Even if your hair/eye is brown, almost all white people have something non whites don't have.
>hair is brunette
>eyes are not brown
>vice versa
>both features are brown but are light brown, not shit-tier dark brown
Even if your hair/eye is brown, almost all white people have something non whites don't have.
>hair is brunette
>eyes are not brown
>vice versa
>both features are brown but are light brown, not shit-tier dark brown
I have medium blonde hair and blue eyes, feels ok.
worry less about your dark hair and eyes and more about your tiny azn penor
I have a brown eye wanna see it?
For people who have brown eyes all non whites have brown eyes but it's so dark you can't tell between black or brown. White people's brown eyes are often like a sexy rich mohagony brown not shot tier brown
I was referring to my arsehole
Thought that was called chocolate starfish
>tfw mostly German and scandanavian heritage
>Blue eyes everywhere in family
>Somehow got shit tier brown eyes
>White people's brown eyes are often like a sexy rich mohagony brown
So your white OP? Your missing out on being blamed for literally everyone elses problems.
>What's it like to have blonde hair and blue eyes?
It's fab bro
might be decent
bumpeth we need to discuss blue eyes
Seriously OP. Get a life. And by life I mean spiritual and philosophical life. Read the Tao Te Ching, the Hua Hu Ching and the I Ging. Study Chinese cultivation practices and practice them. Don't die staring at Europeans.
t. ethnic German
>being a white
fuck that
whats it like being a full Zhong guo ren?
Im barely a Hapa and shit sucks being in between, girls think im mexican since my gramps was a darker toned han chinese and my moms part italian heritage gave me darker complexion
white girls want nothing to do with me and only ugly asian girls and mexicans(the worst of the lot) flock to me
its like being the king of shit island, and its constantly salt in the wound when you get all ethnic stereotypes since im soo mixed looking I could be anything to non asian eyes
why tho? wouldn't it be a lot worse it you were full ching chong?
feels like being a fucking Panda in a Zoo
Red/brown hair and blue/grey eyes. 183cm tall. Doctor degree. I am considered superior?
>tfw handsome, light brown hair bright green eyes
sometimes i look at women and they compliment my eyes
I'd trade my Goldilocks and green eyes for that Asian IQ desu
>tfw black hair
am i still white
>tfw blue (with a "hint" of green) eyes and brown hair.
What is the actual sex appeal for each eye and hair colour?
dark auburn red hair, Golden eyes. 6'1 olive skin but pale.
I have dark brown hair and dark brown eyes with black facial hair. I get quite a bit of female attention because girls can tell I'm happy with myself via my energy. Girls Don't like you because you're the type that complains about how it's everyone's fault but yours. Blame genetics when you're puking your guts out from ulcerative colitis.
Honestly? Until a couple weeks ago I never thought about it.
It's true
My dad's side has all had weird distribution of recessive genes
My uncle has brown hair and brown eyes and so does my aunt but all my cousins came out blonde hair/blue eyes or very light brown hair
My dad had blonde hair until he was 13 and it darkened to a light brown
I was born with blonde hair and blue eyes; says so on my birth certificate. Blonde/blue in all my baby pictures up until about age 2 when my eyes darkened and I got heterochromia (one eye is dark brown while the other eye is more of a golden/hazel) and around age 6 my hair turned a light brown
People are pretty shocked when they see old pictures of me, they Always think it's my cousin since he's around the same age as me and still has blondish hair
we won't ever tell!
haha just kidding.
We know we're part of something greater that we need to honor, and are much when not debating.. less talk more action. Always focus on quality, deeply racist, and talking openly about different groups of people but not hating the group but specific people of those groups. But calling them very openly racial things.. This fucking chinese, this fucking african, this fucking polack, this fucking this and that. Brutally honest and merit based including of our leaders which we critique but never in the open. pure non bullshit and merit based focused reality in a very emperical fashion, and appreciate of those that "get things" fast, but also very forgiving of those that don't get it. Keeping ourselves sharp. VERY into hard work whatever field it is. You have to work long hours. You come in late no matter what time it is, you only do this once, and even if you do this 1 time you might get fired and heavily loathed where others we are more lenient towards. Big difference between ingroup and outgroup. Ingroup is treated with much much higher requirements for excellence. Others are treated as they don't get it essentially so it's an expected loss when they fuck it up, but if we fuck it up, you won't hear the last of it.
No. Half-breeds have depression and can't relate well to either heritage. Full ching chong have less empathy but a lot more determination, which is very useful in life.
maybe you were adopted pedro
Chang you have slick hair unless the sheep tuft which is found on the head of a niggger or in-between it's legs.
>be 1/2 chong
>not as smart as a chong but smart enough to get by, father was a prodigy, gramps was practically illuminati tier
>not as attractive as my whiter siblings because male genetic inheritance
>become just a little above average intelligence and slightly taller chong with average dick
>white girls dont like you since youre not exceptional enough in looks as a non-white
>chongs dont like you that much either since youre not a full chong
>mexicans love you since they think youre just a really smart and tall mexican
>muzzies also think your in on the next kaboom
its a life of suffering unless you get the white complexion as a Hapa
i have brown hair, two hazel eyes and one brown eye.
i am truly a person of colour...
Light brown hair/eyes reporting in.
Feels....normal, i guess. Not much different than how you would feel in an all asian society.
I'm jewish and I had blue eyes and blond hair when I was a baby.
Now I have brown hair and brown hair like a typical shitskin
I don't know why everyone worries what color their eyes are. My brother has blue eyes and i have light brown - dont care
>white hair young years
>turns brownish
sounds like you have a little something in there, but it went to your mothers side if i were to guess. You got the innards possibly of that thing, but the outside got "tanned" eventually, could be worse.
Light brown hair and blue eyes here. Chicks fucking love the eyes. They've gotten me laid on a handful of occasions. Pretty fucking cash famalam
>i dont care
the opposite gender does
my hair was dark blond honey coloured as a child.
went dark brown as i grew up.
feels normal, because most finns have those features
not if you are a player lmfao
It's geolocation coordinates really if we want to stop playing pretend for a second. Here's my estimate of how it goes, ofcourse various tribes for thousands of years at the same place. two fields.. uva (towards the poles) uvb (equator). At uvb it's the extreme near pitch black eyes and skin, towards uva, it goes to green blue and grey at the poles. (northern europe since nothing at the south). Skin, loses pigmentation due to the climate and chief is the clouds.. heavy clouds, and uva radiation nearing the poles. becomes hair becomes less coarse, more lean, skin becomes brighter, less pigmented to absorb d vitamin where uvb is pretty much sunblock cause uvb all year around, so the skin would be destroyed were this not be the case, like animals in africa roll themselves in the soil/mud. Some african tribes still do this. For someone at uva area, going to uvb, not too big a hazzle, for a uvb to go to uva.. vitamin deficiency. Which is often seen in africans who migrate just a little they don't get d vitamin enough that is a utility for calcium and phosphate bone.. so they get bone problems. And also the winter sickness in the high norse realms that even some of the norse get where they desire artificial light, cause very dark a lot of the year.. where at equator very much sun and little else.
tl;dr equator brown black, color differential.. because of the sun, black becomes towards green, towards blue, towards grey. Now add race mixing and migration into the mix, you ofcourse get hybrids of it. like red green brown for instance. red is just before it goes green towards the blue. Like north africa i suppose.
Now add to this many thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years of those people staying at those places that their situation is optimal condition for this thing. The blonde eyed blue haired ones, are procured of the high norse, who then moved down throughout europe and ended up in all kinds of places. Who were also massive travellers including much later where the norse travelled so much of the globe even discovered americas before columbus. Then came islamic invasion into spain and italy and african admixture and arab admixture was added in so northern europe became very very different from north europe. But a hybrid betwen them and those who invaded.
the high norse were never invaded, they were one of the few that were never invaded, so they kept the pristine nordic "form". of the blonde hair blue eyes but they were all over europe before this conflict and the intermixing. The GREY eyes are of the VERY high norse like sweden and norway. In svalbard for instance the sun doesn't set for several months every year. but it's very thin layer uva, the suns rays is almost not there and so lack of potency too, so white skin is better to absorb as much as possible, also very cloudy and very dark around the year compared to other places. At the high north you can see the suns "interaction" with our north magnetosphere pole, very dark there so you can see the dance of light called the aurora borealis, the suns emissions interactions with the pole of earth.
As you go VERY very VERY high north, you go from blue to grey.. because uva is almost nonexistent so even the eye almost starts to go towards white to compensate for it.
honestly don't care that much for blonde hair, but women like blue eyes.
Your mother is a whore.
Its good to know that even though Im high as fuck doing rails theres someone else making me look less weird
totally spot on with eye coloration being a geographical roadmap, completely wrong on why people have red eyes tho
feels good man
>totally spot on with eye coloration being a geographical roadmap, completely wrong on why people have red eyes tho
I'm glad you called my bluff on that. Care to chime in?
I dunno if I'd call it worrying, but I'm definitely curious about my bloodline. I have dark black hair with hazel eyes.
I am an Anglo-American with blonde hair and blue eyes and I literally cannot remember the first time someone called me a Nazi for how I looked or said that I was Hitler's ideal.
Basically chicks dig it, I'm pretty handsome, so it's an advantage. But people call me a Nazi or "Hitler's wet dream" all the time and it's annoying.
I'm an Anglo, not an Aryan.
>chime in
on what red eyes are a misnomer when it comes to eye linkage and ancestry since its a side affect of albinism
lack of pigment in the eyes causes the eye to be colored by the vessels within the eyes hence pink or red eyes
>on what red eyes are a misnomer when it comes to eye linkage and ancestry since its a side affect of albinism
the highest norse you can find isn't albino you can check, they look similar because albino is a flaw in the dna that causes the dna to think it lives in a zero uva spectrum, probably due to some infection in the fetus or whatever by the mother, it's seen in africa also must suck to be it there THE ROUGHEST, thus remove all pigmentation and is very rare.. the whitest norse you can find has much pigmentation in comparison. But they LOOK similar.
albino sets pigmentation to ZERO, the whitest whitest whites have plenty of it.
I tossed the ball to you but i no longer trust you with it.
True dat. Women love my eyes. I get compliments all the time. The blonde hair is basically neutral but the eyes and the fair skin with a slight tan really get the girls going.
You should look up eyes that have green and red on inside whilst being mostly brown. Who's that, clearly it's a "phenotype" on the uva/uvb spectrum and not an albino you tard.
>norse have red eyes
this is a naturally occurring phenotype ur telling me? got pics?
That eyetype seems to be mostly hazel in the brown outside the green and red at center, so it's clearly outside of uvb and towards uva. And multiple things manifesting itself from various generations. Trying to compensate for the new environment that child is in.
your mother is was and always will be a slut u faggotburger
>green red eye layered
I wasnt even addressing that but im actually interested
and hows it different from a mutation or form of heterochromia
I was platina-blond as a kid, today, you could say I have "brown" hair. It's lighter in the summer and darker during the winter. I also have blue/greenish eyes. And yes, only Swedes in my bloodline since 1410, that is as far back as I can go in a straight downward line, grandad-his dad-his dad and so forth. On that man's wife's side I can go back to the 1100's, to some Norwegian royalty. Feels good desu.
>this is a naturally occurring phenotype ur telling me? got pics?
No i didn't say norse (hazel to blue), but i said red spots in the eyes mixed with green, is from brown to green. as the uva gets thinner and thinner from the uvb at equator so it turns gradually towards blue and ultimately grey at the very very high norse. And transparent fur like the polar bear.
I know that fell. I am mixed but white as fuck. Brown everything and I have a Big Nose
Lmao even I have blue eyes.
I love being (((White)))
Similar here. All boys in my direct family, self included, had blond hair blue eyes that became brown hair light brown eyes at some point before 10.
All girls stayed blond and blue eyed.
>straight out the cuck shed
pretty interesting r9k user thanks for giving me to contemplate while im on my bender
But Sup Forums told me all AMWF sons are alpha males??
>Lmao even I have blue eyes.
I love being (((White)))
It's not recessive, if you have that in your dna from those who lived from tens of thousand of years in that place, you don't just change your eyes even if you mix that offspring will be mean of both sides, and here's where it gets interesting, the dna tries to determine your geolocation so that it determines the best pigmentation etc. for your offspring, so if you are high norse and the mother is low african.. and you live in say.. germany.. it's already half inbetween.. What happens with albino it seems is that the dna makes an error and thinks it lives in zero uva or uvb, so make the skin ZERO pigmentation like a polar bear.. with very detrimental results for the offspring obviously. Rather than adjusting it gradually and the eyes is also a reflection of the uva uvb band.
Everyone admires you in my opinion.
So that it determines your skintone more than your skincolor of what is detrimental or good for the offspring according to geolocation. Determining which part of you two parents are recessive or beneficial because if you are born in say norway. Dark skin, VERY VERY bad for you to live with regards to the sunlight etc. and absorption of it etc. So they get "Bleached".
this stuff can happen, I had more or less white hair as a kid, and when I grew older it turned into darkish blond. The hair color changes by season too, it gets lighter in the summer than the winter
>thinking an asian father/asian household lets an kid develop any self-confidence or builds self esteem
thats a meme, you get asian father meme expectation levels while also being called worthless and with no one to relate to in an all white school your basically nog class to everyone
your set if your a white Hapa though
>be me
>roughly a 3-4 on a scale to 10
>have bright blue eyes
>still have gotten numerous comments from girls over the years on how beautiful they are
The ladies just love blue eyes, even if you're ugly as fuck. At least I have one thing going for me
>Tfw I have black hair, brown eyes and blond beard.
Can someone care to explain?
Jelly chang?
it's not that important or all that cool.
some would claim it looks better but do you really wanna stand out like that? there are ugly ass white people as well with these features.
plus you yourself can go full G-Dragon with your hair and your looks because I feel like you have more variety to choose from if you got black hair and brown eyes and olive skin or whatever. I can't even go for some of the looks asian guys can pull off because it would look weird. the eyes and the hair, it's just colors, dude.
t. blue eyes/dirty-blonde hair
grey eyes and blonde hair is the whitest?
this must be some murrican thing because here in Austria nobody ever compliments me on my eyes, I swear. It just doesn't happen.
>would you wanna stand out
desu if I could choose being a 7/10 white guy with blue eyes and blond hair over a 9/10 asian Id take the trade anyday
The truth is being white is the most desirable of any race when it comes to dating, and its always been the standard of beauty for decades
that level of conditioning is soo in favor of you guys it burns me with envy
>grey eyes and blonde hair is the whitest?
That's about the whitest you could possibly get yes, the uva is so limited that it's almost not there so their skin and hair ultra fair and very little coarse, so high norse that they are so close to the poles for that long. But that doesn't mean what we know as white, white = european ancestry. Because if your eyes and your skin is in a certain way what matters with regards white is if you belong to those lineages of europe. Those are the lineages they want to preserve in europe atleast. In US, they heavily leaned on the nordic lineages in their immigration policies, so you have a LOT of people like that there of those 65%. The point they want to preserve those lineages is that they behave in a certain way in general. As immigrants who come from other places also behave a certain way in general. and each want to preserve their own thing which is fine, but for the US they want to preserve a little bit of that white stuff so yeah.
It feels pretty good man. Wouldn't have it any othe r way desu
you have to go back
The default white is blonde blue hair, but a lot of them have hazel and brown in lower north europe. it's a long history of there were once a lot of blonde eyed blue haired people and they got mixed the fuck up by conquests especially in southern europe. To get that medditeranean and also the spaniard look, heavily for lack of a better word, fucked by africans and arabs. The muslims their MOST wanted for the harems was blonde hair blue eyed, you might have long lost relatives in the muslim world that you don't know about because tens of millions were abducted and fucked to produce better offspring which is why they wanted them as the BEST prize, they never got northern europe fully to the northern euro stock was one of the only ones who remained fully pure because they were saved from conquest by the others, so the others who were "mutilated" by mass immigration worship those a little bit and became "lesser whites" because they originally came from them and the sovereign northern ingroup was compromised by invasion except those few, but a bit too far ofcourse of that adoration. But to them it reminds them of what they lost by invasion. This is ingroup bred for intelligence for millennia. So it was a big loss for those places.
>All non-whites have brown eyes
I've met several black people with green eyes. Most likely second-generation mixed.
It's cool, but your race, people and culture will have cool things about them as well. Please go back.
Does yours even exist?
*blonde hair blue eyes
Blonde.. blue hair, we are smurfs nauw. Pardon the malaise.
Not sure what you mean. In NZ we have two groups mixed together. European settlers and Maori. Most of the nation are of white eurofag stock. We have our own culture in the same way that Australia does, its really just an offshoot of the Brits.
Post flag.
>light brown hair
>light brown eyes
w-what am I
meditteranean, not a bad flavour.
Try this one out.
Where specifically in Northern Europe would you find the whitest whites?
pic is extremely white but even then there's room to be whiter isn't there.
I'm thinking we should take whites from these extremely white areas and encourage the breeding of these hyper white individuals, but where do you find them? (like specifically)
Finland has Asian admixture though, that cannot be very white or European.
>pic is extremely white but even then there's room to be whiter isn't there.
It's really not so much about the skin color but about your behaviour skillsets and other things of those groups. It's not a skin bleeching contest. Even if you do it it's not the way. And the ones who are truly of that, won't hate you in any way for who you are whatsoever. or want you to do something for them. It's just for them they want to maintain their way in the way that they prefer, and what you want to do that's fine.. that's up to you you know. It was never any nefarious things, but the reason those lineages are very focused on is that how they accomplished so many things, so people obviously want to keep those things intact, because centuries and millennia to produce that, if that vanishes, you don't just snap your fingers and get another one like it, would that not be nice though *snap* *snap* *snap* damnit, nothing's happening. We need those people, everyone needs those people in the future.. cause when we're done talking, and we are going to do stuff, and people can't do it.. what then?
all nordics have. does she look asian to you?