We need to stop BREXIT for humanity's sake

Forget this quibbling, we need to act now to save our energy needs. Energy is the only thing that matters!

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Nuclear fusion is one of the forbidden scientific arts.

Nuclear fusion is up there with time travel in how fucked we would all be if we learned how to do it. For every million utopian idealists would be one lunatic wanting to use it to blow up the Earth. Humans are not ready to manipulate the building blocks of the universe absolutely, you're welcome. We just saved everybody from the Germans learning how to create matter.

Sure. Give us everything we asked for back in early 2016 and we might be able to talk.

Oh wait, the Commission told us to go fuck ourselves and humiliated our Prime Minister? Never mind then.

>scientist that is dependent on government funding because no private company will invest in his unproven highly theoretical research pleads for more government to keep his funding alive
>more news at 11

noooooo. don't bump this thred. I am at the 5 thread limit and just bumbed 25 threads to get this one to fucking expire!!!!

Shouldn't have wasted all that money on string theory.

>"haha don't leave we almost have fusion cracked haha wait no don't go! Look it's working haha"

wad ya mean?

I pump out more energy than this financial black hole on an apple a day.

another quality article from the guardian 2.0

>main parties obsessed with green energy
>chinamen are relied upon for our nuclear energy
>pretend cheap power is just around the corner and evul brexiters are to blame for our current energy prices

The giant Tokamak reactor project is beyond retarded. There's several other methods of attaining fusion that are considered cheaper with a better chance of being used for power generation. The problem with this planned fusion reactor is the fact that it's purely for research, and has very little in terms of new information to offer. Physicists for years have spoken out against ITER for being restrictive and sapping funding for other projects.
At this point, ITER is a massive waste of time, and private companies will more than likley crack the fusion problem long before any international organization produces a single watt of power for the grid.

>building blocks of the universe
Fusion is simply atoms being forced into conjoining into a new element, usually helium. There's billions of fusion reactors in the sky, and they're proof that fusion is our best option for power generation.
If you have a problem with fusion, how is manmade fusion reactions somehow worse?
Fission creates new elements from others, so does fusion, fission releases massive amounts of energy, so does fusion.
If you think that fusion reactors "create matter" than you're simply a braindead simpleton, you can't create matter, only change already existing materials into new ones. The creation of new matter in a fusion reactor violates the fundamental laws of physics.

Create doesn't inherently imply from thin air you fucking fedora.

You can create matter from matter which is what fusion does. Now kill yourself.

>Wall between scientists
Just like that wall between EU scientists and the far more relevant US scientists. This is more left wing shit.

If you say that you know how to create matter, ofcource it means out of vacume. Otherwise its fucking pointless.

While I agree with the Brit on the other points, I was confused and thought he knew something I didn't about the creating matter. Lol, I thought jeez, I was pretty sure I understood fusion but I don't remember creating matter.
The unlimited power aspect does seem a bit cryptic tho. Everything has consequences, I can only imagine terrible things would come from such a seemingly innocent exploitation of the laws of nature. Probly inevitable and we'll blow this shit up one way or another.

They will stick this shit in a Maus 2.0 and try to take over the earth and fail. Sad.

>Just like that wall between EU scientists and the far more relevant US scientists.

What wall though? There are loads of people from the US in EU universities, not even to mention the EU citizens employed or enrolled by US universities..

>This is more left wing shit.

Mostly just typical ´YOU CAN´T HAVE NICE THINGS WITHOUT MUH EU´ drivel.. As if scientiests can´t read each others papers, skype, meet and work together if Britain stops flying the blue flag.

I thought you weren't sharing your fusion secrets, Germbro

Then scientists can fill out a visa and go work in other nations.

Or we can start using fission breeder reactors and stop dumping money into the never gonna happen fusion project. Pic related that's how much waste was made to make 110 million MW/h of electrical power. Stick it in a breeder reactor and you can get 100 times more power out of it and leave a suitcase of waste.

We all will just "Chinese" the secrets anyways. Thanks for the r&d u betas, about time you contributed to something other than a world war.

>Create doesn't inherently imply from thin air you fucking fedora.
>Implying the Creator didn't form light from nothing

It's like you don't read your bible, user.

We already have that power, nuclear, viral manipulation etc.

>a suitcase of waste
with only a half-life of a hundred years no less

False, lockheed martin is investing in it, so are google and various other tech and engineering giants.

The investments are very big though, too much to handle for a private company with such a distant payoff.

hey german what does PLATZ mean? Can you please name your child PLATZ? I find the word very pleasing.. PLATZ!

They already know how to blow shit up with fusion, it's called hydrogen bombs.

shhh don't let britain know..

Pick either unlimited science breakthroughs or unlimited niggers flooding in white nations, can't have both.

>What wall though?
That's exactly my point, the "wall" that would exists between UK/EU scientists is the same "wall" that currently exists between EU/US scientists. And as you say that's not much of a barrier.

>Mostly just typical ´YOU CAN´T HAVE NICE THINGS WITHOUT MUH EU´ drivel.
Which is mostly the preserve of left wingers.

Traveling wave reactors WHEN?

>That's exactly my point

I see. Then we agree.

>Which is mostly the preserve of left wingers.

I wish.. In Briain the conservative party at least facilitated Brexit. On the mainland there´s hardly a ´mainstream´ right leaning party to even consider serious reform of the EU, never even mind leaving..

That's not all Kraut. Other things are in danger now too.

Galileo Project can provide highest accuracy GPS and eventually offer free data (internet) allowance for everyone. Britain is heavily involved in it as well and owns some of the satellites.

The Eurofighter involves EU and Britain

And of course the cross border intelligence and emergency services to help protect against crime, terrorism and natural disasters.

European Space Agency relies on EU and British cooperation.

All these things will be put under greater strain now and slowed down or even derailed.

There's an inherent difference between "create" and "change" when it comes to physics, Mohamed.
But it's okay, baby boy. Keep throwing out insults as if you're not butthurt.

It has risks, but less risk than fission reactors and little waste. It's just about taking the right direction when it comes to fusion, which nobody seems to be taking at the moment.
Tokamaks are pointless at this point, we should be looking beyond these simplistic "well we managed to get a burst of fusion so lets make it bigger" viewpoints.
It should be "we got a burst of fusion, how do we reduce the energy required and exchange the heat from the interior walls."
I guarantee you, the first commercial fusion reactors will use cryogenic coolant, exchanging the heat with expanding gas pumped through the interior wall. But nobody seems to even be talking about such concepts.

>I wish
That's true, I forget that "right wing" on the continent is only just to the right of our left wing.

I understand Brits leaving EU. But why do they stop research?

You voted stay; you lost.
Nothing else to say.

Without Anglo 'small gov't' resistance, EU state projects can grow to the sky. Look for increased funding for prestige projects.

>global communication and travel easier than ever
>brexit somehow stops scientists from working on projects
Its not like we aren't going to fund our own R&D teams to continue working on things.

This is absolutely nothing new, and quite frankly, I'm tired of it.
>we're nearly there
5 years later
>so very nearly there
5 years later
>oh it's just around the corner
5 years later
>I can smell it
>oh now it's fucked and it's all your fault

>oh no, science as we know it is doomed forever!
Retards, its not like we're gonna disconnect everything and drift off into the Atlantic

Too bad Brexit won't stop a Rotherham. Shove your 'energy' up your fuckin ass.

We don't. This is bullshit fear mongering. We cooperate all the time on things with America for example and you're not in the EU. The only reason it might affect things is if the EU throws a complete bitch fit. Which to be fair, they might - They're childish like that.

What has Brexit got to do with fusion, I thought Germany was inventing it all be themselves?