What's up with those darwin spewing faggots on this site? I hear it was suposed to be a right wing site and there are literaly dozens of dipshits talking about evolution like it was a real thing. Only democrats believe in this bullshit.
What's up with those darwin spewing faggots on this site...
Evolution is 19th century cod science that we cant let go of.
It's just stupid that there are people believing in leftist bullshit and claim to be right wingers. Evolution is against God.
What's up with those jewish god spewing faggots on this site? I hear it was suposed to be a nazi site and there are literaly dozens of dipshits talking about a kike on a stick like it was a real thing. Only democrats believe in this bullshit.
Fuck off you nazi faggot.
You can talk about "kikes on a stick" before judgment of the Lord. You won't be laughing then.
nah mate, i dont buy your fairy tales
Then fuck off back to your leftist shitholes. This is a Christian website.
>tfw my ancient /new/ meme was so unstoppable the mods banned it in the inaugural Sup Forums sticky
Checkmate, me
>actually believing race isn't real
why are you even on Sup Forums?
Why are YOU on pol faggot?
>not believing in evolution=not believing in race
pretending to be retarded or just baiting?
posting circlejerk comics isnt going to get you anywhere
you're just going to get yourself in trouble and look like a faggot
Evolution is a fact.
Christianity is no more right wing than any other hippy cult of mentally ill leftists who want to roll around on the floor talking bullshit in tongues to get a quick oxytocin rush. I'd tell you to stop deluding yourself but I know how mentally ill leftists can be.
My good man you can open a fishing shop with all that quality bait
>big bang
you realize that the idea of bing bang was brought up by a catholic priest
I'm not selling any fish.
Would make sense. Catholics aren't Christians.
I assume then your specific branch of Christianity is the one and only TRUTH, thus spake the LAWD. Which branch would that be?
Baptist. There are no other actual Christians.
Southern, Northern, East-Southwestern?
Care to explain how they differ?
Science's humility as to allow itself to be tested and disproven speaks volumes. I find it quite ironic that the virtues that it upholds are somehow seen as a weakness, that it's own ability to be unsure even in the face of overwhelming evidence for evolution is seen as a method of which to attack it.
If you don't trust the overwhelming evidence that the theory of evolution provides you might as well be a flat earther, or believe ghosts exist. Oh, right, "God" not ghosts lmao.
>following s foreign religion is right wing
>Rejecting white science for sandnigger mysticism is right wing
Sure thing buddy
because I'm not some leftist cuck that denies evolution?
Race is part of evolutionary theory you leftist retard.