Show me your political hero

show me your political hero

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>there are people here who fell for the conservatard meme

Patrician choice coming through




Not that faggot.

Cyberlee rides again!


hey man. any good links on his Mysticism teachings?

reminder that back when martin was in the centre of Sup Forumss attention people were talking shit about him


>having political '''''''''''''heroes'''''''''''''''

This is why I don't give a fuck about the Balkans.

He could have saved Britian.



I sadly don't :/ think I can find a PDF of ride the tiger though




If a politician is your hero, you're a loser, just like they were


could say the same





When I was a kid I wanted to be HST or Attilla the Hun.

...I read a lot...


Pol Pot does not get the attention he deserves.

oi stop dataminin to plan your next character assassination attempt ya cheeky cunt, will ya ?


thanks man



>show me your political hero



Dayum. She pretty. Waz her name?



more like political an hero


Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt!

Please do explain


Tried to click geographical location, accidentally clicked ancap flag

Ancaps get the gulag too

>having Jordan "postmodern Marxism is a thing guys no seriously stop laughing" Peterson as your idol

You need new heros. Peterson is the Richard Dawkins of political philosophy--an intelligent and educated man so wildly out of his depth on a topic that he is wholly unaware of how ignorant he is.



Or he's correct on a topic that's just gaining traction.

His analysis seems to be the most accurate to all the recent bullshit going on.

The first guy that points out that the emperor has no cloths, is typically shat on.

Also, just guessing, Sam Harris is a faggot.


Feminism is postmodernism.

And then the world desu.

Many of mine have already been posted, but here is a good one.


He may be civic but he singlehandedly upset the political machine that's been carefully orchestrated by thousands of shabbos over 23 years


You underestimate the power level of someone like Peterson who has been able to make it to such a high level of popularity discussing such red pilled topics. He knows how to expose (((them))) without setting off the "SHUT HIM DOWN, IT'S ANOTHA SHOAH" Alarm. Part of how he does it is kissing a little Jew ass every now and then.... it's honestly brilliant.

You aren't following the 69D chess. Peterson is a genius.

Literal shabbos got controlled opposition


Ronaldus Magnus
>Ronaldus Magnus

Forgot pic


Experience any cognitive dissonance today?

Maybe you are right nigger...hmmmm. Is his psychotic lingo really just a guise to out-jewing the Jew with his shenanigins?

It's no wonder all the fedoras flock to this guy, with his fantasy themed keywords, he's miking them for all he's got.
>Better go rescue your dead father from the evil dragon on loneliness island to progress into danger future you.

the greatest there ever was or ever will be

>having a political """hero"""



Took too long to see this desu


Who is this man? Does he have a brother? can you give me a rundown?

some good choices user




i am really liking this dude at the moment

>inb4 uhaevthghey

I never actually watched this guy's videos. The edgy teen username throws me off.

Jordan 'its dangerous to go alone, here take these archetypes' Peterson

STYX! 10. whatever.
Been following him since he was a rather obscure weirdo.

The Jew IS post-modernism. The Jew IS marxism, and bolshevik communism. He points out EVERYTHING THE JEW DOES. Red pills are flying all over the fucking place.

To defeat the Jew, you have to expose and undo everything they do without pointing out that they are the ones doing it. You have to set aside your pride and be willing to say "Hitler was sooooo evil!" you have to be willing to say "Jews have high IQ, they are found in all intellectual fields!" The Jews will smell that you are redpilled as fuck, and will put you in that position.... if you don't say the right things, then all they have to do is smear your name all over the media by calling you a nazi sympathizer, anti-semite, fascist, nazi. It all comes crumbling down in a second because you just had to say "Nazism was a reaction to communism! Jews give out the nobel prizes!"

You literally can't fathom his level of red pill.... he has 150 IQ. The man is on fire. Appreciate him for what he is. It's not like I watch JP videos all day, he is for the normies.

Not sure if he's been posted yet.

He's pretty much just an honest proxy for news. Stripping away the heavy left bias from all bulletins. I watch him when I'm not in the mood to read jewed fucking media

An other one of my heroes.

He absolutely required for any and all Sup Forumsacks in order to break the chains of the mainstream legacy media!

Nature vs Nurture. Besse Stringfield.
Negress that did what she wanted to do, and given the tools to do it.
Pre-feminist bullshit. Did what she wanted to do without civil rights, nor the feminist movement.

>tips hood

>Appreciate him for what he is. It's not like I watch JP videos all day, he is for the normies.
True. I guess he is doing God's work.

Augustus Caesar


I sometimes just listen for the asmr spoon clanking