North Korea is extremely stron-
Other urls found in this thread:
>japan and germany in top ten
>france not 4th
They are kind of easy to defeat, All you have to do is point a huge magnet at them and iam certain all of theirs generals will get sucked right over the border.
Lol, what meme map is this? Germany doesn't even have an army because having an army to defend your country is nazi behaviour.
Should be no harder than killing some poor Vietnamese farmers.
I love how the background image for military power is Soviet/Russian tech.
>South Korea under Egypt
>Italy too
>Japan 7th
>turkey 8th when they cannot even fight kurds rebel
They do have an army, about a million of them came in 2015 alone bringing peace and prosperity to them and the world.
I love having the biggest dick on earth. All other nations are weak little cucks that we could fucking genocide.
Surrendering doesn't give you power froggy
>cant even pay for ours Rafale
Egypt army is huge and strong dont understimate it
They might not have alot of money but they have alot of poo to throw on their enemies.
Yeah, too bad that whenever you achieve something militarily it's usually under a republican government, and halfway through it they are replaced by a liberal anti-war government that nullifies the entire war effort.
It is pointless to have a strong arm, if the mind that controls it is weak and fleeting.
That why you won vitneam framers? or u cant even attack best korea kiddo who threats you,top kek burgers
How is Japan so high on these lists, I thought their military was very restricted post-WWII?
leaf ur country was created 30 yrs ago or something, you're just french and british underclass offsprings
I love how some Olive niggers start talking shit.
We would fucking slaughter every single one of you hook nosed niggers and you fucking know it. You're even too fucking lazy to put up a resistance. You'd just go home and eat pasta you fucking canoli piece of shits.
And just wait. Kim's gonna fucking die by our hand!
>South Korea 10
>Japan 7
>North Korea 12
Kim literally fires ICBMs over South Korea and Japan for keks
All they can do is cry to America
We all know that 1 on 1 SK would get rekt by NK and Japan would get nuked a 4th time
I believe that their military is Self military force (or something) and it cannot go outside of Japans borders. They also resricted japans military spending to 1% of gdp but japans gdp is so damn high that it can muster significant force
I wish you attack kim, so he would nuke you, and the world will become better
>t. Africa 2.0
You sure do burger
>I believe that their military is Self military force (or something) and it cannot go outside of Japans borders.
They changed this quite recently, i read somewhere that Japan had deployed troops in some African shithole which made it the first time since ww2 that Japanese troops were deployed abroad.
Basically Japan will be able to deploy troops in Korea in the event of war.
Nukes do.
Its better than your army of LGBT gaypriders
He can't nuke us you fucking moron.
I can't wait till some Muslim runs over a bunch of Italians. I'm gonna fucking making a celebration thread.
>t. China 2.0
Kek, so u will wait until your death or in other words until US get nuked by best Korea,
Don't kid yourself faggot. If things like the Geneva conventions didn't exist, we would have killed your entire race like we did the Native Americans.
lmao if you are so powerful why do you come to work here like peasants
your country is a shithole
There have already been a dozen terror attacks in Europe this year. Your country is full of refugees so it's only a matter of time, if it hasn't happened already.
is that SEGA font?
you're drunk, mexico
China > Africa
If things like those existed you would have no reason to come in the first place
Foolish westerners
My country have no power full military at all but All of you still bow down to us . Colonialism / ww1-2/cold war / terrorism . No one can beat us
you underestimat power of "words"
>tfw the world isn't a warzone because all the slavs, chinks, and hajis are too scared of your country to start shit
>tfw your country is going to exist forever and never step down from its throne because nothing can challenge it
>tfw your country accounts for a quarter of the world's economy
OK but why is India brown, fat man?
i kill you muffuga bich basterd
>France not 1st
frenchies can't into tank design
>still can't beat gooks with straw guns
those medals are plastic
You're all idiots.
>I'm gonna fucking making
Nice try Ahmed, don't forget to celebrate next time USAAF invades another Middle Eastern country too
He's not the only one...
Don't worry, once we solve the commie problem here at home once and for all, we will return and genocide all of Asia so whites can resettle.
>cucked by al qaeda
>cant defeat al qaeda in decades of war
>abandonds iraq after losing attrition war with sand niggers
All stats based on conventional warfare.
Nukes change the game. Nobody is stupid enough to attack a nuclear-armed state, out of fear of reprisal.
Put simply, a correct map would be:
>All nuclear weapon owned states
>Everyone else
They do. But they are unionist. My brother told me when he was training with the Germans and Americans in Greece the German army would clock off before everyone else as the union said "they can't be over worked." I didn't believe him but
Look up German labour law. It applies to military too!
Biological weapons > Nuclear weapons
A nuke will only destroy like 10km2 but fucking with the gene pool can destroy a whole nation.
those medals are tin, they cannot waste ferromagnetic metals for medals
But honestly with all those top-down dictatorships you brake the chain of command with few stealth bombs, or spec ops insertions, and they whole army is useless.
Some general could be in charge of million or literal space marines, but without order he will not do shit, because he is afraid that a mistake would make him purged later.
they repealed those restrictions in 2014 and have been arming themselves ever since.
they also have top notch technology (american ofc), and good industial base.
Same would happen if germany would decide to actually man up and not be a cuck nation
Inshallah my friend
Was the third time when godzirra was made?
>blocks your path
why is Japan #7 ?? time to drop another nuke.....little baby big boy!!
Pretty much. Listing Japan in the top ten is a joke.
We're gonna throw you a bunch of sicilian farmers and they're gonna fuck you up worse than the gook farmers
Also I'm gonna laugh my ass off when good ol' Kim is going to turn half of your obese autistic nation into ashes.
USA's army could rip both Russia and China is a few days if they wanted to. I do not think this map portrays the US military as deadly as it is. You guys have like 6 gorrilion aircraft carriers. China's carriers have fucking ramps.
>You guys have like 6 gorrilion aircraft carriers. China's carriers have fucking ramps.
China also has a half starving army and female soldiers that this data are counting as equal to any other soldier, which is a total fucking joke. Women soldiers need to be counted as -.5, they are actually and legitimately a detriment to the operation of your military.
top lel
Holy shit OP, you're retarded. The GFI is what you're displaying, which ranks military firepower uniquely. The lesser the number, the more powerful a nation's military is.
I'm reporting your racist behavior to the Canadian authorities
it's cheaper for them though, their soldiers don't really need food xD probably have entire ''operation human shield'' squads.
war is a lot easier when you give zero fucks about human rights.
>South Korea above North Korea.
>China and India above United Kingdom and France.
>Germany above anyone.
Now this is what I call shitposting.
fugg my sides
Turns out women are actually decent cannon fodder if you only give them a gun and a uniform then treat them exactly the same as men.
Sure a woman will never be an elite soldier but they can easily fill the role of body with a rifle.
I'm just waiting for the day we fight am actual organized army like Saddam's again so we can completely fucking obliterate them and shut these dumb fucking Euros up who never fought a civilian force or know anything about counterinsurgency
has hungary ever fought a war? famines notwithstanding
>Ranking does not simply rely on the total number of weapons available to any one country but rather focuses on weapon diversity within the number totals to provide a better balance of firepower available (i.e. fielding 100 minesweepers does not equal the strategic and tactical value of fielding 10 aircraft carriers).
>Nuclear stockpiles are NOT taken into account but recognized suspected nuclear powers receive a bonus.
>Geographical factors, logistical flexibility, natural resources and local industry influence the final ranking.
>Available manpower is a key consideration; nations with large populations tend to rank higher.
>Land-locked nations are NOT penalized for lack of a navy; naval powers ARE penalized for lack of diversity in available assets.
>NATO allies receive a slight bonus due to the theoretical sharing of resources.
>Current political / military leadership is NOT taken into account.
Those rankings are meme tier.They don't count the actually army size.They count from GDP and population to km coastlines and size of the country.
For example Greece has the largest army in the EU by numders(active personel,figheterr jets,tank etc) but we are low at that "military power".The same goes with France
We are building a fighting force of extra ordinary magnitude. We will have your gratitude.
so.................................this is the power.............................of communism..............................guess leftypol was right....................................woah
Shut up colony
USA, South Korea and India vs China, North Korea and Russia
who would win?
Gratitude will be given. If it is not given, it will be taken by force. This is one and only warning. Thank you for your gratitude.
>italy is alway on top in everything in the militar Eu
>somehow not considered strong
Nice army of farmer gooks, kim
Go to bed Timo. Your country is Santa Claus meme.
At least we are not starving and acting like everything is ok