After ditching the Libertarians, which ideology will lauren fit under now?
After ditching the Libertarians, which ideology will lauren fit under now?
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Take a wild guess.
She's Third Position, like most of Sup Forums.
Why is this Jew still being posted here?
stop that shit. she's not a Jew. she's said she's not a Jew. she's taken a 23 and Me that says she doesn't have any Jewish ancestry. what the fuck more do you want?
>(((23 and Me)))
>she said she's not a Jew, goy, what more do you want? oy vey!
>anarchist flag
>guys if I keep repeating it, they'll believe me!
You've been spamming this shit for months antifa, it hasn't worked.
She is somewhat redpilled.
Kick libertardians in the nuts is a good thing.
She's a Shepardic Jew. Spain had tons of them before Franco
she would still have heeb haplotypes. none found.
Lauren becomes more based everyday.
She's a nationalist skirting the fringes of the alt-lite, near the alt-right but not quite there yet
She grew up in an environment where race didn't cause many issues and she still has some non-white friends so she holds onto that "some of them can assimilate!" notion while at the same time realizing that when the groups get big at all, tribalism mode gets switched on. Her immigration policy would look like something like Japan (preserving the identity and ethnic groups of the nation while allowing in a small amount of people with extreme vetting)
Shekels from goyim.
>Before franco
Wrong. Sephardic jews were the ones that got expelled after the end of the reconquista with the Alhambra decree. Practissing jews were expelled to not have influence in the jews that converted to christianity.
Libertarianism/ancap, neoconservatism and communism all have this in common:
They were all ideologies popularized and standardized by Jews. They're all utopian, ignoring human nature, and prone to self-masturbatory intellectualism that doesn't translate well in practice. They all promote globalism, and never address the problem of central banks (this is intentional). They all result in slavery.
Rothbard and Rand's ideas derailed the Right for half a century into being useful tools for rich leftist and Jewish elites to obtain more power and disarm the remaining class sentiment in the other side of the aisle. They also promoted "individualism" above all else so it hurt nationalism and made the Right powerless against the collectivist Left. Milton Friedman is reponsible for Nixon taking the US off the gold standard and allowing the (((Federal Reserve))) to inflate the US currency until it's worthless. He cleared a path for the private banks to inflate away the savings of working Americans.
Libertarianism peaked in the 2000s and the early-2010s with Ron Paul's presidential bid. That's when it at least seemed anti-establishment and they started a legitimate campaign against the (((Federal Reserve))), there was the Tea Party... Since then it has fallen off a cliff in Aleppo.
Took you over an hour to get to this thread (((Moarpheus))) what happened? Did your mom restrict your Internet access?
a lot of people are Moarpheus
lol paranoia
I want to go the store and see only women with golden hair like hers
Stop paying attention to ecelebs
I live around where she grew up, and it made me really jaded and hard to not feel racist
The greater Vancouver area has this reputation for being extremely liberal which is pretty true, but in secret conversations among white people or friends even normies admit to being a little bit racist at least
Most people here dislike chinese people because they are very rude, arrogant and racist
But on the other hand it's pretty hard not have at least a few okay experiences with any given race when you grew up in such a multicultural society
Even the most racist people around here have friends who aren't white
Why does this sound so forced?
Notice how all the proxys shills shitting on Lauren always have meme flags?
Its fake, like everything else on a modernist woman.
both have hotter sistere
Tell your mom you are fighting "nazis" on the Internet to stop another shoah and she will let you shill full time again
Is her forehead melting?
The idelology of common sense.
>like most of Sup Forums
Not quite, what I mentioned above is severely lacking here lately.
Here's more of this spambots "work".
>porra caralho irmão, entendi isso. Vou colocar uma bala no calavera do inimigo!
>Golly! My autistic virgin fan base is going full 14/88, better throw a white nationalist dog whistle or two, so that the basement dwelling creeps keep donating to my patreon.
The Chinese are literally destroying the housing market in Vancouver by using your real estate as means as an international bank and investment.
There are so many Chinese millionares in Vancouver that they even have a reality TV show about the lack of assimilation and opulence that these fuckers have in the city they've economically invaded.
My friend's dad works construction in Vancouver and most of the projects he's building for Chinese people are being built without the intention of renting/selling, they only exist as a way to store money. So there are dozens of apartments and condos sitting empty because the Chinks who own them don't want the liability and cost of having people live there.
And the demographic trends of Canada are even worse than almost anywhere in Europe.
>“I think a reasonable middle conclusion is that Canada will be 20 per cent white, 65 per cent non-white and 15 per cent mixed race by 2106,” he said.
anons are saving images from an image board?
identical file names
identical HASH
no fucking way that ever happened on an imageboard before
>lack if caps
>spergs out whenever the name moarpheus gets mentioned
Take your scitzophrenia medicine Peter.
Kill yourself Peter. Your poor mom is not going to support your NEET lifestyle forever. I am sure she is already sick and tired of you.
Lefty/pol/s here right on time
>does 'hahahahahahahahaha' trigger you?
She should be in the grey area between the alt-light and the alt-right. I really like her, she has guts and is guiding people towards the right direction.
I hope she and Faith Goldy find some kind of platform to do work.
So Lauren's actions are dictated by profit margins which is why she does things that causes the cathedral to clamp down on her and make it so she will never be picked up by a mainstream corporation that could offer her a proper good salary? Your hot take on her motivations makes no sense.
Yes, I'm sure it's definitely several different people posting the same pics with the same filenames with the same flag with the same style of only posting pics without any text in a robotic fashion. That makes sense.
No. But it does point out your posts when combined with other factors, like your frantic responses for example.
>thirsty beta autist still enabling this wench by paying her to parrot viewpoints she doesnt personally hold
>literally paying a woman to say things you want to hear
Gas yourself you pussgoys. Shilling this bitch for free is top tier selfcucking.
What an idiot lol
Totally wasn't a staged exchange...
Most notably:
>kike shills getting THIS desperate
As you can see they have clearly invested a lot into Lauren for their agenda.
she's a eunuch, has less of a spine than the alt centrists
Find me one instance of Lauren talking favorably about Israel after being fired from the Rebel for refusing to shill for Ezra's Israel trip
I've been saying this forever, finally someone else sees it
Ideology of being perfect waifu.
Fuck off shill. Sinead McCarthy is our only girl.
>Yes, I'm sure it's definitely several different people posting the same pics with the same filenames with the same flag with the same style of only posting pics without any text in a robotic fashion. That makes sense.
being that new to chans
Yes, fellow Sup Forums user, I too agree that anyone who watches people on Youtube is a "beta autist", not the spergs who get triggered by any girl on the internet.
By the way, anyone who watches videos of someone online is forced to donate to them too.
Stop wasting your time with these e-celebs.
There's a load of Savitri Devi writings on, go and spend your time reading those instead.
Basically this is it. It's either losers with severe woman problems or shills working for the enemy.
These digits and no response.
It's not even people posting some of the same pics with same filenames across different threads, it's the same ID posting ALL the same filenames in a single thread. In a robotic spam fashion with no text. Your narrative makes zero sense.
why is the 'anons are trolling for the lulz' option is never considered?
I would respect Lauren more and listen to what she had to say if she dropped the larping bullshit, and did this as a side-project while working a normal job. Warehouse work, shop work, hotel work, even office work. Because it would show he dedication to graft and earn her own keep. Instead, she relies on donations from sexually-frustrated men to fuel her travelling meme around the world, vaguely disguised as political activism
A child's point of view is that the most logical argument wins
An adult's point of view is that the person most in tune to their argument wins
It's the same way here in LA. That's why I hate liberals even more than a lot of conservatives since I know first hand how much they are hypocritical pieces of shit.
>from sexually-frustrated men
Projecting much?
Why does everything always revolve around sex or money to some of you? Is that all you think about?
How is she supposed to travel to places for journalism/activism if she has a regular warehouse job? You realize she doesn't just make videos from her home.
I hope she finds a better way to redpill the masses. I appreciate her content but rarely watch as its old news for me. But she is a great gateway for normies.
Guys see a cute girl, girls see a conservative peer. It benefits the right as a whole.
>being this asspained that your """waifu""" is a shit
Dont give me shit because you and other dumbasses keep supporting ecelebs who only use you as a cash cow.
The vast majority of these ecelebs are just opportunists cashing in "us vs them" retards. They pander to the left when it makes money, they pander to the right when it makes money. The only movement they care about is the money moving to their bank accounts.
You faggots subsidizing people to do nothing but make shit videos are cancer. No different than the cucks paying people to play video games for them.
She embraced the whole "haha, feminist btfo" culture when it gained steam on YT, thinking it would be the next big thing that would make it into mainstream. Back then she was still a lolbertarian with the whole "i hate identity politics" shtick.
When the le edgy lolbertarian community got "redpilled"(shat their pants) when muslim immigrants started arriving, a lot of them suddenly replaced individualism with the very thing they bashed SJW's for doing: identity politics.
Laure noticed that the lolbertarian fan-base is slowly moving towards 14/88. So in order to stay popular she started dog whistling to white nationalists - thinking again that "moderate"-white nationalism will become the next big thing. So Lauren the "identity politics is collectivism= communism" ironically joined identitarians.
She, like Goldy , is a modern day cam girl that does not hold any serious political convictions but turns as the wind blows.
I'd pay to see her play bumper cunts with Brittany Pettiboner
I just like seeing her get out there because she's so blatantly one of us. and not even in a "LOLZ I MENTIONED DA 4CHANZ" way. she knows all the memes, uses them correctly. she cosplays, she likes video games.
just one of us angry nerds who happens to be a cute blonde that people will listen to.
Agree. She generally guides people towards the right direction and she has guts, she already passed any limits of what the (((powers that be))) find acceptable.
Also girls like an alpha girl like her.
I hope she and Faith Goldy find some kind of platform that gives them the means and the safety to throw redpills more effectively. I really like her, nothing white knight and sexual about it.
the earliest caps I've found of her contain references to Sup Forums or Sup Forums
>and did this as a side-project while working a normal job. Warehouse work, shop work, hotel work, even office work
What the fuck?
How would that be helpful in any way? Why would she take some generic job working in a cubicle that anyone can do, when she could better spend all this time helping the cause, doing activism, being a reporter, informing people, etc.? How would that help us or her in any way?
>it would show he dedication to graft and earn her own keep
She's already doing that, she was also doing it when she was at Rebel. She's a reporter.
>she relies on donations from sexually-frustrated me
The only sexually frustrated people I see are virgins who get upset that someone who isn't a man makes videos, and it's all they can talk about, not the content.
>A child's point of view is that the most logical argument wins
No, that's a logical person's point of view.
>An adult's point of view is that the person most in tune to their argument wins
How would working in a warehouse help "her argument" (whatever that is) in any way?
What kind of angle is that?
What else does she offer?
You can say "she redpills normies!" but she doesn't since the true redpill isn't some vague "I know about this thing that happened," it's a change in outlook, and she doesn't facilitate that. Every single person who we should be taking cues from (Bowden, Devi, Tyndall, Mosley, etc.) understood that the flaw isn't knowledge it's lack of will and spiritual strength; not physical or intellectual strength, but a strong and resilient soul.
It's also going to take a total rejection of the trite entertainment and comfort of modernity, which is why people say there'll be no waking up all the time people have easy lives. I cannot think of anything more trite than some 20 year old moaning about the state of the world, but never looking to their elders in advice in how to fix it.
She, like every other "red pilled" youtuber is simply activism for the e-generation: shallow, passive, and boring.
Your narrative is nonsense.
>So Lauren's actions are dictated by profit margins which is why she does things that causes the cathedral to clamp down on her and make it so she will never be picked up by a mainstream corporation that could offer her a proper good salary? Your hot take on her motivations makes no sense.
So when a major cultural shift occurs and normies make shifts in their political beliefs that's understandable and organic, but if a public person makes a shift (even a minor one) it must be because of devious motivations.
You're just asserting the same unfalsifiable claims over and over again, you have no real arguments or anything of interest to say. It would be best if you never discussed politics again.
>woman goes on social media and chans
>notes memes
>parrots memes
No, shes not with you. Shes in it for the money.
Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews.
she's not even pulling a "oh, I was a Libertarian before it was cool and then wasn't," she actually ran for office, and then was kicked out of the party.
The flying fuck does one need with a corporation when you faggots will do it for free? Your canned defense is as stale as her canned views
I wish that was real.
You can "shift" all you life, but it wont make one bit of a difference unless you can embolden the spirit. This is why Southern, Molymeme, and the rest, wont amount to anything in the long term. Screaming "WAKE UP, [country]!" wont cause a mass awakening. The only hope to encourage an ethno-cultural revival or rediscovery.
And all the while people put well-being or entertainment (for example, youtube vlogs) above a spiritual transcendence, or a familial purpose, there will be no hope for the future.
Being white isn't enough.
why do you have this bizarrely twisted view that women aren't people like us? here's a Catherine cosplay. pretty obscure for some idiot teenage girl who doesn't actually like games
fuck off, your thread sucks
How is she a Zionist?
Everything she goes against their agenda, and she even made a vid condemning neocons and the strike in Syria.
Learn what that vid means.
>Learn what that vid means.
learn what that word means*
Can't handle the truth you dirty little rat kike? That's why you spend all your worthless time pushing this kosher at-kike controlled opposition?
Fucking die you ignoble subhuman.
She's a female does it matter? She'll change her mind so often it'll make your head spin.