Was FDR good or bad?

Was FDR good or bad?

every single president was shit

Shit tier politician. At least he cared about his country enough to wipe out some nips and natsocs.

Hes the one that put israel where it is instead of letting hitler kill them all. He bad


Andrew Jackson was fucking great you dumb fucking faggot. Before he was a president he was a general who made motherfucking PIRATES fight alongside him against him against the British and win. He wanted to outlaw national banks. If he succeeded we would be a lot better off. The indian removal is a great bonus. At his funeral his parrot had to leave because it kept cursing.

He ended the Great Republican Depression, won WW2, taxed the shit out of the wealthy elites, and created the greatest middle class the world had ever known.

He was elected and re-elected 4x. Republicans had to put 2 term limit in the Constitution because FDR was so based.

FDR was quite literally the greatest president of all time.

Among the very worst.

everything you listed was false....oh wait...
There's the problem.



also Eisenhower.

ramped up the welfare state. Gee, idk....

Bad you moron. Now we have blacks shooting everyone because they're poor and only rely on welfare

>ruled over by jews
your nose is showing


FDR was shit

and the MSM loved that fucker so much they didn't report he was a cripple

commie spies in his administration

some things never change

False flagged pearl harbor, and did the jews bidding in dragging us in the european war. Piece of shit cripple, ushered in the dawn of the deep state and military industrial complex.

Shit tier socialist

FDR was the pinnacle of a Jew puppet.
Seized gold, knew Japan would launch a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor and allowed it to happen to drag America into the war to defend the Jews, created the welfare state. Short of actually creating the Federal Reserve, he couldn't have been any more Jew.

Oh, and against Patton's advice, FDR chose not to destroy the Soviets at the end of WW2.


He was shit.

The only great presidents in the last 100 years are Kennedy, Eisenhower and Trump. Nixon and Coolidge were chaotic good. Carter was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Regan and Clinton were borderline shit but in the right place at the right time. W Bush and Obama were both death of America bad.


Probably the last great president of the USA.

Probably a good decision, all things considered.

He was bad at being good and good at being bad.

Read Anthony's Suttons book on him if you're inclined. Basically he was a wealthy wall street elitist who was what he campaigned against. Fucked up the supreme court with his blatent fascism until they eventually revolted. Stole every Americans gold and still couldn't fix the economy. Basically a 4 term dictator guilty of treason and kinda invented the sjw movement.

>created the greatest middle class the world had ever known.
I think you meant Reagan.