessary is the modern world where starting a business costs an arm and a l

Personally, im not sure if the scare is artificial or real. It doesnt have to be real to put fear into consuming, just a maybe is damaging enough. When I see enough of an increase in identity theft, i'll assume its real and freeze my credit and Social.

fair enough answer. I will probably take this approach myself

>an arm and a l
looks like they took yer leg already mate



I see you found the problem

It was pre-antfia in America. Didn't you see them light trash cans on fire and smash car windows, then have a scrap with police?

Correct. You can still lend without putting someone into slavery. Your leaf brethen was basically saying


I remember at one point the OWS niggers in Oregon or something actually got an audience with the mayor and they sent in a fucking dog as their Representative.


Can someone explain to me why is it to easy to commit fraud using someone else's national security number in America?
I mean, even if I have every personal information about someone, I can't walk into a bank and take a loan in that person's name because loans are either in the form of a credit card mailed directly to the account holder's registered address or deposited to the named person's bank account. Even if we're talking about simpler loans like car leasing, there will be some form of written communication between the lender and the borrower, you can't just walk into a bank and borrow hard cash and go on your way, there's so many security steps I just can't see how having someone's personal details would enable you to do anything at all.

Everyone will work for Jews then. Was this part of your master plan?

I dont remember this, but I was also not politically invested at the time. got video?


>shit a hurricane is coming my way
>the safe thing to do would be to evacuate for a few days

The key words in every article that has been published on these events are this "at risk". No one even knows how deep the damage was, these hackers could have taken it all, or just some. 143 or 147 whatever the number of million the News is reporting is saying at risk, not lock your shit up now youre hacked. Im going to be checking FBI reports on increase in Identity Theft and use my annual Credit Report check in December though.

This is different you dumb lard.

I know it's different user, it's called an analogy. I can use pictures if you're more comfortable with those

>having horrible credit finally pays off

I don't know if either of you have noticed, but our governments are indebted to jewish families to begin with. If jews even had the slightest idea of how to run industry without trapping everyone into IOU games, I may be afraid of limiting/ending money lending.

If we mitigate the power of lending, we're mitigating the power of banking, the throne of the Jewish class. Then they would have less to bargain with in our politic.

Also, the market would adjust to compensate for the lack of extra money floating around.

I'm surprised the stock only lost about 15% of it's value.
I've seen biotechs lose more on good news than that.

You are 100% a fucking idiot. Insurance will cover everything you personally own if you werent stupid enough to not get it in a fucking Hurricane State. Consumer Confidence is not the same as fleeing a natural disaster...

>Insurance will cover everything you personally own
That's property dumbfuck, the primary goal of evacuating is personal safety
Jesus christ you are one sorry dipshit

Wait til Monday when the markets open again, this was put out publicly on a Thursday I think after the Market closed. Friday it tanked a little, let the news spread it should go down more on Monday.

dats nice

>homeowners insurance
Thatll cover your home, and stuff inside
>Car insurance/Gap Insurance
Your Car is good
>Business Insurance
Your fucking bong shop will be okay retard.

This is why you have an itemized list of your possessions and reciepts. If you live in Florida you already know the drill.

Its a bad analogy then.

That only happens because governments spend more than what they collect. That's what needs to be stopped. The idea that every single developed country overshoots the budget year after year and that's seen as normal is what is entrapping us. End that and their influence over government is cut short.
Any lending mechanism needs interest to account for the risk of not getting paid back. And albeit Jews control this particular market nowadays that's far from a Jewish invention. The age of discoveries and the industrial revolution were made possible thanks to private funding and lending.

Btw, from a CBC article

"Equifax has said that three of its executives who sold stock just days after the company discovered the breach were not aware of the hack at the time.

Equifax chief financial officer John Gamble and two other executives, Rodolfo Ploder and Joseph Loughran, sold a combined $1.8 million US in stock on Aug. 1 and Aug. 2."

Their Jew Lawyers advised them to make sales on their investments over the weekend because they would still be able to feign ignorance to the hack clearing them of Insider Trading.

I understand that lending does have uses, but if we overshoot they'll rollback the actual implementation of policy to be less severe anyway. It's why they're always pushing for socialist programs- which are not affordable. But couldn't an economy survive and grow without lending services? (Besides the exchange of currency)

Guys, what if we try to light a fire under anti-fa circles to get them outraged about this?
I mean, a major corporation fucked americans and the executives got out scot free. Those socialist useful idiots should be drooling at this information to "protest" (i.e. incite a riot)
If we can subvert their social media avenues and divert their attention from fighting the "alt-right" we may be able to make the story get more exposure, and sow some chaos.

Omae wa motherfucker

>investing now
>monday it will drop guaranteed because of the chink decision

They are too fucking stupid, hopelessly ultraviolet pilled and addicted to heroin to provide anything of value. Quit trying to make nazbol happen!

> Monday
The crypto market is 24/24. The market reacts instantly.

>woman with an arts degree in music
>chief opsec officer in your company
doomed to failure from the very start

>mfw the government is implicated since the government uses equifax to check your credit history when applying for welfare

This wont get trending on any Social Media platform while everyone is


We have several Natural Disasters all occuring at the same time. To get the leftists worried about straight white males who voted for Trump to be put at Credit Risk... I dont think theyll bite the bait until it dies down. The Media is sitting on this until all the disasters damages are done so they can further depress the Nation with oh hey the Government is going further into debt with Federal Aid, and you all also just got hacked. All to amp National Panic.

God damnit Sup Forums, I can even kind of see it in the thumbnail compression artifacts

And give Trump an excuse to crack down on (((their))) favorite industry?

So where can I find some carder forums that are trading this information?

Go away Jose.

Is america the cuckest country?
Make a music masters Chief Security officer. LMAO LOL>

I checked on their site and I'm safe.

At least we have toilets, Pajeet.

>I verified information with a Company who lost it to begin with and made me agree to not participate in a Class Action Lawsuit: the post.

>Consumers attempting to find out if they are among the 143 million people whose personal information has been compromised in the Equifax hack must first sign away some of their legal rights.
>Equifax has come under fire for attempting to bind consumers to mandatory arbitration when signing up for the monitoring service — called TrustedID Premier — thereby forcing them to give up their right to join a class-action case.
But don't worry, treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin surely understands and supports the need for a consumer protections :^)
>The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was created to pursue an important mission, but its unaccountable structure and unduly broad regulatory powers have led to regulatory abuses and excesses. The CFPB’s approach to enforcement and rulemaking has hindered consumer choice and access to credit, limited innovation, and imposed undue compliance burdens, particularly on small institutions.
treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/Documents/A Financial System.pdf
Whoops, guess not. Better get used to accidentally signing the rights to all your assets away and having a fiscally far right supreme court upholding the terms of the contract. Who would have guessed that winning so much would feel like being raped by bankers in every orifice simultaneously and forever?

Obama managed to get us out of a recession to an economy with fundamentals for the growth and employment rates we have now (the same as before the end of his term).
Trump should be able to handle a data leak.
have some titties.

He has a lot of odds stacked against him right now. Not that he hasnt overcome worse, I think he will pull through (((their))) way of shutting him down, but we should be planning a way to get the White House to make an Official Response so The People know its on their radar. Right now theres a few articles out, but no major coverage. How do we create a National Outrage during all these Natural Disasters?

Bump for justice against these kikes.

Senior level data/IT guy here.

Look folks we're talking about 143 million accounts. Not records. Accounts. Their credit history. Authentication information. SPI. And so on.

This is a lot of data.

The data was obtained one of two ways.

Either hackers stole it all in a few hours or a day or two at the most. Not only does this require a significant amount of knowledge of the infrastructure and architecture, it's a TON of data moving across the pipe.

But nobody noticed that much data moving? Nobody noticed when tables or jobs got deadlocked?

Or. Hackers spent several months, using a variety of proxies to hide their addresses and slowly sniffed around the network and explored and moved little bits at a time.

And nobody noticed aaaallll those untrusted addresses moving around from device to device?

Either they had an insider assisting in this hack ... or they didn't.

If they did, they're hiding this and they're corrupt.
If they didn't, they're woefully inept.

>They “had no knowledge that an intrusion had occurred at the time.”

why not both

The Company estimates the hack occured from Mid-May to the end of July. And you are more than likely correct, its an inside job.

Damn, you guys are right.

Horseshit. 143M accounts is nothing. Depending on their investment in their DB servers, do this by 100k accounts at a time with ~5 secs of query time and you're done in less than three hours. No one monitors "data moving" whatever that means.

>>reddit spacing

One of two things happened.

Either it was lots of small data movements from an untrusted address or handful of addresses. And it happened a lot every day between May and July (but it's totally ok now you guys)

Or. It was one big undetected hack. With giant data movement

> No one monitors "data moving" whatever that means.

Uh. Yea. Actually good companies closely monitor large data movements.

You don't .. you don't monitor that at your work?

Who is it you work for?

A company that like any other middle sized company, constantly has HUGE queries running for multiple clients at the same time. Exports of our entire db, incredibly complex queries, backups, etc. This wouldn't even register. We have alerts when 5 queries are running for over 30 seconds per db server, but that's it.

Once they were in, or figured out how to get in, couldnt they have a botnet set up to take all the info at once?

Private Citizens with most if not all of their most personal information stored in their DB making them an absolute high target with billions of dollars to lose if they lost it has no one monitering their systems or any security checks in place especially from unauthorized addresses? Im sure they left themselves that vulnerable.

Reminder this is false flag against Trump.
All data were public data.
>Both the lender and the borrower have the ability to access the information held in our database which helps the borrower maintain and review his/her credit history and helps the lender improve asset quality. Our consumer credit reports are built from our Equifax consumer credit database, using state-of-the-art searching and matching algorithms, backed by data from our member institution.