French girl mutilated by rats

>A disabled French girl covered in rat bites is critically ill in hospital after a pack swarmed into her bedroom in northern France.
>The 14-year-old paraplegic was sleeping on the ground floor when the attack happened, in a rented house in Roubaix.
>The girl's father is suing the landlord for alleged negligence. Reports say rubbish bins nearby were overflowing.
>Some of her fingertips were bitten off and surgeons cannot repair them, he said.
The family has now been moved to a different house and police are investigating the attack.
How is France considered a developed nation again?

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Now let's watch a rat genocide. Murderous doggos to the rescue:

she's crippled, might as well let me fuck her and give birth to my child, that's all she's good for.

>Vietnam flag
>Taking rats side

checks out

>The 14-year-old paraplegic was sleeping on the ground floor when the attack happened
Why was she sleeping in the floor in the first place?

Turkey strikes again

Rat swarms are no joke. They can swarm a dog or a person if they're hungry enough.

I wouldn't go to france

Wait a minute. She was attacked by jews in her sleep?

Still not as bad as that time rats ate half a newborn baby in an Indian hospital.

>How is France considered a developed nation again?
>>the only developed parts of most "developed nations" are their big cities,, and even those typically have huge swaths of ghetto. most of the world is 3rd world.

i remember reading about the sewer rats of calcutta that flood the slums every spring when water lever rises up. people living there take shifts watching over infants in the cribs because otherwise they'd be gnawed to their bones in a matter of minutes

fuck france.

Once I found out what they act like I was all sorts of WTF.

Muslims and democrats.
holy shit.

Roubaix is 10 minutes from where i live. It's known as the worst city of the country. Majority muslim. Poorest city

damn rats!

Are you retarded?

>France is a first world nation

God I love seeing french snooty fucks devolve into literal 3rd world
It's like divine retribution

That county is so incredibly dirty


I love hearing the little fuckers squeal. Good doggos.
Do those rats dig shallow holes and all huddle together to hide?

And this is why we should never have left, Charlie.

>>Some of her fingertips were bitten off and surgeons cannot repair them
Oh no, poor girl has to go through life with no fingertips.

It's about time the Bubonic Plague comes back to finish the job this time.

>Majority Muslim
>In a Christian country
Your ancestors have disowned you.

>living in a place where you have a non-zero chance of being attacked and eaten alive by a swarm of rats in the middle of the night

It appears so...they must get into the crops badly to be in such numbers. I actually just stumbled across a few of these vids and it had me mesmerized. Get 'em doggos

It was wrong of you to eat her fingertips.

Does this have anything to do with subhumans throwing trash out their windows and shitting everywhere?

>Vietnamese disability care

>Some of her fingertips were bitten off and surgeons cannot repair them, he said.
Some of that Grade A "Socialized Medicine", everyone.

You can't repair fingertips that have passed through a rats digestive system in America either

yes you can repair fingertips that are missing

Ironically enough. The family is Roma......

>The family is Roma......

So basically it was cannibalism.

But you'll pay hundred of dollars for it anyway

France is also the place where a woman had her face eaten by her dog. The are just so sophisticated..

In America, a papercut would put half of the population into medical bankruptcy lmao

3rd world much, niggerburger? :^)

It must be at least 80% muslims in this city

>France is also the place where a woman had her face eaten by her dog.

An Ameritard not getting French cuisine. I am shocked.

Hmm, something tells me it was their garbage bins that drew rats and they expected the fucking landlord to clean their shit. Though a landlord welcoming roma families is probably not too concerned about regulation either


Holy shit

Hans has bantz

Australia gets rat plagues in rural regions sometimes

France becoming India (superpower in 2020) when?

>Let hordes of muzzies and niggers into your first world nation
>A few years later, rats start eating people
>A few decades on your economy is now based on albino body parts and the sale of virgins as cure for the rampant AIDS epidemic
>A few centuries on you've forgotten how to make stone buildings, now erecting mudhuts in the decaying remnants of your great old palaces
>A few millenia on your leading witchdoctor LeBaguetteA (da baguette be silent) rediscovers the sharpened stick

You racists need to stop blaming all ratkind, they're clearly just hungry refugees in need of help.

Inbred northern France, nothing to see there.

Reminder that India worships these vermin.

We must secure blah blah for our cripple princes

They have gravity in other countries too, dingus.


It has to be a proxy...

I'm Bavarian


Thread theme

This is some bone collector shiiieet


Who could possibly be behind this?

That was butiful user, thank you!

no pics? what a shit fucking article

I wasn't the only one who read pic related growing up right?

Just like in Ratatooie!

Can someone please tell me what the fuck is going on in this webm? I have asked multiple times and got no answer.

First that's no webm and second it's a new sex swing for gooks

literally some home made rig to support heavily disabled dude in a third world country

this is why you abort



Man, I watched the first one a few week ago, was pretty cool.

Sure this wasnt migrants?

based puppers

The absolute state of western civilization.

Nigger people fuck feet but you fucked her fingertips what the blazes is wrong with your ratfuckers

That guy got full dose at fukoshima nuclear station after tsunami. They kept him alive as long as possible with his initial consent. After the third day he was begging for death as his DNA was in random fragments. They kept him alive for 2 months.


Pick one

Roubaix is an Arabic caliphate

>french girl