tfw you realise being a lifelong permavirgin means you will never be falsely accused of rape
tfw you realise being a lifelong permavirgin means you will never be falsely accused of rape
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tfw you are an actual rapist, means you will never be falsely accused of rape.
can confirm that you're fucking wrong
it just means you can only be innocent of it retard
Why are you going to be a lifelong permavirgin?
I am a Schizoid, so that's my excuse. I'm above average looking and /fit/ and I've had women approach me, but I just can't be fucked dealing with other humans in person, so I've never let it go further than acquaintance level.
I actually pretended to be married throughout university to avoid women. Surprisingly I ended up with more female attention when they heard I was "married".
trolled hard lmfao
Bro, I lost my virginity while you were still sucking on roo tits.
You have a point, but just be aware of the potential danger and make sure to cover your ass. Save proof, have witnesses etc.
also means you never get to rape and get a way with it either
heh heh heh......................
thats not a guarantee at all
India fpbp
There's a reason people say "Don't stick your dick in crazy."
I guess some people are so desperate they take that risk.
>Surprisingly I ended up with more female attention when they heard I was "married".
TFW the word rape has no definite meaning any longer
>being a lifelong permavirgin means you will never be falsely accused of rape
>being this naive
smart. india on point today
i gave a girl some xanax once when she was freaking out, i guess i gave her too much cause she passed out in my bed. I went out for the night with friends and had witnesses for my wherabouts the whole time. tldr when this bitch woke up she tried to accuse me of raping her. luckily my friends and coworkers had my back. I would have fucking killed her if she tried to have me charged
>tfw I am a lifelong permavirgin
>tfw never got a court case against me but a girl I used to be involved with still accused me of rape to everyone I knew
>that amazing feel when almost nobody believed her
It's not as if I've got a hymen to tout, the idea of false rape allegations still scares the shit out of me
How does you being a virgin prove anything in an actual court of law?
im ready to have retarded hapa babies with anri desu
also never have to worry about or test for stds
Who is he? Any pic of his boypussy?
False rape accusations are extremely rare and hardly worth being a loser shut in all your life
Man I got accused of both rape and a bomb threat in high school. I was literally friendless the entire time and never spoke to anyone. People have told me before, or I hear them gossiping sometimes that I look like a serial killer or a rapist. It's cus I'm very ugly but shit, you could just leave me alone and not ruin my life with your accusations.
>Kidnap women
>Force her to jerk you off
>Beat her if she refuses
>Rape a women and stay virgin
u should find where they live now and kill them
>india flag
you would know.
Not really user, I could just as easily accuse you of being a space alien from Mars. The fact that I'm wrong has no bearing on my ability to accuse you or people's willingness to believe lies.
anri okita
Damn that is harsh man. I hope it got better for you after high school, kids that age can be pretty cuntish.
i still hate india but damn this post made me 2nd guess myself
Can I re-virgin my self?
Is there a way?
u dont need to even deal with the girls in person nowadays with tinder u could literally swipe right, show up, smile, keep your mouth shut, watch a movie, and go from there kiddo, seriously, not even joking
That is so bad. Woman need to be beaten daily just for good measure!
I don't even talk to any woman anymore in fear of this. Plus unlike all of my colleagues I don't kiss female colleagues but just handshake them like I do for male colleagues. No harassment possible. You have to be very, very careful around women in western world now if you are a white male.
Great White Goy!
Silly reason to be a permavirgin
I think you really underrate how unfuckable some people are.
thats right, pierre. best to just leave it to omar.
poo post best post
I prefer being free than being raped and killed in a sandnigger filled prison.
Well it didn't get that much better I was denied a lot of times at jobs and I was on drugs for a while because of depression and tried killing myself once with Xanax. But I survived and found Christ now I'm much better than I was. Thank you though for your words
>Ha, I've never done drugs so I can't be accused of being a drug dealer
>Ha, I've never killed anyone so I can't be accused of terror offenses
That's not how life works. As a matter of fact, if you're accused of rape (even speciously) and you're an ugly bastard, you start 0-2 down because people will be naturally distrustful of you.
i think u really overrate how picky some women are, no ones unfuckable to every woman, i've seen tons of strange matchups, the world is a very varied place. if ur so unfuckable, go fuck the unfuckable girl, or are u too good for her?
This. There are people who are beyond saving. Being really ugly is enough for maybe 5% of men to be permavirgins, while women have to be extremely physically disabled (
>if ur so unfuckable, go fuck the unfuckable girl, or are u too good for her?
"The unfuckable girl" is maybe
Smart Pajeet
id rather be a rapist than this desu
oh cmon LOL, there's ugly and socially awkward girls too who haven't had sex yet if that's what you're looking for, im sure u'll find someone if u just look around
no DNA, mobile phone tracing will show i wasn't there, computer analysis will show i never had any contact with the woman and i hope my only friend will tell the judge he never saw me with a woman, talking casually to one, even looking at one in the street.
shut up chad.
>there's ugly and socially awkward girls too
Yeah, but to put it bluntly a 2/10 girl will still be targeted by an insecure 5/10 guy, so a 2/10 guy will have to fight five other 2/10 guys for a 1/10 girl.
The court stuff doesn't matter.
When you're accused, 10-20% of your neighbourhood (if you're lucky) or more will believe that you did it no matter what. That's why false rape accusations are so toxic/controversial, they break social trust in communities.
what a grim reality you've chosen to create, whats your rating, 2/10? 1/10?
why chad??
Lol if you leave the state without a forwarding address, your 'accuser' will lose interest and you'll never be arrested.
good one
Good morning poo, you're on the ball already
I'm describing a reality, not creating it.
The number of girls that no one is interested in is much lower than the number of guys that no one is interested in. And girls always go a bit "above their league". The ugliest, fattest girls I know are all in and out of relationships with decent-looking but insecure guys; the ugliest guys I know are all virgins in their twenties.
>why chad??
Yeah, you don't strike me as a Chad either.
More like one of those really insecure guys in their late teens or early twenties who are obsessed with getting laid, are stuck in high school mode halfway through college, and get some comfort about their own failures by talking down to guys who are even less succesful.
>u could literally swipe right, show up, smile, keep your mouth shut, watch a movie, and go from there
because of that, you don't know the struggle of not being thrown stones at to just have looked a split second at a woman two blocks away. In any time, any civilization there will be a part of men who will never touch a woman but it's so unnatural for normies they cannot think this is real. Colgate guy has it right, it's way easier for women, if you are a ugly one, just bang some nigger, they'll be happy.
>not castrating yourself and focusing your energy on becoming a demigod
>if you are a ugly one, just bang some nigger, they'll be happy.
I mean, just look at Heather Heyer. You think she'd struggle to get laid?
suspicion is proof enough
>tfw the punishment is so draconian that you may as well go all out and actually do the deed
Indian bantz. Nice.
This is very true. I met a morbidly obese girl off tinder, so far below my league its ridiculous.
But im insecure and need to build myself up, so...sorry 4/10guys, because im making things harder for you.
Straight outta
Virgin men are falsely accused of rape all the time by feminist with a false sense of entitlement.
Look at it from the other side:
>be a supremely ugly woman
>never be raped coz no one wants to come near you
>Surprisingly I ended up with more female attention when they heard I was "married".
Brother, if that surprises you, you don't get women at all.
so is there still hope?
talking down? why??
>because of that, you don't know the struggle of not being thrown stones at to just have looked a split second at a woman two blocks away.
some1 threw stones at u because u looked a split second at a woman?
he already said he was a schizoid permavirgin...
I don't think you understand what "falsely accused" means
All girls over the age of 21 have had sex. Don't let female lies convince you otherwise.
owell, even if true, who cares, not like theres much difference
>so is there still hope?
There should be for you. I suspect your problem isn't ugliness but insecurity and pathological need for social approval. They have them in hordes here, guys in their late teens and early twenties who spend more time doing their hair than women, shave meticulously, always make sure to wear spotless designer clothing, work out three hours a day, yet have more trouble getting laid than the smooth-talking middle-aged balding drug dealer with the pot belly who spends his nights hanging around fast food joints.
Historically and prehistorically, rape has been how permavirgins have continued their bloodline.
yeah but what about for u, is there hope
>Stop fapping to unobtainable fantasy women of the internet
>stop imagining what the perfect girl looks like
>talk to all types of women as often as you can...even if you don't feel like it.
>comb your hair
>brush your teeth
>Always spray on some deodorant doesn't matter what brand.
>always wear clean clothes whem out and about.
Start doing this every day.
Never was, never will be.
Which is good in one respect - I can tell everyone, male and female, the truth as I see it. No need for me to lie, or sugarcoat things, or talk out of false hope.
This is why you guys got independence
speakin da truth
>That's why false rape accusations are so toxic/controversial, they break social trust in communities.
I think it's gotten bad enough that we need to talk about decriminalizing rape.
but why? i cant imagine someone who has no hope at all, even that guy with no arms no legs gets laid, i met a 300 lb guy the other day who barely had any social skills and he has a cute fat little white gf
But why would you even do this when if you do get dates you just have to buy lots of expensive drinks and then she ends up pursuing chad anyway. Seems like a waste of time and bad for your self-esteem and wallet.
After all, it's a Saturday night and what else are we doing? Fortunately we're not draining our wallets for women.
looks like anri okita, jav star, not 100% though
Parjeet on point
>tfw had sex with dozens of women
>tfw never been accused of rape
How to not be a perma-virgin
Do you even know what this word means?
Its gonna cost money to not be a perma virgin.
All that does is make you look presentable, not get you 'laid' (hate nigger words, but it fits).
Try having a ratty, unpleasant face for twenty-odd years, like a Jew except you're not a Jew so you don't even get the career opportunities.
Spoken like someone who never went out with a girl in his life
Assuming you have completed thisand are capable of talking to all types of girls.
and find your buying expensive drinks when you don't want to might be looking/talking for the wrong girl in the wrong areas.
You have to be presentable if you want a presentable girl.
Peing presentable and able to communicate with the opposite sex doesn't automatically turn you into a woman magnet. Try being this: