Do you ever stop and think "not a single person outside of this shithole agrees with me. Maybe I'm wrong"?
Do you lack any kind of self awareness?
Do you ever stop and think "not a single person outside of this shithole agrees with me. Maybe I'm wrong"?
Do you lack any kind of self awareness?
Other urls found in this thread:
Everyone here disagrees with each other
Maybe that's true among the soyboy nu males you associate with. My normie friends in fraternities are spreading we wuz kangz and memri Jew memes without knowing what Sup Forums is.
>The majority of people think something therefore it must be true
I don't care about the opinions of people too stupid to read the very information that outrages them.
slide thread, sage
But not you, right? You know that truth that nobody else knows.
Not a single person outside of this shithole thought that Trump would win, or that Brexit would happen.
Sup Forums is always right
Lots of people around me agree that they don't want to live near niggers and spics
>Despite not knowing what Sup Forums is
That's what you think nigger
I teach at a very blue-collar school in the People's Republic of Maryland. Basically every white person in the school has a big ole grin on when Trump won.
>You're on the wrong side of history!
If I thought and did what others deemed correct and acceptable, I'd have no sense of self at all.
I just met a 9/10 Stacey girl from Sweden who was full blown alt-right. Loved white nationalism, hated refugees
She was like a hot little 19 year old too, texting on her phone and getting excited about shoes/lattes.
Our views are getting normalized
What issue is being debated OP? Red pilled people arent attention seeking. Hence anonymous. Are we discussing power levels? Everytime I'm at the grocery and some able bodied fuck is buying doritos on a food stamp card, responsible white people are making eye contact all around them. That?
Does a liberal ever stop and think "not a single person outside of reddit agrees with me. Maybe I'm wrong"?
Do you lack any kind of self awareness?
desu every white person is basically a white nationalist, they just never have the courage to admit it, white people happily work 60 hour weeks to ensure their children grow up in a mostly white suburb, follow the money
remember when Samantha bee fought tooth and nail to make sure niggers couldn't get into the Manhattan school she was sending her children to?
it's all fucking bullshit, white people want to live in white societies, and for that matter brown people fight tooth and nail to live in white societies as well
Majority consensus is not the truth a thousand years ago most people thought the sun revolved around the earth where they right simply because the majority of people believed it at the time ?
Most people agree with us, they just don't say it loudly.
It's not about THE truth. It's just about having fucking common sense. Everyone is just so god damn self obsessed and believe anything shoved in their face without even considering doing their own research instead of getting things spoonfed to them.
No, because I know I'm right. Not believe, know.
Depends what it is. Most sane/reasonable people know transgenderism isn't real and race/subspecies is. How many know about Jewish control and influence? Not as many, but it's still a fact.
Can you imagine a liberal in the Third Reich thinking the same? Your argument is shit and you will die alone.
>no one
really gets the water boiling
nope, i'm always right
A vast majority KNOW the truth, they're just too afraid to say it in public. It's taboo, not conspiracy.
>Jews control media (White genocide (
>Do you ever stop and think "not a single person outside of this shithole agrees with me. Maybe I'm wrong"?
This is why censorship works. In Germany they call it Schweigespirale, when people are too afraid to voice their opinions and feel isolated. This leads to other people feeling isolated and shutting up as well.
Oh no, people don't agree with my point of view what will I do? For what its worth I don't subscribe to a lot of general Sup Forums thoughts but this is the only place that doesn't reek completely of shit and where you can actually post without getting permabanned in seconds for wrongthink.
This is why you have to read old books.
Then you realize, yes, you are right, and yes, it really is almost everyone else (in the mainstream culture) who is crazy.
Everyone admirable from the past is on our side, not Hollywood's.
>meanwhile i'm manning a flea market and listening to grannies talk about throwing the fugees out of the country as fast as possible
this shithole is were true feelings come out though
id rather have an honest conversation with a person here where he thinks he's anonymous instead of a guy at work whos gonna give all the copied pc answers
Have you noticed that most of the things discussed here have eventually been adopted as true by a large number of people and some even so far up as the mainstream... Fuck off back to Melbourne you nigger.
> what was the question?
No, because this "shithole" accomplished more through sheer meme magic and autism than every globalist billionaire, every scheming political hack, the entire media, and every practicing witch.
This is a place of power.
Your mean exactly like the left and their echo chamber?
Yes, on a regular basis.
But then I consider their positions, look at the evidence, realise I'm objectively correct and that their views are based on emotions.
That's the thing about Sup Forums and red pills, political correctness holds no weight here and the truth can't be ignored.
Correct. Most posts are also satire, but reddit doesn't know that because they're not use to anonamoose posting. Kill all niggers.
no, we just like what we like and couldn't give a fuck if we wanted to of what other cuntries think.
These people often have no arguments but "But- but thas can't be" "I don't believe that".
I have a hardtime adapting thouse peoples "opinions"
>You're on the wrong side of history!
I'm not opportunistic. I feel bad when I run after things I don't believe in and pretend I do.
>believing things because the majority does
what a fucking normie
Fuck you! I don't disagree with anyone!
Nazism started as a waive against communists. Which was being pushed by the Jews in Germany. The brown shirts were a bounce against communist violence. It's funny how that little fact is always left out of history books. You with your little NB symbol. You think Trump is hitler? No faggot, wait until the real hitler rises up against all this antifa bull shit, and the American people back him. People like you will cause the rise of the new hitler, whoever that person turns out to be.
I'm just so sick of normies though. Every fucking time I claim the holocaust didn't happen they treat me like an idiot even though there is very little physical evidence supporting the holocaust. At least it's certainly not the 6 million the Jews claimed.
Fuck both of you, i try to agree and disagree equally and that makes better than you extremist scum
This continual truth of the human condition will be ignored by the narrow of mind, including OP, who thinks hes more intuitive than those who came before, but in reality is just further down the line of generational human experience but thinks as he does in spite of this.
Problem is that i used to be called nazi for hating brown people. I grew up in a shitty part surrounded by muslims. You couldn't discuss about these criminal scums.
Now literally everyone hates brown people where i live and it is discussed on a daily basis how our society is collapsing around us.
>chatting with pro-tranny ultra-liberal at work
>Mention trannies in women's sports and their unfair advantage due to male musculature and wrecking women's records
>She concurs that the old records should stand
Basically a small leap away from admitting that they're not women.
You just teach them in small doses
I'm not wrong, society is wrong.
But the majority do agree with me when I speak to them.
MSM is a bully.
Also you know how MSM create opinion? The same way they create fashion and popular music. They pretend it is already the prevailing trend and that the majority are behind it: people follow.
fuck off shareblue
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Niggers in Melbourne
For some reason this grinds my Anglo gears
When did a nigger settle and civilise a continent like Australia, yet they will come in moaning about muh slavery like they have any connection to the black cunts enslaved by other black cunts and given good food and steady work in the American cotton fields.
Most people are too busy with frivolities to bother having any true ideas other than what they are fed.
Why would I care if some bugmen disagree with me?