>Pol says racism doesn't exist anymore and it's only imagined by blacks.
>Then rants about how they hate black people and wish they would all die.
>Pol says racism doesn't exist anymore and it's only imagined by blacks.
>Then rants about how they hate black people and wish they would all die.
Wew lad. Do people remember when Australian shitposting used to be good?
(I guess in their defence maybe this poster is fresh off a boat)
good thread m8
>pol says whites should rule the world because they're smart
>hates jews because they're smarter than whites and rule the world
if 'shitskins' should just accept white control why can't whites accept jewish control?
they're simply better than you because of the very fact that they are more successful than you
it's the natural order of things
genocidal maniacs btfo
Irrational racism does not exist. Sup Forums's disdain for plebs is purely based on facts
You know Asians of America could say that whites are inferior for causing so much crime.
Just think about that.
well said and upboated, stormweenies cannot into logic
Hating niggers is specieism.
>Pol says racism doesn't exist anymore
More like "racism" isn't a real word. It's Jewish/Marxist bullshit like homophobia/Islamophobia/sexism. Everyone fits the broad definition(s) of "racist," so it's redundant.
>Then rants about how they hate black people and wish they would all die.
I've seen few actually say that, but blacks are the most troublesome people around, so it's understandable that some would feel that way. It's a fact that the rest of humanity would be better off without them existing.
>why can't whites accept jewish control?
Because Jews are evil and antagonistic to the native people they're leeching off of? No one would care if Jews were just another honest "white" group like everyone else.
What the hell? Sup Forums says that racism definitely exists and that it's directed towards Whites and therefore we need to be even more racist than our racial enemies.
Sup Forums is not trapped inside hypocrisy like the Cuckservatives&Co are. This is one of the benefits of being full on 14 Words / Gas the Kikes.
>why can't whites accept jewish control?
Because Jews are evil and antagonistic to the native people they're leeching off of? No one would care if Jews were just another honest "white" group like everyone else.
>honest whites
East Asian skulls look surprisingly a lot like Caucasian skulls.
>black people
Yeah, it's true. You don't see Europeans/whites plotting to fuck over other peoples.
>Pol says racism doesn't exist anymore and it's only imagined by blacks.
There's a difference between hating people because of their skin and because of their behavior. Blacks as a group are over represented in crime statistics, which means that the stereotypes associated with them holds true.
Now piss off, shill.
That's what Sup Forums does and they are white.
institutionally it doesn't exist.
>evil and antagonistic to the native people
>what is colonization
>You don't see Europeans/whites plotting to fuck over other peoples
>he actually believes this
>Japan and South Korea
>Not colonized by America
>plz don't conquer us, we're so weak
Get the fuck out. Wars have been fought over power, land and honor since the dawn of mankind. It won't ever change because you wish it to.
Whites are simply the best at it.
>Sup Forums says racism doesn't exist
on what planet are you so retarded as to believe this
>plz Jews don't conquer us, we're so weak
Get the fuck out. Wars have been fought over power, land and honor since the dawn of mankind. It won't ever change because you wish it to.
Jews are simply the best at it.
Racism exists and I'm racist. OP btfo
I never understood why conquering with fire and blood is somehow better than infiltrating.
Sup Forums != society
society is totally bluepilled, there is affirmative action and there really is no "systemic racism" because everyone is terrified of being accused of it
>Whites are superior because we took of the world.
>Oh no, shit skins are taking over America and Europe.
Pick one.
I did not realise that Sup Forums were not members of society.
Best at this specific moment in time, certainly were not for long periods before. Whether it will remain the case for the next 100, 200, 300 years is questionable.
niggers whine about muh racism when they're not handed stuff, and that's when posters point out there is no institutional racism so they should work instead of complain
ffs Sup Forums is NOT a monolith
>posters point out there is no institutional racism
>Then continues to post about how blacks are inferior and should be lynched.
Sup Forums is one person guise!
>Sup Forums says ">Pol says racism doesn't exist anymore and it's only imagined by blacks."
>Then Sup Forums argues with Sup Forums about things Sup Forums said
stupid Sup Forums
>OP states the problem, still doesn't get it
Niggers make everything about race and only think about what's good for them in the imediate moment. Any hate for them is hate they created through their actions.
Apparently racism is prejudice + institutional power.
Sup Forumsacks have no institutional power, so we can't be racist.
>Sup Forums is one person
I have come to conclusion that the OP is a faggot. 9 out of 10 experts agree.
USA literally has army bases in South Korea and Japan.