
I love this show.

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Is there anything more satisfying than seeing amerilards get suffering and getting BTFO'd?

>Is there anything more satisfying than seeing amerilards get suffering and getting BTFO'd?

Seeing LGBT's suffering and getting BTFO'd?

The sight of a fag getting thrown off a roof

Yeah, when the americans suffering are commies.

Irma in California when?

seeing gay people getting molested by putin

Old WWI AND WWII footage.

seeing gay americans getting rekt obviously

Irma won't even touch Florida. Calling it now you evacuated for nothing

I'm not even NatSoc and I've always loved this gif

>I now have an unlimited supply of the finest salts. K-E-K

*record scratch*

Yep, that's me. I bet you're wondering..

Irma is stupid, I hope it is cat 5 when it hits Florida

i agree

Shut up faggot were gonna be fine. Check em

Irma came because you voted Trump.

that was the whole point

Yeah, I hoped that stupid niggers would die

sorry, but all I saw was a merchant. Im here way too much.

you sound like the only salty one here friend

Do the Florida Keys stand any chance? There's still people walking, driving and cycling around this area, are they gonna die?

Look at these fearless people

A woman is cleaning up the street if you go back a little.

this is what you guys get for voting drumlf XD

i saw that. cleaning up before the hurricane hits. hmmm, must be a very community minded community.

go to bed Billy

Which of us is more fucked?

i hope you like high winds and sudden death

can u mail me all your shit before the storm hits?

its touching florida rn you imbecile

Look what I found by chance:
The link practically describes what it is. The guy claims they pumped water up to increase the magnitude of rainfall. 50 inches, fuck me sideways.


why isn't america nuking irma?
NUKE IT idiots

Miami expected to flood from the west. Massive death toll incoming.



They used power plant cooling systems, the water came supposedly from land area, not from the ocean area. Crackpot theory, or is it? So the sun activity creates storms, then they are directed like Erin was in 2001, then they simply vaporise stored water into air for their wicked AGW scheme. Texas is right wing.
Are very fast, it took you 3 seconds to read it, watch and dismiss. Must be those new quantum computer implants in your amygdala.


Kek, look at the rest of the site, this guy is pollack.

Is that Tool's new albulm?

keys i would not want to be
i've been to a few remote islands and you must accept that if the bridge is gone you are fucked. people must park their cars on highest piece of highway shoulders. it's just risking all of your assets. wish them luck

i wish i knew source here, this is really fucking cool map i saw it posted yesterday and stole>

Trips of truth

It's a big nothing burger.


It's ok if you stay in the middle of it you're safe.

>tfw they're evacuating this time

So 24 hours till it hits major cities in FL. Wonder what it's gonna be like for all those people in shelters

Both of you will be, as I watch from a safe distance with my popcorn.


someone took off from the cops in a golf cart


it's all fun and games in Key West until 185mph winds rip all your skin off

goooooooood morning irma-chan

Watching Gays die of AIDS

Help a non burger out, ETA to landfall?

Its gonna hit new orleans isnt it

Time? Apparently the feed is delayed 15 minutes, I thought it was live.

Did the Hurricane slow down it's traveling speed?

It was supposed to be at florida an hour ago but looks like its still over cuba

5 hours but cat 4

Man I followed during Harvey. No hype b.s

Last night the6 said it woul hit at cat 5. That cjange again?

Anyone got a good webcam link? I wan't to watch Broward get BTFO'd

>That cjange again?

I've heard some speculation that it will power back up in the Florida Straits from the warm water.

>lives in Tampon
>gets wet

I evacuated to Winder, Georgia but worried for my cats :( they are in the 239 area but deep in lehigh Acres and not near any ocean at all. Still really worried. Getting out of Florida was like watching the before of the apocolypse, never seen so many Floridians migrating north.

Also Georgia has way too many Fucking niggers, ironically they are actually pretty well behaved and speak right for the most part.

Miami should be destroyed! Just not while Im living here...

>Doesn't bring his fucking pets

You are disgusting

>I evacuated to Winder, Georgia but worried for my cats
>Georgia has way too many Fucking niggers

Looks like Georgia is getting one more nigger. You suck as a human.

we gonna get rekt. hope you survive senpai.

If you were really watching you would see how lopsided the storm is, Irma is going to fall apart thanks to the Cuban mountains

we will not bake your cakes

I have 50 cases of water (old people were pissed at the store when I loaded up) and 5 weeks worth of food. I'm in mid florida, studying algebra while wrapped up in fuzzy blankets.

Come get me Irma-chan, i want to feel your cold embrace.

There's waaaaay too much energy in the storm for a mere nuke to do anything other than spread fallout.

is this thing really going to just miraculously shoot up north?

Good luck, user. I'm inland right now because of college but my immediate family is in Tampa.

>t. leaf

>tfw Maryland masterrace
I can't wait to spend a comfy evening in bed as my town just suffers a little extra rain. Don't fret Florida men, I'm with you in spirit though--I'll be sure to tune in to your livestreams as I'm cooking dinner.

Just dunk the entire state.

we need to send carlos in for on the ground coverage.

I REALLY don't see Irma as a big deal anymore after how weak she got over Cuba. What big fucking deal would it be if a CAT 3 or 4 hit West Coast of Florida? What are we looking at for damages?

My family is there right now.



hoo boy

Only 130mph and weakening. It's literally fucking nothing. Maybe a few raindrops for a state that gets 150 inches of rain a year as it is. A big fat nothingburger. At least Harvey drowned a few rednecks.

Is this whats happening on the 23rd?


>Depends on the sustained winds but with all of our trees still lots of damage, have not even considered the flooding on the coast.

Fuck yeah its moving more west! 30,000 already out of power in Miami though. Only 1,000 here in Broward, hopefully it stays on i got chicken in the oven

JESUS CHRIST JUST MAKE THAT TURN ALREADY!!!!! I want to see a once in a fucking lifetime storm fuck some shit up.

Fuck you Cuba.

Y'all niggers better get your hurricane sunglasses if you plan on looking at this shit much longer.
Everyone know staring directly into a hurricane can fuck your eyes and brain up.

You need to turn around, bring your pets to Georgia, then go back and sit in the street through the storm because those cats are better off with those niggers and the world without you.

Thats what you get for using pleb horizontal drum washing machines. If you used patrician vertical drums then the hurricane would go sideways through the US.

It has more to do with the way their toilets flush than anything. Fucking flushing the wrong way.

>Ground zero in the eye of the storm
>The blast splits the cyclone into opposite spinning storm systems
>They crawl along the coastline picking up intensity
>New England becomes Old Atlantis
>Texas becomes the Bay of Mexico
>Gommiefornia takes the reigns
This is how the world ends.


When is the action supposed to start?

currently watching on earthcam

24 hours.
