Your military threats and rhetoric aren't working. We will never yield to Polish aggression.
Poles, you do know we won't pay, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>doesnt wanna yield to poles
>yields to kikes and arabs
Good one, Hans
pay denbts
1 trillion could suffice, empty your pockets now Hans. You've been a bad boy and still are. Refugees are nothing more than just another type of exploitation.
Are they going to ask Russia for reparations too?
>We will never yield to Polish aggression.
They started WW2 attacking your outpost didnt they?
Simply cut the money you give to the jews and pay the pols instead.
t. Muhammad
lmao, haven't decided yet if this behaviour is more nigger or jew tier. It certainly isn't white.
I don't know, I just know that I feel threatened and want the Luftwaffe on high alert and buy 1,000 Gripen planes from our Swedish friends.
Germans, you do know we won't take in refugees, right?
Your military threats and rhetoric aren't working. We will never yield to German aggression.
>They started WW2
Correct :^)
>allows anus to be penetrated daily by Ahmed instead
you don't sue homeless people for money
>Germany forcing refugees onto Poland
>Poland tells Germany to give reparations
that's a lot of dosh
Germany is the bottom bitch in 2017 and Poland is rightfully capitalizing on their self-destructive and suicidal tendencies
I think Germany and the Russian Federation should pay.
You did the dirty and fucked over Poland for literally no reason.
What the fuck did the Poles ever do to you?
Pay and stop ruining the EU with unfettered immigration. The rest of the world are quite understandably sick of your shit.
you have to pay, hans
Merkel says otherwise
It is basic political shot flinging.
Poland is making its move.
Poles are aggressive, they are like Russians with smaller dicks.
By crying muh gibs?
>[e]mpty your pockets now Hans
>you have to pay, hans
Germany won't pay. This is a good reason to break up the entire EU, and I'm not being sarcastic. Go for a hard brexit too, fuck everyones shit up please.Fuck these globalist communist elites.
I guess they will have to for the lawsuit to have a legal standing. But we all know it's about the EU forcing economic invaders onto Poland.
We never said you need to do anything. That was the EU.
Why are you hating on us? What have Germans living in Germany today ever done to you except help you destroy the Soviet Union, expel the Russians, make your transition to capitalism work and then make you richer through engineering support and infrastructure investments?
They don't expect you to pay, they expect you to stop bothering them you autistic retard
You do realize it's the tactic Poland uses whenever Germany asserts their immigration policy upon them.
>take refugees or we'll disband you from EU!
>alright, give us reparations first!
Dayum, I don't think they've even paid Israel that much.
>Soldiers in the
>It certainly isn't white.
But mass murdering civilians is white?
They could of avoided this by giving back danzig
>What have Germans living in Germany today ever...
They have to go back.
Part of me really wants this to come down to Poland taking in migrants for a trillion dollars or whatever the euro is worth
Yes, but first we get our clay back.
give east germany back first
It's only fair to respond to Germany's unreasonable demand with an unreasonable demand of our own.
This is all about the fucking refugees and refugee quotas.
And one more proof that muslims ruin everything.
Fuck Germany and fuck you
Pay up Achmed
nice european "union" you have there
really activates the almonds
I'll do what i can to drum up support for you when you do it. But please use your muslim army first. Don't want too many true germans to get killed.
Just to be clear here, Leaf.
Poland hasn't taken in a single refugee for 2 yrs even though the EU quotas are in place. They have not been sanctioned about this. They continue to be paid 15 billion a year from the EU. 2 million Poles still live in Germany. The German-Polish border is still wide open.
If they don't want to be bothered, they should get out of the club, no? It is like Trump and NAFTA. If Trump doesn't want companies producing cheaply in Mexico and then exporting to the US without tariffs, he needs to cancel NAFTA. if Poland does not want to abide by EU law, it should leave the EU.
What is so hard to understand here?
It is you who ruined everything kraut...
now pay up
Historic Slavic lands start at the Elbe river. You have to pay and give us our clay back. We also accept if you create a Sorbian state on these historic lands instead.
the lelworthy thing is that we already said we dont want the reparations
Dumbshit rightwingers say its not valid because it was during the communist state but we still have laws from that period
If you demand reparations you are essentially denying the continuity of state which makes much of the current legal system, well, illegal
But the right as always is too fucking retarded to even realize this
Not a single refugee? What about the ukrainians you dumb cunt
lol who gives a shit
white people killing other white people so they aren't called racist. while learning how to become masters at killing people. Seems like one day white people would unite and use this combined knowledge on (((someone)))
It's like a brothel. Where they lure you in with cheap pussy and if you want to buy a bottle of sparkling wine it's 500 Euros. The politicians who got us into the EU need to hang from lampposts.
you're lucky we let you continue to exist after disastrous and pointless world wars, we should have been sent to Germans and Turks to your little Auschwitz and dug a few bigger graves before it was shut down and we wouldn't be in current disaster we're in now. German """people""" are an unending plague on Europe and now after ruining europe single handedly over and over as you fade away into extinction you're letting in people who want nothing more than to kill every white christian and their destroy their history then you have the fucking nerve to wonder why people hate you. go extinct in peace. stop trying to destroy the planet for those that have a future and aren't an evil ghost from the past haunting europe like your people.
Your mongrel cousins dont count as refugees.
>Poland hasn't taken in a single refugee for 2 yrs even though the EU quotas are in place. They have not been sanctioned about this.
>sanctions for not taking refugees is acceptable
the mind of a nu-german
I don't hate you Germans despite the fact that nazis took over my familys manor house in Warsaw and later bomb whole city nearly into oblivion. I kinda pity you, feel bad for normal Germans with common sense.
Also this
That's fine. You don't have to pay as long as we don't have to take any "migrants".
Kick us out :^)
I don't think any of these Ukrainians actually asks for asylum. you let them in as cheap labor. There is no war in Kiev anyway.
Those are not real people to Hans. Because they are white and have an IQ above 80.
why are niggers so precious to merkel even though its making people hate the eu with every fibre of their being? uk left due to it,poland will be next,far right as rose to almost 50% in austria and 33% of the frogs voted le penn
the eu is breaking apart and for what? filthy niggers who rarely work and dont fit in
Because theyre white?
shut this EU shit down!
eventually your countries names won't ever be mentioned in the history books. Everything will be EU this EU that. theyre stealing your identity in the name of unity with muslims and africans. fuck that shit bro, all white people are special
to defeat the jew you must become a jew yourself
>showing the QT with no hijab on
>s-see they be just like us!
>not showing the big bearded ahmeds hanging around your daughters school gates with his mates
If one of your territories refuses to take in refugees which Trudeau flies in from the Middle East, I guess Leaf Man would send in the military, no?
This pic always make me kek
we shall jew you out good
So? There's no war in most of africa but you welcome all the niggers.
In Ukraine there really is war
>and Turks
Spotted the australian diaspora whose family member got BTFO by shoeless and surnameless turkish villagers during gallipoli
>laws from gommie times
Maybe it's PiS genius plan to get rid off the gun laws the gommies put onto us.
"Oh gee, all those laws are suddenly invalid. Looks like gun ownership is now perfectly legal. I guess we have to create new laws to comply with the EU regulations but we have so much work to do with that whole refugee thing and the EU isn't honoring its promises anyways."
the EU is not a federal state, hans
yea bro, i dont think they are taking your refugee infestation either
If you are going to pay poland you also have to pay us.
100 billion will suffice
and we won't take rapefugee weedslamoterrorists, lmao
this is all this reparation talk is about you retard
>continuity of state
I'd like to be the continuity of RPII instead of gommie puppet state
You like the refugees?
>I kinda pity you, feel bad for normal Germans with common sense.
I don't. They deserve it all. I hope to live to the day when they are majority nigger and Polish border guards have to shoot Germans who try to cross the border.
It is in Hans' dreams. The 4th reich
Love how firmly a few dumb ameriburgers have grasped Polish cock with their mouths just because of a few internet memes.
Truly fascinating.
Think you can last 20 years?
This is all just a way to prevent Africa and the Middle East from collapse. We bring in non whites to white countries, build up racial tensions and cause civil war around the world. Populations world wide are reduced, (((they))) are at fault, no country takes over another, and everyone stops being such pussies.
I hope. If degeneracy doesn't get me first.
It's counter-pressure to the pressure that (((Germany))) is putting on Poland. It's a good political move.
So you like refugee?
In Ukraine there is no war. And there are few Africans coming to Germany - we don't hand Nigerians or Chadians asylum, problem is these countries don't cooperate enough in taking their people back.
Most of our problems stem from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. We are deporting to Afghanistan and Pakistan, but too few people. Iranians all claim to be Christians so they stick around. Iraq is a strange situation as they are our allies but the illegals who come claim to be gay or transvestites or Christians and oppressed - and Iraqis kill these people. Syria are the bad boys of the world, so we can't deport there even though Western Syria is probably the safest area in the Middle East right now.
Anyway, Ukrainians only come for economic reasons. No one comes from Dombas, they all go to Russia as they are Russians.
the memes are true
>just because of a few internet memes
Actually we have a long(by USA standards) and mostly positive history with Polacks and Poland, so try again. You're probably projecting.
Polish meme are an American tradition.
Says you. Name a difference between the EU and a federation of countries such as the U.K.