Some woman tried killing her child to fuck with baby daddy. She was found out, but said sorry. So she wont have to go to jail, because she apologized.
Women and the justice system
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The media never reports court cases accurately.
You are a fucking retard if you take any media reporting of legal issues at face value.
This is true regardless of what is being reported.
t. lawyer.
>46 woman
>5 year old son
fucking roasties
Indeed, but sometimes I fail to see an innocent alternative to these stories.
why the fuck do they still use stone
This is a 21 year old in Britain
>Ameripounds lamenting the use of out dated units
you niggers use a mix of it for some reason
mostly everyone outside of science uses customary units here, whos definitions mind you are converted from metric standards
Yes but you would say that now wouldn't you? What area of law you specialise?
>What area of law you specialise?
Criminal defence.
Let me give you an example. The Lindt cafe siege. Did you know the gunman was, gasp, OUT ON BAIL? HOW COULD THE COURTS ALLOW THIS? etc. etc.
What the media doesn't tell you is that the police never objected to his bail application. Not fucking once. The cops had all of this information and when the gunman brought his bail application, which he has every right to do, the cops didn't say a fucking word. What else was the court supposed to do? Deny his bail application on the basis of fucking nothing even though the people whose job it is to object to bail applications made no objections?
But you don't see that reported in the media.
Only a fucking moron trusts the media to accurately report legal business.
Not a lawyer, but I've taken enough criminal law classes to know this guy is right.
I personally prefer 24h y-m-d
lol true, but you must admit it's not a metric term
I bet you have some great stories, m8.
>Tries to discredit facts without saying why or how the facts are wrong.
This is such a jewy, SJW arguing tactic
This isn't every 21 year old. That slapper looks like a granny because she's clearly been partying hard since 14, lots of drink, late nights, drugs plus a bit of smoking
Smoking is the biggest ager that there is
Not really. 99% of crime is "got caught with drugs/selling drugs/taking drugs/with drug paraphernalia/failed to properly dispose of a syringe."
Probably my favourite story is of a guy who (allegedly) sells stolen car parts. Cops turn up to raid his property and he locks up the warehouse before they can get in. The cops don't have a warrant so they have to stand around outside with their dicks in their hands while someone calls up a judge for an emergency warrant. They finally get it and rush inside to find the alleged criminal sitting in front of a bank of monitors connected to CCTV cameras that cover the entire property, and his iPad and iPhone which have been factory reset.
Just imagining how much the cops would have been spewing makes me smile.
Go ahead and post a link to the court proceedings and I'll go through them now. Until you do that there aren't even any facts to analyse. Which is the point. Media reports of court proceedings never report all the facts, and that's why you're a retard to trust them.
Judges should not have the power to give lenient or harsher sentences on people without some sort of system in place to ensure they don't go full retard like this. It baffles me that someone who sits in a courtroom has the power to decide whether or not to "let someone off easy" when they did commit the fucking crime
>Judges should not have the power to give lenient or harsher sentences on people without some sort of system in place to ensure they don't go full retard like this.
You mean like California's three strikes rule that saw some nignog go to jail for 25 years for stealing some videotapes?
I'd much sooner trust a judge to hand down an appropriate sentence than the retards in parliament or the illiterate and apathetic voters and the causes celebre pulling their strings.
Jail is for men not women dont cha know? Women are incapable of criminal thought, Silly goy
Never said it was chief.
I wuz helping an sheit
It's the format that makes the most sense if you work with computers. It looks ugly but it's really handy.
The sun is the biggest ager there is but you guys haven't seen it before.
No. The format that makes the most sense when you work with computers is YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS. Largest to smallest. Makes finding something by date actually possible even if you're looking at millions of entries.
Why is a 2 year old drinking lucozade and fruit shoots?
Look at the bitch. thats why, wicked witch of the west
>that saw some nignog go to jail for 25 years for stealing some videotapes?
Do you think that he stole some tapes three times, or he was caught three time?
Do you believe that tape-theft was his only crime?
You can look it up yourself.
He had a history of crime, but none violent. His problem was that the three strikes law comes into effect if you commit three "similar" crimes. If he had committed a rape and a murder, been released, and then a theft, he would have gotten three years maximum for the theft. But because he committed two thefts, was released, and then a third theft he got twenty-five years. Actually he got fifty years because he committed two offences, but anyway.
what a cunt
He should have gotten 25 years on the first offense. If the shit is on my desk then don't touch it. It's real simple, Tyrone.
I thought she was middle aged before I read the caption.
Are you Jewish? Report last name. Proof in pic with timestamp.
Why would you ask such a thing, fellow goyim?
The more shit like this i see the more i think that lobotomizing females at birth isnt actually an outrageously bad idea.
Quick question m8
Would you recommend taking a minor at uni in anything law/gov/int relations based? I'm thinking int relations or security, might do something more law related
I'm just checking for coincidences. :^)
>Would you recommend taking a minor at uni in anything law/gov/int relations based?
What, in addition to a law degree? Fuck no. You'll have enough work studying law, and I'm not even sure if it's possible to do a double degree with a law degree.
If you're not studying law then do whatever. You learn more bullshitting on Sup Forums than at university anyway, so long as you're not retarded.
the real gender gap is in prison sentencing. We need to get womens prison sentences on par with mens.
Not law major, but thanks for the advice m7.
this 2bh
I love how Sup Forums falls for daily mail articles at face value, when it's the DM's job to make hyperbolic banner headlines to annoy people like those on Sup Forums
22nd birthday
women are insane by default, thats why arabs keep them under wraps and on a short leash
if you give these cocksuckers freedom.. then you'll get what is on your picrelated
i'm not one of you shrieking r9k rejects but this woman looks batshit insane. look at her fucking eyes
this is borderline perversion of morals. attempted murder of an infant with intent/collateral damage to the husband punished with admission of guilt. civilizations are going to hell in a handbasket cheering and applauding along the way..
kys you soulless abomination
>that's why arabs keep them on a short leashe.
that's why THE ENTIRE WORLD kept them on a short leash unilt 50 years ago.
>a turk calling anything else a soulless abomination
>Try to murder your kid
>Get off without jail time because you have a vagina and you said you were sorry.
What the FUCK is up with the legal system in Europe?
Same happens in America.
Women frequently get away with killing their children.
Europe? Wake up faggot, it's just the same if not worse here.
Yeah because this never happens in the Land of the Free.... lol
>What else was the court supposed to do? Deny his bail application on the basis of fucking nothing even though the people whose job it is to object to bail applications made no objections?
>But you don't see that reported in the media.
You must be an APPALING lawyer. Isn't attention to detail or reading comprehension important?
Nobody "blamed the courts" or anything autistic, it was shady as fuck BECAUSE the police and government let him out on bail, not... what? What the hell was your takeaway? People wanted the bail court officials strung up and thought the police were guiltless angels?
Maybe hairdressing is more your speed
well put roach
Wrong. Luck up the Iraqi rape case in Minnesota or something. They let them off the hook and ordered nobody to talk about.
Fucking kikes
Giving every woman right to destroy a man's life with lies in misandrist divorce courts, child custody hearings, domestic violence cases and false rape accusations has already collapsed the marriage and birth rate in feminism infected nations.
Now we have even the marxist pope pushing this death of Christianity through cultural marxism.
Women are statistically clearly the primary instigators of domestic violence.
Calling it violence against women only is an attempt to make society dysfunctional by cultural marxism/ feminism marxism.
Lawyer's never tell the truth.