So, this is how the radical feminists think of all men, and this is their "utopia."
What do you guys think of a world with less than 10% men?
So, this is how the radical feminists think of all men, and this is their "utopia."
What do you guys think of a world with less than 10% men?
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it's telling that a feminists utopia would not consist of a world without men in it. it would consist out of a world wherein men exist for the sole reason of being tortured by women.
women are fucking stupid
Absolute chaos! The world would be at constant war over something trivial like what dress Stacy wore to the last council meeting. And none of the fucking machines would work. Women are fucking hopeless at everything. Unless that 10% of men would be the ruling class are something.
The only valid application of gender reassignment surgery is to be able to kick a feminist in the dick.
In my experience women do not play nicely with each other when there are no men around. I would expect a lord of flies situation.
What really is machismo and what is wrong with it?
>t. not from machismo country.
didn't the Greeks have a play like this
How can womanlets even compete?
Thanks OP! I read this a few years ago and wanted to show a friend of mine but couldn't find it again.
Cranks being cranks.
It should be illegal to not force-feed crazies their haldol.
Wasnt this already tried on a Tv show?
Men on one island, Women on the other. The Women eventually ran out of food, had no shelter and started fighting with each other.
Survivor or something like that.
i am so fucking horny
>witchwind blah blah blah
Ignore her. If she was serious about protesting men she'd be marching around naked.
>Carlos "please fuck my wife" Latuff
This is hot...
I Like when woman tells me what to do
Already fapped to the whole text.
The idea that a society governed by women would be anything other than absolute shit is the most laughable thing i've ever read.
How the fuck would society work if about 90% of population does fucking nothing?
We already tried this twice
Expedition robinson season 2: man island vs woman island
Bear gryls ultimate survivor season ?
The results were absolutely hilarious
Hol up while I go find the clips
Is this from the Swedish government?
Here it is
Only in dutch but first comment has full translation.
Bear gryls wan island was even more hilarious. They end coming close to death after day 1 despite having 5 days emergency rations
90% of african agriculture and economic activities are done by women.
That utopia already exist.
danish i think
You know, some people have said we're pretty evil on this board but we've got NOTHING on this psychotic maniac.
Most interesting about all her murder fantasies is that she spends even more time repeating over and over and over that men are torturers and tyrannists and all that. It would be a cleansing of the world in self defense. Is this just marxism and vengeance in overdrive? It reads very much like how commies would treat the capitalists, cultural revolution style.
>world is 90% women
>now each man get to fuck 9 women at the same time
How is this a bad thing again?
And that 10% is Chad.
Nothing would ever get done except the laundry and I probably still wouldn't get laid.
Someone should extend her revenge fiction with what happens when women in all their incoherent rage and psychotic mania would try their hand at eugenics. They would sterilize everyone and keep a few chads, but they would choose horribly and this Grand Tribunal of Womanhood assigning sperm would become an instant slaughterhouse of infighting over the chads. Then they would figure out that they don't know how society works, can't run a society, can't even operate a machine, and in the post-apocalyptic wasteland they'd call home their mongrel offspring would lose all the feminine traits they so desperately crave for their identity.
It happened multiple times in different countries.
>PIV would be illegal too of course, as well as the initiation of any verbal or physical contact to women and girls or boy children, unless solicited by a woman for specific matters. I’m not sure what to do about boy children. Obviously you know my opinion, but let’s say that’s up to the mother to decide what she wants to do before he turns of age to leave the female family circle.
Sex is illegal bro.
Now you're getting it
If it sounds like communism to you, that's because it is.
Feminism, Social Justice, all of this garbage we are seeing, all of it is simply subgradients of communist ideology, because Social Marxism is applied communist ideology. And communism, unsurprisingly, is a Jewish invention. Basically, anything socially subversive or disruptive you can think of, can be traced back to communist ideology or teachings, and those can be traced back to their ultimate Jewish root.
Communism = The Jew. It's really that simple.
That is a big pile of BS. I go to Africa quite often for work so stop shit posting, you are embarrassing yourself.
rad fems are like this because they understand one single fact that completely undermines anything they could accomplish.
if it ever came to combat, men would completely and utterly BTFO them, it wouldn't even be a contest. the only possible way for them to beat us would be by utilizing the military, but then it would be up to the military if they would kill civilian men for women for their paycheck or turn on them.
you'll have to work 9 times more to compensate their lack of skill physical strength. Think twice before you post.
Like where? All know is this comfy village in China.
Right, there's no question that that's where she got here infection. But still, every once in a while my mind staggers at the magnitude of horrors that communism unleashed. It's well and good to have a country sudoku because planning doesn't work, and it's almost cute to ponder women starving to death within weeks of killing the men, but goddamn. It's much worse seeing what communism does to the soul. If she weren't a woman she'd be an actual murderous psychopath. And all of her blood fantasies are carefully constructed and the inevitable victory of the Good. At least the right wants to remove subversives, possibly without (Mc)gas, but the Cultural Revolution? That's worse than tribalism, worse than random ethnic cleansing and killing peasants. It really is the most godless force in the world isn't it. Remarkable.
How do you explain national socialism then? It's communism with a swastika instead of hammer & sickle. Was is created by the jew, too?
They would destroy each other in under a week
Talking about the survival reality shows.
This is a lie. Left is radical feminism. First wave feminism was just a right to vote, not complete freedom for women.
Right is what men fear would beget them, because that's what they would've done if the tables were turned.
"Genetic modification of plants, pesticides, monoculture, field ploughing and consequent aridification of the land will be considered criminal."
When did rad-fems go full anarcho-primitivist? Wasn't pic related supposed to be the satire not the explicit goal?
It's not communism. They got into power because the german people had had a communist revolution already, and were getting reports from the hell on earth that was the USSR. You should read some more and not be confused by labels. Liberals these days aren't liberal either.
T. Never had to work with women
Seriously women are terrible when in large groups. Women hat women more than men hate women
Can confirm. You will never encounter so much passive aggressiveness that with a group of women with no men to hate.
>When your ideal world would get 90% of the population killed
Feminist leaders know women can't survive on their own. There's a reason there hasn't been on functional matriarchy in the history of the human race. They just don't produce many geniuses or entrepreneurial types, nor are they good workers. A society full of women will be like Somalia. What they want is to demoralise and pussify white men to the point where they'll essentially be willful slaves to the state and women will use the state to transfer wealth from predominantly male tax payers to women. This is why most women are socialists. Feminism is mostly about wealth transfer from productive males to women.
>In my experience women do not play nicely with each other when there are no men around
I have always defined the word "misogynist" as "a man who hates women as much as women hate each other".
What do feminists mean when they say they want to dismantle the patriarchy? ALL of our culture is patriarchal, what do you have left when you remove it?
It's just good old fashioned Marxism.
Wait, do we keep the hot 'n smart men or just select form a random sample? And I assume that this'll eventually cause inbreeding problems.