Buying American cars makes you a cuck
>muh loyalty
GM and Ford losing money on your choice to buy Toyota will force them to improve their standards
Have a look at an $80,000 American SUV
Buying American cars makes you a cuck
>muh loyalty
GM and Ford losing money on your choice to buy Toyota will force them to improve their standards
Have a look at an $80,000 American SUV
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Help me out OP, wheres the argument in your post?
Aren't Toyotas made in the US anyway?
That SUV is a sack of shit. A rebadged Tahoe that is already overpriced and a sad example for luxury. Feel free to watch this review of the SUV
Yup. So support Toyota because they employ Americans but hurt GMC and Ford by taking away their profit
The trucks are. Not for some great "America" or any bullshit they try to spin, it's because of the 1963 chicken tax
My parents have that exact Escalade. Its pretty based, no problems whatsoever. You're paying for the brand, all luxury lines are overpriced for what they offer.
You jelly?
i rented a V6 mustang recently, it was literally faster and handled nicer than some late model AMGs and BMW M cars i have driven.
also it looks a lot nicer than most german wog wagons.
Toyota has the most sourced American car parts.
Lol either bs or you don't know what you're talking about.
looks shit british land rovers look better
ah... Doug got kicked off /o/ for shilling his videos too much
V6 mustangs were shit for years but the current year model is a fucking beast.
I like the new Escalade, but am not retarded enough to buy a vehicle that loses 30% of value in a year. What do?
Did you enjoy those plastic door handes and faux-leather interior? The new mustangs are cool and fast and priced well, but American SUVs are a fucking joke. That V6 mustang probably cost 28k brand new, which is reasonable and competitive. But look at the price of new Chevy pickups and SUVs. Hint, theyre over $50,000 new and are shit
They do, but I will say that the two cars are completely different. Land Rovers are designed to go off road even though hardly anyone will actually do that, American SUV's are status symbols.
Smart people that want a large vehicle with off road capability built in buy a truck, same engine as the SUV, better powertrain, real off road potential, and $30000-$40000 cheaper since they aren't subject to the gas guzzlers tax.
>But look at the price of new Chevy pickups and SUVs. Hint, theyre over $50,000 new and are shit
I still can't believe that shit. What happened to the days when you could drive a new pickup off the lot for 20k?
Buy last year's model second hand from some idiot that updates cars every 6 months
what if i told you an american pickup is $100k+ in australia, and getting more common every year.
Better yet, when gas got cheap again dealers sold a fuckload of those things that their current owners will desperately try to get rid of when prices go up again.
I'm buying a Porsche this Fall. Fuck American brands, they don't know luxury.
Not disputing that, but I like to have money left in my bank account if I have to fix something that goes wrong.
What if I told you minimum wage in Australia was $18 an hour a small house costs $300,000?
>Ford and Honda cost nearly identical new
>Ford costs like half the price of a honda used
Buying America is like wanting to lose money.
Wrong. Escalade is pretty much the USA on Fn' wheels. Masculine, flashy, big, basically it doesn't give a f.
Lol, a kid bragging about his parents buying something on the internet,
Just like you dont mind a BBC fucking your wife because its "Masculine, flashy, big, basically it doesn't give a f" and makes you look better
I drove a rental Ford Focus for a week when I took my car in for body work due to an accident. Driving it was just sad. I don't know how anyone would buy one used, much less new.
I'd ask you where the fuck I could find a house in Aus for $300k
>That SUV is a sack of shit.
It's a huge and powerful thing that's ten times quieter than a Tahoe
I'd ask you where the fuck I could find a house in Aus for $300k...
Op, you're a fag
Escalade is the BEST lux suv,
Japs r ugly af
Euros r nice but unreliable pos
Eat a dick op.
Tesla is the nationalist's choice:
>Murican, with something like 75% of the Model 3 being domestic parts.
>Doesn't depend on dune coon oil.
>Long lasting, good for the environment, keeps our land in good shape.
>Extremely safe, protects you from latino teenagers on their cell phones while driving.
>Lead by Elon Musk, a white man who is a great example of our race.
Chevy trucks have never let me or anyone I know down, I don't see a problem with GM.
confirmed t_d
opinion disregarded
>fun fact: volkswagen is pure trash
I almost returned my rental focus for walking. Part of me knew walking was actually slower, but it certainly felt faster.
How about you buy a Made in Japan car?
It's the best car!
>not owning an Audi
I bought a new A5 two years ago, it's absolutely fantastic
Audi is high maintenance and low cost pa.
Come drive a Japanese.
I'll stick with my German cars desu
>Cant afford to buy American
>hassle Sup Forums instead
enjoy your fuckin faggot car nogains fag
>high maintenance
Lolwut, no they're not, Jap cars are decent but they're nowhere close to being as good as German engineering
Buy a Toyota Land Cruiser.
Resell value of Land Cruisers are pretty stable.
But depends on your job? Do you need a Land Cruiser? Or do you like SUVs in general?
Thanks to rap music, Escalade aren't seen as a white man's car for a long time already.
Stop shilling your cuck cars, you lefty cuck.
>Long lasting, good for the environment, keeps our land in good shape.
Lithium mines are horrible for the environment.
You're still committing remote pollution, cuck.
>Extremely safe, protects you from latino teenagers on their cell phones while driving.
Not when you have to control a car's functions with a fucking greasy tablet screen.
I drive a 2017 SEAT Ibiza.
Come at me.
My old manlet boss has one of these. Mufugguh is 160cm tall (Im 185 and drive a Golf GTi Mk1, no need for a cock-enlarger). Anyway, worst fucking asshole boss I ever had.
German engineering sucks balls, cuck.
Germans don't even know what to do after their diesel scandal.
Meanwhile, Japs may have revolutionized the ICE field through Mazda.
Then the Japs will steamroll your outdated cars.
lol stop larping you probably never even driven an amg/m car if you think a literal v6 shitbox is faster and handles better.
Absolute bullshit.
Buy a real car you manlet cuck
Every car in my garage is japanese.
>2015 STI Limited
>2016 Lexus NX200t
>2017 Civic EX
> muh diesel scandal
that shit is only a scandal if you unironically think car companies should pander to eco-friendly retards
meanwhile the biggest multi-national shipping corporations in the world run ships that use bunker-fuel no problem and each spew more waste into the ocean (free waters) than millions of cars do in a year
go and run a scandal against those guys, I'll buy myself a 9/11 in the meantime
wow that's one ugly car... good lord..
that would absolutely not sell in Europe
that white car on the right is a german audi..
>He doesn't value passion over flashy crome
94 RX-7
98 240SX
95 240SX
86 Celica Supra
Escalades are nigger tier, and are just GMC Yukon Denalis with a different grille and a 15k larger price tag. The interiors, mechanics, and body panels are all the same, only the badge and front grille are different.
What's the deal with GMCs? They are basically a general GM model with rebranding.
the quality of a German luxury brand is so much higher than a Cadillac. You are not just paying for the badge, unless you're a nigger
>t. Someone who's never driven an AMG or M
that's fucking ugly
No it's not. It's a suburu WRX STI, which is based on the suburu impreza sedan, but with like 2x the horse power and different body styling.
Foreign card are pieces of shit. I drive a reasonably-priced Chevy truck and will never be caught driving some tin can garbage manufactured in a country that can't even beat us in a war.
Repent of your Toyota heresy and buy a real car, you stupid cuck.
>all those sharp angles
what a pain in the ass to wash it must be
The Toyota Tundra is made in San Antonio, Texas. Although I guess you're technically correct that the US couldn't beat the US in a war
GMCs are basically GMs dedicated truck and SUV line. They also use that badge for their commercial vehicles. It should really be GMTC, as GMC apparently stands for General Motors Truck Company.
>trucks in America
>reasonably priced
pick one faggot
>be burger
>unironically produce the shittyest cars ever
>buy a "chevy" truck because murica
>1 mpg
>can't compete with an european suv
>can't get out of a mud pit if no weight on the back because lack of traction
>be brainlet
American cars are either shit boxes or massively over priced. The WRX STI is a much better muscle car than the base line Camaros and Mustangs, and sells for much less than the Camaros and Mustangs that can match it.
I only ever own Toyotas. So easy and cheap to maintain.
This is what your average Americuck drives. Canadians actually buy more American vehicles per capita than you chink loving cucks.
Some of the most dangerous men on the planet drive these, what's your point
US cars are shit tier desu. I like them, but the build quality is shoddy.
Actually if you werent thinking in a 19080s - 1990s paradigm you would know that american cars have a greater realiablity than japanese, or german autos for over ten years now. Not only that the build quality and materials used are of a much higher standard. Not to mention they tend to have more power and nicer interiors
This is what faggots that drive some rusted corolla always say. GM makes the finest production cars in the world. They are more conservatively styled than some other makes but that is done so they look good for ten to twenty years instead of looking cool at first and then looking stupid in 5 years.
This is true german cars arent that fast, and they are not geared for off the line acceleration. So yes the average v6 mustang would probably beat an AMG or M in a drag race. People who talk about ``german quality`should look up reliability statistics. Pro tip - volks, audi, MB, and BMW are the least reliable cars in the world mostly caused byt thier antiquated electrical systems. Hope you enjoy unexplained under dash fires, VW bros.
Hey OP i can tell you are a fucking loser who doesn't know shit about cars.
1) American cars are the most powerful, most affordable cars you can buy (mustang/camero) while foreign versions with that much power cost double or triple the price
2) Japanese cars especially have poor interior materials. Cheap, hard plastics, no option for leather, cheap inserts, cheap Infotainment. The only exception to this is Mazda. Now the luxury version are more expensive, but they are putting in barely the level of interiors American companies are starting to put in their regular models.
Toyota's are not fun to drive. It's not pleasant being inside one. It exists as a shell to transport you from point A to point B in the most boring, soul-less manner, much like the Japanese businessman's existence.
In conclusion: OP is a faggot.
lol all of which would be beaten by my cadillac deville in a race. Hate these wannabe rally faggots.
arguably the new civic hatchback type -s will perform well but you better believe its even more gutted for performance than the base model even though it will perform badass for a 4 cylinder
it stands for General Motors Comission retard. There are morons liek you here that think it stands for G M Canada. Actually most of the country. These people are amazed when they see GMCs in the usa
yeah with dirt tires that do not grip asphalt. WHat about people that work, should i load 2000lbs of metal working tools into the back of a VW minivan, then
Plus you get the added benefit of killing German cuckcar companies like Mercedes, Audi and BMW. Their luxury car sales are getting BTFO in the US.
Canadian GM shills? Now I've seen everything
When i was in high school my buddy had an s4 audi his dad bought him brand new. Will never forget going to the races and watching him lose by several lengths, three times in a row, to a 1985 rusty 350 camaro with blue oil smoke churning out of the exhaust. Theres no replacement for displacement, boys
I have a 5100lb land yacht deville that runs 13 seconds in the quarter mile from factory, and will get 27 mpg on the highway. Tell me again how a tin can would be better
come suck on my eldo, idiots
heres a real man. Northstar master race!
.t 1.2 liter diesel shit box yurocuck
Its like you guys want women to know you're a faggot beta male incapable of taking care of yourself or others when things go south.
Protip: 60% of the military drives a toyota tacoma or tundra.
how can you niggers even compete
>not buying a comfy Japanese hatchback
Sort yourself out boys
Your parents are negros?
t. 6.7 litre shitbox
Why would the value drop of a vehicle matter unless you intended on selling it within the first year?
Its not an investment. Any car less than 30 years old is going to lose value every year.
uh great? you won't outperform a type r on a racetrack or in handling because of the weight and body roll of your car. Also the type R would beat you because it weighs a shit-ton less and accelerates faster.
If you tried to do what it did on a track you would die. It's designed for racing, go look up the specs. You may have more top end power, but light cars will even beat cameros out of the gate because of the weight of a camero. When we talk about the world of the average consumer, weight becomes the reigning factor. Your torque and horsepower may be good, but that only compensates for your 5 ton fucking car.
you were kicked off /o/ for a reason, asshole.
Are old Lexus' reliability like Japanese cars or like other luxury cars???
>tfw want toyota avalon
>tfw its $89k for standard edition and cant afford it
>tfw have to buy gm