In Apt Pupil by the great writer of our times Stephen King...

>In Apt Pupil by the great writer of our times Stephen King, a preteen boy named Todd discovers a notorious Nazi war criminal living in secret in his small town. Rather than turn him in, he approaches Kurt Dussander in order to learn more about the Holocaust straight from the bastard horse's mouth, threatening him with exposure if he doesn't comply.

>Dussander describes in great detail the atrocities committed in the concentration camps over the course of many years, and as Todd grows up the exposure to such inhumane cruelty begins to warp his mind into something dark and evil.

>King shows Todd's first wet dream as a teenager. In it, he is an assistant to Dussander in a medical experiment involving a 16-year-old Jewish girl. Dussander orders Todd to strap on an insulated condom that delivers electric shocks from the tip. Todd uses this to rape the girl, slowly increasing the voltage until she is screaming uncontrollably before waking up covered in semen.
is this what american inner city kids are reading?

>is this what american inner city kids are reading?
>implying niggers read

Only sick people can actually write this. Fucking kikes.

Stephen King is INSANE in really vile ways. His current public image as this great American writer who champions progressive values is all a charade. If you actually go back and read his books he's a full-blown degenerate who shouldn't be allowed near women and children. "It" even has a fucking child gang rape.

>Stephen King is jewish
not really. he is white.

You should check out some of his stuff that he ghost wrote back in the day. There's one about a sperg that freaks out and holds his class hostage with a lot of weird undertones to it.

Yeah but who funds his movies and book publishing you stupid fuck?

That shit's all gay. True Nazis know that Jews are only good for lampshades and soap. Not sex.

he's an honourary kike

You had me at "preteen boy". My penis never lies, and I got a big stiffie when I read that.

Might massage my foreskin again

but whites consume it. there would be no supply without demand. Stephen King is recommended reading in many good american schools

I'd hate fuck pic related with an electro-condom for sure.

Camp guard: great job or greatest job?

Im scared and they seem white. What next guys

turn sjw liberal and secretely wish the extinction of your own people

Jewish media is tailored just for white people user. As in other nations, it is tailored to the races that live in them. Their tendrils reach into every major media company all around the world.

Jewish people make their living on people. Not on natural resorces, or on the business of trades. But in the exploitation of other human beings. They are "bugabooGod's chosen" they are the apex parasite (or predator). This is why they have been expelled from nearly every nation they have been discovered in.

King was sublimating his sexual desires.

>niggers and spics reading.
Good one,OP.

Stephen King is an alcoholic pervert.

How can you read such trash prose?
Get the fuck out of here Freud

>Stephen King is recommended reading in many good american schools
This is the first I've heard of it. That guy has written some seriously fucked up things.

>you will never titty fuck this Jew cow while yelling out excerpts from Mein Kampf while wearing a full SS uniform.

Why even live?!?!

We actually read the one involving a werewolf but our stupid bible bumper teacher censored out cursing. It's so stupid to try and avoid cursing. Who gives a fuck if someone says shit fuck fuckity fuck fuck shitty shitty fag fag cunt fuck?!?!

(((Stephen King)))

This was the only thing I ever stole - Apt Pupil in the 90s from a local library

Yeah thats right
Gay ending

>Get the fuck out of here Freud
No, he probably was. King is known for writing about himself and his fantasies in a thinly veiled way. A lot of characters in his books are actually based on himself, ever notice a theme of alcoholic writers being in his books?

Guy at my old high school acted that scene out. Killed 2 people. He's still in jail.

The real Stephen King died in the late 1990's. The person who has his name now is just a liberal mouthpiece with little talent.

Stephen King have used to get fucked up on DXM cough syrup and cocaine. Of course he ended writing a ton of "horror" that is actually just sadist fantasy with a bit of supernatural thrown in.

Read Freud's interpretation of Gradiva by Jensen, if you haven't already. It's literally what you're saying just that all Psychoanalytical and shit.


The Germans were the good guys, at least better than the soulless Russians.

That's some asanagi's tier shit right there.

King looks like he has downs syndrome, writes like crap, and put a kid gang bang in It. I don't know why he gets the praise he does, fucked up alcoholic faggot.

Funny thing is the ending. Kid goes out in a blaze of glory shooting randoms on a highway with a hunting rifle.

This goes against everything Dussander had taught him. This is like a nigger spending 6 months with a professional bank robber, learning all of his secrets, then going and robbing a gas station and getting shot.

was completely out of nowhere and didnt follow the logic at all, blatant "nazis are evil brainless psychopaths"

That's true of pretty much every author

Read it a few years ago, pretty interesting short story, only 120 pages or so. Really focuses more on the kid's life than Nazi stuff.

It's called art you moron. It does it for the sake of terrifying the reader, this is why the genre is called HORROR.

I used to think like you, just start listening to power electronics or black metal if you want to grasp the dark arts.

Wasn't he caught and pretty much fucked anyways? He killed the teacher that confronted him and would ruin his future.

It seems the student has surpassed the maser in edginess.

>Stephen King is a pedo who secretely rights about his fetishes by insertig an out of nowhere 11 years old gangbang for no reason.
yeah tigane, totally normal, cretinule

this is a great novel. the kid ends up killing blacks and vagrants, truly /ourguy/

>pre teen
>distinctly remember seeing his pubes in the shower scene
>look up the director
>Bryan Singer

>child gang rape
technically it's a consensual train

>let's not let him publish because he triggers my feelings

You can't know whether he actually fantasises about it or writes about it for the sake of terrifying the readers. This is not how capitalism works, you can't ban a book which doesn't even jeopardise the state integrity.

It was a train, but it was supposed to show how she loved each of them, and her love saved them. It bonded them together in that way.

But yeah, train in the sewer after defeating the bad guy. He could have left that part out.

listen man none of his erotic smut has any "horror" value. if you can't see or understand that shit like this is corrupting the minds of young people to whom his books are targeted than you are THE moron

The jews are shitting their pants at being exposed, keep shilling faggots. No one's fooled. Could you be more obvious, you commie fucks?

I read that when I was a kid. It was okay. was okay too, adolescent fantasy.

this tbqh, and I have always been quite fond of the horror genre, but you are right

turn him into whom? the Jews?

>Stephen King

Pick one you pathetic fool

I dont remember the details of the book beyond the ending being him going postal

Weird how vivid the imagery was, the memory is the scene as if I was there.

Is this for real? Stephen King fucking sucks if it is.

Old Steve have gone to shit in the mid 90's, but you have to realize he was fucking revolutionary before that. His 70's and 80's stuff is out of this world