So if it's just a temporary program, didn't all the DREAMERs see this coming in this first place, wasn't it going to expire next year anyway?
>why is it trumps fault
So if it's just a temporary program, didn't all the DREAMERs see this coming in this first place, wasn't it going to expire next year anyway?
>why is it trumps fault
wasnt it also a path to citizenship?
idk nor do I care that much personally but everyone in LA has an opinion on it. I would like to know the real reason for and against it
they expected the US to cuck themselves with amnesty like last time. Deport their asses just for having the gall to be so entitled
No. That was the DREAM act, which failed. DACA is deferred action. The action (deportation) has been deferred since 2012 until now. It was always just "we're going to take action against you, but not right now".
Spics and niggers don't have the ability for thinking beyond the immediate moment, hence all the crime and hedonism. To them "temporarily" means forever because it's what they want and it's what they currently have, so nothing can change that except their personal decision to stop it.
They were never DREAMERs because the DREAM act was never made law.
Calling them DREAMERs is a trick by leftists, it implants in the brain a link to the AMERICAN DREAM. Don't use the phrase DREAMERs
soo for sake of debate whats the point of doing this really?
I know that one poster child for DACA being passed by congress was also committing voter fraud but is there any real benefit to ending the program
I.E. chinese person brought here at 2 that doesnt speak chinese is 18 and then shipped back to china with no language skills or family or method to get around and integrate into society, is it just shit out of luck?
on a personal level it is wrong I feel to deport people that grew up here and it wasnt of their choice
not to say im for anchor babies and that it should warrant parents staying if theyre illegal and they brought their kids with that they get a free pass but rather let children stay if under an age limit to expedite citizenship for them or something
I know that this presents a quandary of how to filter people that are just hopping over and staying versus being dragged over without knowing
but idk thoughts how should it be handled?
>>why is it trumps fault
What isn't Trumps fault?
N. Korea, racism, deficits, sexism, terrorism, none of these problems existed before Trump.
I often think about leaving Bosnia. But I can't find a single thing why anyone, anyone would go to US.
It is the worst country on this planet. Not poorest, but the worst.
I spent 4 months with work and travel.
Only the worst scum, strawing underclass, fugitives and greedy opportunists, go there since this country exists.
The brutal harsh system and the survival of fattest kept them from falling apart.
Immoral, unstable, satanic place, ran over by stupid people. Blacks and latinos, togather with asians and arabs will fuck up the budget and workforce that country, and when they do, whites are going to help them, and will be first in the line.
Disgusting place.
wrong thread? coincidentally what are your thoughts on kosovo and albania?
I hate them. The fucking scum.
I would let them have their little place. But they are the worst people in the Balkans. Which is obviously hard to be.
I think the problem is that Americans simply do not understand the legal system, especially the difference between a crime and a tort (civil wrong).
A tort is committed by one person against another. A crime is committed by one person against society as a whole. That's why we can punish "victimless" crimes like prostitution and weed.
There needs to be punishment for a guilty party - if not the student, then their parents (Child endangerment, kidnapping, contributing to delinquency...). If not their parents, then their employer. If not them, then subpoena their parents and make them testify to the identity of the cartel smuggler who got them in here.
Heads will roll (literally) but eventually the problem will stop. Didn't trump stop a huge number already, like 70% of borderhoppers?
Tell me more about that one week in Vegas.
South Caroline.
People there are idiots. Vagas can only be worse.
>punishment for the guilty party
well I figured thats what the huge number of deportations already entailed
>DACA kids parents were sent back, now the kids are getting sent back if this doesnt pass through congress
I agree with deporting illegals, but its different for a kid who was 5 and lived here 10 years and committed no crime of his volition and would get sent back to a country where, in some cases, he may not know the language or have any means to care for himself
now at the same time this presents the issue of illegal families whose parents are shipped back and kids were born here or are DACA but cant care for themselves get by without government stepping in and deporting or placing them into foster care and making them a larger burden of the state.
it was temporary but it was supposed to last 20 years according to some lawyer on the tv.
it would have expired in like decades so everyone just wanted to hold on to it and wait to see what happens.
at least thats what everyone thought
Illegals and their advocate bet on the wrong horses... Hillary, Obama, and the DNC.
Gay marriages and LBGT stuff were higher priority.
They decided to wage all out political war on Trump. Their horse Hillary lost.
Trump has played his trump card by repealing DACA.
He has some democrats sucking up now and almost bending over.
He's cucked Ryan on the debt ceiling deal. He's put RINOs on the spot.
I don't think DREAMers will get shit. They better started getting their affairs in order and lobbying Canada to take them.
Any GOP member that votes for amnesty will commit political suicide and will lose their seat.
If Trump revisits DACA and re-establishes it, he's a one term president.
DACA is done for. No amnesty unless Democrats win back congress or the Democrats in the house and senate find GOP to vote with them on a veto proof bill.
Three words: NOT OUR PROBLEM. If we allowed every third-worker to take advantage of us the way most Mexicans do, we'd be dead within a decade.
If this were such a pressing and important humanitarian issue... Obama had more than enough time to pulll off some immigration back in 2009.
Why must Trump and the GOP give illegals shit that Obama and the Democrats would never dare give them?
>not our problem
This is my standpoint but I need a better argument against my boss and coworker
I mean as an user stated earlier it didnt give them citizenship so its just kids still allowed to stay in the states and go to school until after uni if they get in and then its on them to find a path in life afterwards
>important humanitarian issue
user thats precisely why theres even a discussion going on, read example after second green text
I dont like it but the bigger question is why even bother with DACA when we're already deporting plenty illegals, its just bad PR
Why are these DACA fools asking for amnesty? Why are Trump and the GOP playing along?
Obama had 8 fucking years to pull off immigration "reform" and give these fuckers amnesty.
Obama didn't put out and now illegals are acting entitled and demanding Trump, Ryan, and the GOP to give them shit that Obongo wouldn't.
The Illegal Advocates have been nothing but mean and vile towards Trump. They're still trying to paint themselves as superior to native born citizens and entitled to amnesty.
deporting DACA recipients is the best deterrent.
No tolerance approach to illegal immigration sends the message that anyone and everyone who crosses illegally will be sent back.
Average Joe and Average Jane don't care about DACA "dreamers."
Don't fall for the "narrative." The MSM, globalists, liberals are pushing the narrative that it is bad PR and that these "dreamers" are children.
DREAMers get deported, blame the Democrats.
Their allies in the war against whites, conservatism, and Trump didn't give them amnesty when they could.
Hillary lost and they lost. They need to suck it up and lose with class.
They are gonna get deported and better accept it.
If Democrats want to absolve illegals and grant them amnesty in the name of fairness, then illegal immigration must be an equal opportunity game.
Why is it fair that only Mexicans and Central/South Americans get to illegally immigrate due to their proximity to our country? Those countries are in the top 1/3 of the world by HDI and GDP per capita. There are people far worse, suffering through disease, civil war, famine and dictatorships that aren't afforded the opportunity to sneak over the border the way Mexicans making $5-15k a year gets to hop over the border and cut in line. Are we to assume they wouldn't hop the border if there wasn't a large body of water separating them from us? What makes Mexicans and Central Americans in particular so worthy of having a monopoly of illegal immigration? I thought Democrats were about diversity and inclusion.
The average illegal immigrant activists is mostly anti-white, anti-american, anti-Trump, anti-west, etc.
Most of their advocates are still defiant and claiming they are the "future" and the downfall of whites is at hand.
Why the fuck would Trump, Ryan, or the GOP show any of these people mercy or give them amnesty?
You'll be sending the message that you agree with them and validating everything they believe.
>only MSM says its bad PR
well no its still bad PR because it was repealed by Trump so without a solid rationale for why it was ended people are thinking hes merely doing it to spite Obamas work. Which I dont mind but its hard to argue for it on an ethical and emotional level without a shred of real reasoning backing the act