Is this it
Is this the start of the rise of the right Sup Forums?
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We can hope.
Good lads, support your brothers bongs. Godspeed.
The rise of the far right started years ago, the refugee politic was the ultimate red pill
Wait, did they commit a crime? Or is it illegal to be a nationalist over there?
>white men go to gym
>branded terrorists
Americans, when you want to know why nationalism is so hard to get going in Europe, this is why.
Been declared a terrorist organisation, even though they have never actually committed terrorism
Thought crimes, sad.
They're allegedly members of a banned group ala But no evidence has been put forward for them actually being members. Look at all the wording of the articles about this "this is to all intents and purposes the headquarters of National Action" not "this is" but more like "might as well be". NA doesn't actually exist anymore, it was disbanded when the gov declared it a terrorist organization.
When the media are hinting at potential "terrorist" attacks coming from these 4 men, they're awfully unspecific about what that means.
Comments are open!
and pretty sympathetic tbqh.
>get swole
>become right wing
>gyms banned because of their influence on bigoted racist attitudes
Dail Mail readers really are a bunch of cuckseratives
>eugh racism is wrong...unless it's towards other white ethnicities like those bloody Krauts and Poles
For resisting subjugation and annihilation?
>warped ideology
Defense of your people and country is "warped"? To someone wanting to destroy you, perhaps.
>Far-right extremist group banned
Yet they'll do anything for evil Muslims, no matter how bad they get, and import many more.
>tfw no miss mosley
Your not welcome here.
so the jews are mad their indoctrination camps ruining women and brainwashing people into commies arent working?
No surprise their using their jew run media to manipulate the masses. Soon anons they will come for you and your families, your brothers and your sisters. Unless you unite to destroy the jews you will lose to them.
Nazi scum off our streets!
Got you gym license there pal? Gunna need to see it, while your at it, gunna need your thought license too
>National Socialism
>Far Right
words words words
Nah m8, the free weights tax put me off getting one.
Nice sedentary lifestyle for me.
neither are you tripfaggot
Not going to lie. That was pretty brave stuff.
What about Joe Cox or that truck attack?
Jared taylor has a video titled "Has the white man turned the corner" and in the comments there are a bunch of men who voted for Hillary but were shocked when Trump won so they investigated to learn more about why he won and got redpilled in the process.
Imagine the media using such strong terms to condemn Islam or communism. It only seems to condemn white males that hard. I wonder why
We are fucked beyond belief. NA ate banned as a terrorist group despite not actually committing any terrorism other than point out uncomfortable truths.
Meanwhile the Tories of all people allow 23,000 jihadists to wander the streets of the UK drawing welfare and flitting between their council homes and Libya, Syria etc.
Contrast this to how the Irish were treated by the Tories a few years ago. The rot and cowardice is well entrenched. The Tories only care about class and money, rentierism and greed.
>Media makes shit up as it goes along and has ridiculous power despite being run by a gaggle of cock sucking retards
Betas cant catch a break nowadays
>allow 23,000 jihadists
Yeah, that happened. Leave your echo chamber.
A wild kike appears.
Not quite, they did want to remove their citizenship or something, but they were told that they it's illegal to make people stateless.
how could they possibly condemn the religion of peace. It's not like the followers of that religion have done anything to warrant such condemnation
It's literally a figure from a government watchlist.
>independent co uk/news/uk/home-news/security-mi5-23000-subjects-interest-counter-terrorism-manchester-abedi-police-a7758671.html
>Another prominent NA member, Garron Helm, from Liverpool, was jailed in 2014 after branding Labour MP Luciana Berger a 'filthy Jew b***h' 2,500 times in three days on Twitter
Jej man has no chill
> White men never rape children
Ever heard of the catholic church? What does this have to do with terrorism?
he looks like a Sup Forumsautist
>2,500 times in three days
Rightwing STAMINA
>Being Muhammad
Nigger KYS
What a madman, that blade better be 3inch or less
It's curious the church had problems with pedophiles only after Vatican II which was overtly Jewish in nature
"Interest" doesn't mean anything. Anyway you still haven't answered my question about white terrorism. Is making Jews fear for their lives good?
The pope sucks Muslim nigger feet and lets refugees shit and piss on the Holy See but naw brah, he's totally legit the leader of the faith.
>TFW paid $0.12 a post
He isn't lol. He's the Jewish Manchurian candidate. Most Catholics hate him
What? Fuck off.
At this point, yes. Maybe they shouldn't have published thousands of articles bashing whites and gloating that we are going to be exterminated
>because white rapists exist, more rapists should be imported from a culture that encourages rape
>Culture that breeds terrorist is also rife with rapists
>Terrorists use rape as a tactic to destroy their enemies
>Doesn't even make sense while hiding behind his meme flag
You're not worth the dime they give you.
Don't come a cropper,
bin that chopper
I'm done with you losers.
It must be harder for Europeans because of the laws everything is terrorism except Muslim terrorist, thought policing..... sad NA had so much momentum and passionate individuals
like in the video
They still do its just not in the public spotlight.
It's worth noting that one of the London bridge attackers went on national television (a show called Jihadi next door) and openly supported ISIS. The police did nothing about this.
The British state will smash any attempt to organise a right wing group while allowing Islamic and Leftwing terror groups to exist openly.
Oswald Mosley really scared the British establishment back in the 30's and they have been focused on preventing right wing groups from gaining power since then. This is because they know the white working class will support a right wing group and that could threaten their power.
>Terrorists use rape as a tactic to destroy their enemies
No one cares about your disgusting women.
I'm meant to say no one is trying to rape women on mass.
>invoked muh precious chosen
>doesn't like the honest answer
I guess it's now an end of an era... for Jewish people :3 you had a good run, but now it's over
Isolated rapes are ok then, just as long as its not in mass. Which depending on your definition of mass it very well could be.
>I'm done with you losers.
>Shitposting intensifies
>Shitposting intensifies
That's not true.
>see! white people are terrorists too!
>they're spitting on muslims and pulling off their hijabs, causing untold hurt to their feelings
>they are the real problem
Meanwhile Europeans are being mass gang raped and murdered by muslims.
What about Jimmy savile? Maybe you should care about ALL rapes and not just the rapes that fit your agenda.
>I'm done with you losers.
>Shitposting intensifies
>no one is trying to rape women on mass
>Abstain from sex, except with the captives whom your right hand possesses - for, in their case, you are free from blame.
Qur’an 23:1-6
>Guard your chastity, except with the captives whom your right hand possesses - for then you are not to be blamed.
Qur’an 70:22-30
>Cardiff imam: "Women will be taken as captives, as slaves, yeah, women will be taken as slaves. And then, er, her master has relations with her because this is permissible in Islam, it’s permissible to have relations with a woman who is your slave."
>Yazidi sex slave: "He said that raping me is his prayer to god."
the "truth hurts but i can always bring up a different religion to counter the argument" card
Everyone I know thinks he is a filthy pedo, he is condemned....
This is fucking beautiful, the balls on these cunts. It's so good to see people finally starting to take a stand and speak up against the fucking bullshit that we've been fed for all these years. There is hope for England after all, good lads.
The Bible says stoning gays is okay. Would you rather they die in war zones?
>I'm done with you losers.
>Shitposting intensifies
It's giving me a legitimate laugh at this point.
It's relevant.
>Got you gym license there pal? Gunna need to see it, while your at it, gunna need your thought license too
Why the fuck did I just read that in a thick Scottish accent?
The right are filled with people that use childish tactics, or just copy the things people hate about the left.
The right copy the tactics of the left, everything is identity politics for them now. What they should be doing is being accepting of others, while being protective of their own. If you want an example of what they should be doing, go look at Farage or Trump for example. They have no problems with any other races or religions but state we should have stricter immigration to protect our own nationals. This resonates with normies and is a winning strategy, saying "niggers out!" or "the jews!" is never going to get you anything but alienation.
They are playing the victim card like the people they hate, "muh white genocide" is easily mocked (even if it's true) and you simply turn into the faggots you hate. Again, the fight should be over stricter immigration because not only is this a fight you can win but it's a popular position, but no..."muh genocide"
If they are trying to protect free speech they say "nigger nigger nigger" at innocent people, instead of making a proper argument why we need it. This turns off normies and strengthens the lefts argument that free speech is hate speech. So again you lose the argument because you look like hooligans.
They hold a free speech rally, and end up carrying torches. Looking like a mob from Frankenstein.
It's like they're fucking retarded. You have to play the game as adults, accept the restrictions and try to win that way. Or you will lose every time.
This is why the left have all disowned Antifa, because they were fucktards and were going to be counter-productive. So they cut them off.
So no, not really.
What he did was a single pervert acting alone on his own perverted desires. Paki rape gangs are a different phenomenon. There is an epidemic of paki rape gangs that specifically target white girls. It is a subculture. Jimmy Saville is universally reviled and considered to be evil. No one defends what he did. It was major national news for weeks. The whole paki rape gang thing that affected thousands upon thousands of children across the entire country has been covered up for the sake of diversity. YOU are the ones defending paki rape gangs and making excuses for them. This is sick. You should be killed.
>Sarah Champion forced out of Jeremy Corbyn's shadow cabinet after warning Pakistani men are raping white girls
>16 August 2017
>Labour MP and key Corbyn ally shares Twitter message telling Rotherham sex abuse victims to ‘shut their mouths for the good of diversity’ - just days after attacking a fellow party member for speaking out over the issue
>22 August 2017
The group has since disbanded m8
Gov declared them a terrorist organization. It's hard to know how well they were doing but the ban very much came out of nowhere last year. It leads me to suspect they were more effective than we realized.
>Would you rather they die in war zones?
Yes. I want all pakis out. I would be happy to kill them with my own hands were I the father of one of the thousands of little children's lives they have destroyed forever.
I am American and I want to go to England and join the EDL will they let me join?
No I'm not. If you don't like their religion then why don't you try and convince them?
So pick a side.
>scottish guy speaking
lol enjoy your cucked """movement"""
>The group has since disbanded m8
>Gov declared them a terrorist organization. It's hard to know how well they were doing but the ban very much came out of nowhere last year. It leads me to suspect they were more effective than we realized.
A real fucking shame, how have I not seen this on any threads over the past twelve months? Meanwhile everyone has been shitting on the U.K and calling them cucked beyond repair.
They're going to be careful from now on I think, they tested the waters, people will be very careful and the shit keeps on rolling down the hill and hitting more people on the way. This is going to be a big movement very soon, it's a beautiful thing to finally see whites unite.
They say pal sometimes and its aggressive sounding and memorable, maybe that triggered it.
They're full civic. Anyone can join.
The fucking queen should be raped in the streets for the shit she's done by simply not caring in her old age.
Controlled opposition is always left alone while the real threats are infiltrated and legislated against. Happens all the time in the USA. The best thing to do is continue recruiting and continue conducting actions
Right pal, you ready to get your fucking cunt kicked in?
Had an old Scottish boy at work say that to me a couple years back lol. I'm 6'2'' and 135 kilos, I still thought twice for a minute before calling his bluff haha.
Because that gets you stabbed. The terrorists have already won.
Pupper got 25 to life for that little haul.
what do you even mean by this lol
I was in England a few years back, I never understood why the fucking English still adore the royal family. They've shat on the people for centuries, yet they're a national treasure. Really fucking baffled me, I passed that comment in front of my Grandmother when I was there and she got quite upset about it.
>That pic
Lol. Islam is a religion when it blows things up, but a race when it receives criticism for blowing things up. I'm going to start referring to Christians as a race just to enrage Jews and lefties
I wouldn't want to get into a fight with a scotsman, too much viking barbarian DNA, if you look at someone the wrong way youll get shanked in the kidneys walking down the street
Because they're servile cucks.
Could be worse, I hear a bike wheel gets you life.