Yugoslav Liberal Pride Worldwide

Flag of the Liberal Federative Republic of Yugoslavia. If Yugoslavs had listened to based Milovan Djilas, a convert to classical liberalism like Orwell, Yugoslavia would not have fallen apart.

Collectivist ideologies, including stormweeni naziism, are just state gibsmedats. Classical liberalism, founding ideology of the USA, is the most stable political ideology and the only basis for a quality life, true liberty and actual pursuit of happiness as opposed to some SS or NKVD ruled state.

Fuck collectivism.

Other urls found in this thread:


Get cancer, tool.


No, gtfo kuffar scum.

collectivism is the basis for modern societies
you delusions mean nothing

Multiculturalism never works user, in the entire history of the world there has never been one successful multiculti state. Yugoslavia was doomed from the start and was held in place only by fear and the iron hand of the totalitarian government.


>implying yugislavia had different ethnicites

fuck off

Serbians which are pure slavs and Orthodox Christians,
Bulgarian (you) which are asian + slav mix,
Bosnia which are muslims shit,
Croatia which altho slav and related to Serbs are Catholic Christians
Solvens are not Balkan in mentality

Deal with it

fyrom is bulgarian, isn't it?


Yup. Pic related, we got rightful clay after the San Stefano treaty, but you can how we got separated a bit later, because the great powers fear a stronk Balkan country.

We united two of the parts after that, but all attempts to unite with the third (macedonia) failed, millions Bulgarians died in the attempts.

listen tatar, we were not soviet union or its satellites like tatarobulgaria. there was no iron hand.

if we had, we would have genocided all the nationalists, instead we let them live and they made life hell in the 90s.


I never got this meme

>shitposting, for 3 straight days, the same meme, in every balkan-related thread
>we come from the other side of the sea
>so we are tatars
it was made by some """macedonian""" a while ago i believe

didn't read.
fuck off serbitch

Ah that makes sense. Is it a Sup Forums only thing? I've never seen or heard it before.


yep it is
no evidence to support it besides "but your first state was in orthodox caucasia"

Bulgarians are Thracians
Fyromites are Macedonians
Serbs are Dinarics
Croatians and Montenegrins are Illyrians
Slovenians are Germanic
Kosovans are Dardanians

Yugoslavia was counterfeit and homosexual just like OP.

both are right, you know

Yugoslavia is a Jewish scam and Serb have the biggest inferiority complex.


>there's only one macedonian shitposting
kill yourself ghengis

changed it a bit

kek tatars on suicide watch

>Djilas a classical liberal
>Djilas a visionary
All he did is he wrote bunch of essays on how communists should be rootless and cosmopolitan, instead of actually running a country.
He was a stalinist version of a Brooklyn-based shitlib.

You cuck for the Albos and you have the gall to talk shit on the internet.

aй 1в1 вe

>rootless and cosmopolitan
Sounds like a classical Trotskyist

>aй 1в1 вe
I'll come to burgas and stab you to death

Yeah he was literally Tito's Trotsky

Ne seri Milorade

>brm brm traktor breee


Collectivist ideologies are the founding principle of 99% of countries you stupid faggot. The US was founded as a white nationalist state. Go read a history book

i'll reck you back to mongolia kamene
y cкoпјe дoaѓaј

you were a turkic tribe from the volga, bulgarians = volgarians
>be tatar
>move south, take slavic language
>get turkified
bulgarotatarian history everyone


>you were a turkic tribe

Too bad facts say you are a fag, pic related. The turkic shit was communist propaganda debunked a decade ago, get with the times grandpa.

Our origin is somewhere in Central Asia and we are not really related to anyone. We are a unique tribe. Closest ties are with the aryan people like Persians.

Serbian propaganda btfo :^)

Ma nismo mi tili rat hehe
t-to su bosanci h-hehe

Based Thracians

>aryan people like Persians
you're on another level of retardation

Jheez, Yugoslavia would not last in any scenario just as any communist false "nation" cant . You cant force people together and at the same time strip them of their identity (meaning culture and religion) and think they will just forget about it and assimilate.

this man is NOT a fascist


Fuck off, Fildžan kaliphat will happen.

>what is a closed border economic union?

Absolutely disgusting.

Just a reminder that's what white nationalists wanna do
Cram together what they deem white and make a grand mishmash and call it white culture

don't you have a dog to spin or something?

Macedonians are bastards of Albanians and Bulgarians.

daily reminder that strawmanning is pathetic

Same is projecting it

i'm sorry mehmet but i don't talk to islamic mongrels
this is my first and last (You)
go fuck your goat

that's literally not what that word means but whatever
your 70 IQ makes it difficult to reason properly

WHY THE FUCK does the Albanian have light eyes???

>bastards of Albanians
pushing it there subhuman

we are just bulgarians and we are the most powerful balkan slavs

if we were in yugoslavia it would work because we wouldn't lose to slovenian hunters and croatian women

>classic liberalism
Fuck off Sargo

>yeah goy, mishmash all together
>white pride amirite?

love me pls.

there's that 70 IQ coming into play again
this is your flag mehmet
please try to remember

that's literally what they specifically don't want but you're literally a sub 70 IQ degenerate so i'll give you a pass

Yeah I know you idiot

>observe flag
did you forget to turn your VPN on or something
do you know under what location you're posting ? Literally the muslim shithole of ex Yugoslavia

>g-goy youre a 70 iq subhuman goy
>mishmashing is the way goy
KEK, is that all you can say?

see the little retarded inbred eagle that's so deformed it has 2 heads?
that one's yours

It will never work due to the fact that our people are to idiotic and full of pride to work together to actually make something out of their existence.
Sup Forums clearly behaves like those majorities and shows you why it wont work:A major lack of co operation due to the fact they want to assert their countries dominance instead of having a share of it.

>japan ripoff flag talking about shitty flags

>Serbians which are pure slavs

not an argument
they specifically don't want that
that identitaire(dunno how it's spelled) movement specifically states that they're against that
this is my last (You) albonigger
fuck off

>Identitarian meme
That literally puts the lid on your kike bullshit LOL

talking about ripping off flags

>implying that's a bad thing
fund a more aesthetic flag
pro tip
you can't

t. ustaša cocksucker and a traitor to the serbian nation
go fap to dimitrije ljotić

its a nationalist fiction that nations were somehow "opressed" and their identity denied. to the contrary, yugoslavia continuously strenghtened national identity as a basis for collectivism, on the fale assumption only socialism can liberate nations, only in socialism can these ethnicities be truly frree. for instance, by eg giving in to croatian nationalist demand for a new constitution in 1974, or opening more and more universities in local languages, eg. albanian university in priština in 1977.
learn your history faggot.
collectivism is death. we should have listened to based djilas.

Slovenians are slovenians you fuck wit

well, technically we are all ripping off romans/byzantines

judging from his chink eyes and fancy eyebrows, hes probably an avar-turk

why do croat fascists look like turks?

Slovenians are slavs which think that they are germanic due to the fact that the majority of their existence was under austrian control

The serbian government shouldn't have pushed the greater serbia idea instead of adopting the illyrian ideas and the ideas of Ljudevit Gaj. If the first Yugoslavia was a federation and a republic it would have worked. Fundementally we are not that different (well except Macedonians those guys should have their own country or go with Bulgaria)

Well it makes sense since we were part of Byzantine empire, but not Japan

The Sun will shine again! I hail thee my Macedonic overlords!

Its ironic that we back stabbed the byzantines and yet we still have the audacity to claim that we were ones.

Carantania was slavic
Slovenes were carantanians.

Austria is crypto-slavic and became germanic due to germany's influence.

Nobody here thinks we're Germanic, stop making shit up Mahmud

That is coat of arms, and yes coat of arms are pretty much a territorial thing if I may call it that, Lithuanian coat of arms is almost the same as Muscovy's one, and as far as I know many states in that area had/have that kind of coat of arms.

thank you for knowing non propagandized history mountainserb-kun


A lot of you seem to brag about your eu gib based economy and claim that you are superior due to being germanic.


Why the fuck does your stupid country exist? May as well kick out all the Arabs in North Africa and just call it Carthage. I hope some day your country gets split between Albania, Greece and Bulgaria.

i've seen not a single slovenec say that


an irrelevant asian country hoping means less than nothing to me

We're actually superior due to being Slavic unlike you dinaric balkanites with low IQ

Over my dead body you disgusting roach


real man balkan slav > manlet central european slav

They just won't admit they are Shqiptar.

we need a short yet humorous cartoon illustrating this
balkan barbarians should all be gassed
we basically replaced civilization with shitty failing nation states with bad beer and rakija

make the balkans great again

replied to wrong bosnopost
meant for