You are not white if you cannot drink a glass of milk

You are not white if you cannot drink a glass of milk.

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Milk is for infants and calves.

>Not doing GOMAD
>Making It

Pick one, Hans.

i'm black and i've been drinking chocolate milk my whole life.

Chocolate Milk =/= Milk

I don't need silly plans for proper strength, my genetics took care of that.

I can drink one. But it'll give me horrible farts.

It's literally milk with chocolate powder
I guess our definitions of chocolate milk are different i guess
Just search for "leite com nescau" on google.

t. brittle bones

i can drink it. i shit my pants an hour later but i can drink it.


I can, but I choose not to


Jews confirmed for white

This is it?

We're already having this discussion user.

Lol on valentines day no less

God, all the lactose intolerant no white in this thread make me sick

"There are two kind of men: those who like a hot and white liquid in their mouth and those who like cold milk"

being able to drink milk will be a requirement in the ethnostate

I'm a negro and I can't. But my brother is a bigger negro and he can. What gives?

Nescau sucks and you fucking know it does. Also, your milk hardly qualifies since its basically water with a little white paint in it due to farmers and processors diluting it.

you are Niggers

1. a man dies robbing a store without a weapon
2. a dog dies a natural death.

which makes you feel more grief?

this is the ultimate "white" test.

The dog didn't even know what death is.....all he knows is that he is in pain.

the man.
This is the correct answer.

I can drink milk, without problems

The "man" was probably a nigger so imma go for the dog

i feel nothing for either of them

milk is a barbarian trait

cringe, you probs cant even do 1/2/3/4

Is milk Haram Franz?

The guy robbing the store was a thieving dickhead and I like animals so the obvious answer is the dog.


Just a glass? bitch I can down a 4 pinter in one sitting.

>be me
>practically can't live without milk
>drink an avg of 2-3 cups of milk a day as a kid
>24 now, drink around 3-4 cups of milk/tea/coffee everyday
>can't live without diary products

is there something wrong with me anons?

i've been drinking cow milk for 24 years, for breakfast, lunch, after school and when i was a student, for dinner.

it's been a year now since cow milk gives me stinky diarrhea, zits all over my chin and stomach ache.

my whole life is a lie

I drink raw milk, that's mean i'm white. But my family can't stand it, maybe i got adobted?

Milk is disgusting shit full of pus

They both got what they deserved, the robbing cunt gets a volent and bloody death and the dog gets to pass peacefully for being a good doggo

>is there something wrong with me anons?

>is there something wrong with me anons?

>is there something wrong with me anons?

>You are not white if you cannot drink a glass of milk.
some people cant drink milk?
i thought it was just an overblown myth like tourettes

too much poo not enough loo

Do bags of milk count?

no grief, but the first one gives me a little joy

Blue/blond "white" male here

Lactose intolerant and curly hair.. what am i

>curly hair
i think you know user

Mother walked out of my life early and she was adopted to begin with so it's 50% mystery. German/Irish otherwise

>was growing on a warm, literally was drinking milk while its was warm from cow, fells god man

I started this meme.
It happens to be sort of true.

Glad to see it still going strong.

Harry Harpending's presentation starts at about 38 minutes - altho the rest is interesting too.