What is your best evidence for the biological differences between whites and blacks?
Particularly IQ and brain volume.
What is your best evidence for the biological differences between whites and blacks?
Particularly IQ and brain volume.
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Proof of Negro inferiority
By. Alexander Winchell, L.L.D.
Archive prob has it.
Too long to post here but ill skim thru and post the specifics you asked for
Not a biased source at all.
1) The inferior races hare a less capacity than the superior. The cranial capacity seems to vary according to intellectual endowment." (Topinard, ANTHROPOLOGY, p. 229. general relation of intellect to weight of brain. Welker has shown that the brains of twenty-six men of high intellectual rank surpassed the average weight by fourteen per cent. Of course quality of brain is an equally important factor; and hence not a few men with brains even below the average have distinguished themselves for scholarship or executive ability. The Noachites at large possess a mean capacity of 1500 cubic centimeters. The capacity among the Mongoloids is 1450+ cubic centimeters; among the Negroes, 1360 cubic centimeters, and among the Australians 1276 cubic centimeters. The Noachites surpass the Negro 126 cubic centimeters, or 16 & one-half per cent. Assuming 100 as the average capacity of the Australian skull, that of the Negro is 111.6, and that of the Teuton 124.3"
Guys, I am hungry.
What should I eat today?
2) In respect to the cephalic index, or form of the skull in a horizontal projection, we find that all the lower races are dolichocephalic, and all the higher races are mesocephalic or brachycephalic. The index, for instance, among the Noachites, ranges +from 75 to 83; among the Mongoloids, from 71 to 90; among the Negroes, from 69 to 76; and among the Australians, from 71 to 71.5. The broadest Negro skull does not reach the average of the Germans; nor does the best Australian skull reach the average of the Negro. Mean relative breadth of skull is found to be associated with executive ability.
Among Whites, the relative abundance of "crossheads" having permanently unclosed the longitudinal and transverse sutures on the top of the head is one in seven; among Mongolians, it is one in thirteen; among Negroes, it is one in fifty-two. This peculiarity is supposed by some to favor the prolonged development of the brain. In any event, it is most frequent in the highest races.
Negroes in negroland" is a good one to get a grasp on just how primitive Africa was before the white men came.
How about this?
Honest Abe
You should invest in some sandpaper to smooth out all those edges you seem to have.
Not sure why he's using the term Noachites in reference to Caucasians here, but according to Merriam-Webster it means Freemason.
>What is your best evidence for the biological differences between whites and blacks?
It is pretty obvious for any non blind person.
Fucking abbos, man.
Is there any research about their IQ?
debunked already, see politifact. africans are smarter
>can't do math
>What is your best evidence for the biological differences between whites and blacks?
Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, etc.
Not much that I'm aware of. I think they have the lowest IQs of all the blacks which means they are just functional retards.
They have some extremely disturbing cultural practices as well.
For example:
W.E. Roth, a doctor and anthropologist who was chief protector of Aborigines in Queensland. "In the Tully district, a very young man would give his betrothed to an old man to sleep with her and train her for him. The idea was that the elder would `make the little child's genitalia develop all the more speedily'. There was no restriction of age or social status at which the bride would be delivered up. As Roth observed, `It is of no uncommon occurrence to see an individual carrying on his shoulder his little child-wife who is perhaps too tired to toddle any further.'''
In Birdsville a different technique was used for defloration and enlargement. "A wooden stick of very hard wood about two feet long with a representation of the extremity of a life-sized penis rudely carved at the top and thinned all the way down to the handle was used for the purpose of tearing the hymen and posterior vaginal wall.''
In the Boulia district, when a Pitta-Pitta girl showed the first signs of puberty, Roth said: "Two or three men manage to get the young woman all alone by herself away in the bush and, dragging her down, one of them forcibly enlarges the vaginal orifice by tearing it downwards with the first three fingers wound round and round with opossum-string. Other men come forwards from all directions and the struggling victim has to submit in rotation to promiscuous coition with all the bucks present.''
Among the Ulaolinya and the tribes around Glenormiston, larger groups would ambush a girl. "Four `bucks' hold one on to each limb, while another presses on her stomach so as to compel her to draw her legs up: her thighs are now drawn apart and her eyes covered as to prevent her seeing the individual, probably a very old man, who is beckoned up from some hiding place to come and operate directly everything is ready. This he does by slitting up a portion of the perineum with a stone-knife and sweeping his three fingers round inside the virginal orifice ... She is next compelled to undergo copulation with all the bucks present; again the same night and a third time on the following morning.''
And more,
have previously drawn attention to the institution of boy-wives "called chookardoo (about aged five) or mullawongah (ages from five to seven)'' in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.
Nowra says: "The usual sexual act was when the boy's penis was rubbed until it was erect, after which it was inserted into the sub-incised elder's penis, who then ejaculated.
"Baldwin Spencer and Frank Gillen, who wrote the world-famous The Native Tribes of Central Australia (1899), believed that the urethral sub-incision of central Australian Aboriginal men was for the purpose of homosexual intercourse.''
Only evil retards could create traditions out of penis splitting, and child gang rape
Didn't post, but can you explain?
wtf is wrong with their brain to create such insane rituals, would anyone be the same way given their environment?? or is it just them?
I've seen like 10 threads on this one infographic, it's always someone saying "lel alt-reich can't into math", but it's straightforward and correct.
If you're referring to the abbos, to put it in perspective, this is a 100% legitimate public safety commercial from the Northern Territory in Australia:
Supermarkets in NT had to keep deodorant cans under lock and key because abbos were literally shop lifting all their stock and then inhaling it to get high.
It's the blacks bro, their fucking evil.
In Africa they rape infants and toddlers because they believe it cures aids. Superstition is of course just an excuse to act out their bloodlust and get their rocks off w rape and torture.
whats wrong with them tho, even monkeys aren't that bad?
but how come instead of being like a normal monkey they are turned all evil instead??
It's all because of us "white cunts" apparently.
whatd we do 2 them?
Tried to civilise them by removing their children from their abusive tribes and having white families raise them. To be fair more than a couple of said families were also abusive. Better than getting your dick cut open and the wound fucked though.
but trying to civilise them didnt cause their original craziness, what originally made them want to woundfuck each other? is this just some type of primal bloodlust found only in blacks? some type of brain inflammation from the environmental heat or something??
look at them russkies
Well it works like this,
The sickest most dope nigger warlord attacks neighboring village who dindu nuffin, rapes all the big booty bitches, kills dem lil dick niggas and enslaves the boon child's he don't feel like raping or eating at the moment.
Thus survival of the most ballin niggas runs it's course and your left with a race of particularly sadistic monkey ppl.
What's biased about it exactly?
I am in no way saying they aren't overly violent but when comparing majority attacking a minority to a minority attacking a majority you will obviously have a higher number of majority victims simply because their are more of them.
If you control for the percent of the population the rate is more or less equal or slightly less white victims than blacks. The majority of black crime is done to other blacks at a higher rate than white crime is done to other whites to make up for this underachievement.
That's not a very good explanation user.
If it isn't mathematically correct, you should be able to show me quite easily right?
Your kinda just saying it's wrong, can you show your work? I want to see numbers.
I am very intrigued by the abos myself. Both caucasians and mongolians are superior to the negros by having neanderthal and denisovan(mongolians) blood. But the australoid actually degenerated, what seems to be the reason of this?
These things are barely human, much less our equals.
people need to learn that psycoapthy is genetic
these creatures can never fit into our society, the only seemingly decent ones are ones with some white genes