When are people going to start pushing to normalize pedophilia? We already have widespread fag and tranny acceptance being shoved down our throats 24/7, when are the pedos and the liberals going to start pushing for "Pedo rights" and things like that
>pic somewhat related
When are people going to start pushing to normalize pedophilia...
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Huffpo and Salon have already tested the waters. Expect it sooner rather than later. They're already pushing the hormones on children and shit like that.
they already have, just google
nigger if I wanted to google something I would, I want some Sup Forums answers or information from you guys
Reasons why I don't think this will ever happen:
>my opinion,also I'm fine with gays/ trans is stuck in subjective hell
>pedophiles are locked into an age bracket(non minor)
>You can't bully a kid for being a pedophile
>most consent laws seem to be based around both parties not being minors
>unlike being gay or trans, nobody should know you're a pedo because that damages your ability to be a pedo. Announcing your gay or trans at least attracts relevant partners.
>newer generations on tumblr are incredibly sensitive around age differences
see samurai jack + ashi and bill cipher + gravity falls dipper. People are going mad over FICTIONAL pairings [namely, those that cross the minor line]. (FICTION IS REALITY)
>kids are supposed to be innocent, so long as this remains the case, people will defend them.
>movements genuinely trying to lump themselves into the LGBTQ prefix is a bad idea, will be met with HEAVY opposition except for your general morons who aren't in the prefix themselves and don't have to deal with being associated with pedophiles.
Now, what would need to change for pedophiles to be accepted(bullshit ahead)
>realistic child sex robots (safe perversion deflection)
>sex child clones (safer perversion deflection - as you'll have still fewer people looking for the "real thing", even fewer if you recreate a realistic child.
>legalize child pornography (will make pedos less closeted because they don't have the law staring over their heads if they view child porn)
>kids are engineered to be sex capable at an earlier age (damages harm argument)
>somehow we develop a way to erase past trauma so kids aren't scarred for life (damages mental harm argument)
>oh, don't worry, the kid's still alive and reconditioned, mr Richards over here can keep fucking new ones, but if someone dies, that's murder, safe sex guys! make sure you keep an eye on your kid's relationships! (we can keep up with the people that are hurt, otherwise nobody's being hurt, be responsible)
>they already have, just google
or see pic related or trash like the new movie "it"
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
As mentioned above, there have been pro-pedo articles in the mainstream left media. But those are outliers. Their main line of attack is indirect: claiming that homosexuality and transgenderism are present from birth, which is ultimately pushing the idea that children have sexuality.
I do think they'll be more openly pro-pedo IF they win culture war to normalize transgenderism. Otherwise they'll retreat for a few decades, like when the degeneracy movement of the late 60s and 70s failed to achieve its goals.
Pedophilia is already being pushed, but ofc such a subversive lifestyle is subtly pushed, others like NAMBLA are more direct
Pedophiles who don't abuse children should have rights and be given mental help to deal with their problem.
Fucking child dolls or looking at digitally created child porn is not any more harmful to society than looking at violent movies.
Pay attention.
They are already doing it.
An addendum to legalizing child pornography - I think that's the most dangerous and slippery slope that non-pedophiles could have an impact on.
NSFW artists exist, and have to put up with a lot of shit, including being called pedophiles if they dare use a character that is supposedly under 18 in the book (hence "characters are 18+" in lots of scenarios.
Granted, there's still scummy artists that undoubtedly use "art" as a loophole for making child pornography (as it isn't "real minors") but it's a dangerous path. Too much push against these sorts of artists to the point of legal action could catch legal/more healthy minded NSFW artists in the crossfire.
there are already "i am a pedophile but not a monster" articles every week
its already here
Why. Because many muslim men rape underage girls.
Thats why.
>>being homo or trans is present from birth
>>pushing that children have sexuality
Being male or female is present from birth as well, has the gender binary been pro-pedo propaganda?? /s
They already are
>implying (((they))) haven't been doing that for a while now
In search for one, I found this. TLDR:
>Not all pedophiles act on their fantasies
>even if they don't act, they can't say anything or else they are labeled as worst case scenario child molesters
>because pedophiles closet themselves, we don't know how many there are
>we aren't figuring out what causes pedophilia, yet it's an issue.
>there are some pedophile groups that gather AA style to cope with issues
>some pedophiles may have unreasonable expectations due to childhood abuse(borders on freudian, this bit does)
>some pedophiles do their best to distract themselves from their unnatural attraction by avoiding kids in large groups or keeping busy with other stuff
>US law in lots of areas makes confessing to pedophila mandatory to report to authorities, meaning that if you SEEK HELP, KNOWING YOU HAVE A PROBLEM, YOU CAN GET REPORTED AND LOCKED UP INSTEAD.
>Germany doesn't mandate reporting, but Germany's gonna Germany.
Though from that other article, I recall similar points being brought up:
>only looking at porn, not actually acting
>fear of social reaction
>failure to cope and relapse into child porn, suggesting lack of treatment or fixing
So, my stance
>encourage pedos not to tempt themselves with CP due to addiction forming
>encourage support over jailing - you don't get reported for admitting a drinking problem to your therapist.
>encourage pedos to keep busy with non-child-related things.
>research pedophilia and potential treatment rather than scratch heads and yell at them.
That's the same article?
Oh, I get it now. Still, I disagree with using artificially compressed articles just because one can't guarantee all the details are there.