Forbes richest people list excluding the richest

So I remember this being discussed here a while back and tried to figure out why none of the major banking families are ever listed in any top 100's list

is it because theyre money isnt measurable or was it because they cant be listed because theyre a protected class of people.

Forgot what it was exactly but someone posted how the rothschild were an example of a "knighted" or special status family that was to be withheld from certain types of audits or w/e they do to ascertain an individuals wealth

tl;dr - why arent the richest people in the world actually listed, there was a couple sets of examples for why they werent.

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Lords, essentially. They hold the title of Baron and Lady.


So this means Bush not mentioned?
> American political family who has a combined net worth of $400 million. The Bush family has built their net worth from a family of successful bankers and businessmen that spans back three generations.

maybe the list just includes individual fortunes and not family ones.

sounds about right

also has anyone ever discussed this with other friends before

brought it up recently and people looked at me like I was crazy, since it basically paints them as the illuminati [spoiler] which they are[/spoiler]

>bush mentioned
>400 million

If I remember correctly the rothschild have an estimated net of like 6billion a person, thats probably pretty low but pretty sure an user has the numbers and will chime in

overall dynasty families like bush, clinton are not exempt and even then theiir wealth is miniscule in comparison

I mean Gates has more wealth them political families by far as do princes and their wealth pales in comparison

I think they are majority owners in many media outlets which may include Forbes and can stay out of the spotlight because of their control of it.

Since 1945, he has been married to Barbara Pierce George, with whom he has six children named George, Pauline, John, Neil, Marvin and Dorothy.

My golly these guys breed like fucking roaches.
Just kidding. Just wanted to judge with same stick they judge Mexicans
>ain't that wright Georgie?

they exclude titled nobility, otherwise the list would be nothing but them and a couple of the very richest businessmen on earth

>controlling the media
yeah but even then youd think smaller bloggers could post this type of shit, or people that break off from the industry probably have an idea and would talk about it

its always weird to me how only fringe groups are only seen talking about it

the fuck does this have to do with the thread m8

>exclude titled nobility
which is weird cause arent saudi princes still listed in these things?

I get itd be boring to just read the top 3 families as the richest but its always seemed peculiar no one at all seems to mention it that has a platform

Yeah fair enough
>Americans throw away billions a year at Lotto trying to get jest one of those 400
>some people would mass murker to get 20 of those $400
>did we count their secret off-shore accounts$ how much do they have in those?

>jeb had a son.
>the only son.
>he's a spic.


>member this being discussed here a while back and tried to figure out why none of the major banking families are ever listed in any top 100's list
>is it because theyre money isnt measurable or was it because they cant be listed because theyre a protected class of people.
>Forgot what it was exactly but someone posted how the rothschild were an example of a "knighted" or special status family that was to be withheld from certain types of audits or w/e they do to ascertain an individuals wealth
>tl;dr - why arent the richest people in the world actually listed, there was a couple sets of examples for why they werent.
I heard the Rothschild were excluded because the Forbes' ranking does not take into account the Royal families (though the Rothschild are worth trillions)
Anybody heard of that? Is that a relevant explanation?

This from OP:
>tried to figure out why none of the major banking families are ever listed

This from me:

Inb4 what did you say about me you little...

who the hell are you greentexting

if your implying listed wealth is false for the bush family im still pretty sure people that have been playing war mongering for a couple hundred years have a couple magnitudes of wealth on any offshore acct a dynasty might have

these are families that control the world banks

We're the beginning of Majestic 12

Because someone would get assassinated if Forbes published that the Rothchilds are behind every major bank on earth and are worth trillions.

Bill gates probably isn't even in the top 50 most rich.

>Majestic 12
>illuminati started in 1947
yeah disagree people have been in power long before that

>tl;dr - why arent the richest people in the world actually listed, there was a couple sets of examples for why they werent.
The reason is that you're a retarded faggot in a tin hat who wants conspiracies to be true. Unfortunately, the facts don't support your conspiratorial fantasies so you have to make shit up on Sup Forums instead.

It's a mix of
>Only counts individual fortunes, not family ones
>Controlling the money supply "technically" means it's not their money or part of their net value so they're not valued as high.
Wouldn't surprise me if you could pay to stay off these lists, too.

And you believe firmly that what's in off-shore accounts is not on par with the 1% ?
No bid contracts, Desert Storm, Iraq war and other unmentionables
Hey, that's your choice. Today, you still have one.

I was referring to the start of Deus Ex.

probably because the rothshields arent even that rich. Its a huge clan and the money is distributed.
and their banks are not even that known in comparison to the big players.

>inb4 schlomo

>facts dont support
what facts am I really throwing out there, what am I even making up

>paying to stay off lists
yeah its probably a thing, just more of food for thought on

This is the real answer.

The true "richest" people are a cabal who control the monetary system of any particular nation which makes them as rich as the money they control which could technically be many trillions of dollars.
However actually utilising this money outside of certain ways could collapse trust in their money and vastly reduce the value. So they aren't really able to just piss it away like bill gates theoretically could.

the rothschilds aren't top dog. they don't own the central banks of anything. no one can own a central bank. they used to be very powerful but their power has declined in recent years.

they're probably wealthy far beyond what they claim, the family owns at least 100 billion dollars in real estate, but the wealth is distributed between members of the family.

as far as people visibly throwing money around right now, look to soros. that guy is deliberately recreating germany circa 1929. he lived through it once. he knows what he's doing. he also owns google and netflix. him, jeff bezos, bill gates, warren buffet, carlos slim, plus the people on forbes doesn't list because reasons. saudi princes, old anglo money, vladmir putin is actually worth around 200 billion dollars. plus organized crime account for at least 90% of the megarich.

i believe that you can't hide a billion dollars and that the illuminati is just rich guys agreeing on shit and throwing their money around and it looks organized to us because we only see what happens and not what each individual intended to happen. i wouldn't be completely surprised if i was wrong and there is some group out there calling the shots (bilderberg seems most likely) but i haven't seen proof.

Oh yeah Id say thats pretty accurate then

Soros owns 5-6% of google at absolute maximum and this assumes all of his tech stocks are only invested in g*ogle

>which is weird cause arent saudi princes still listed in these things?
I don't think so, but I might be wrong, or they don't count for some reason

I'm not saying there ISN'T a conspiracy to cover up the Rothschild's wealth, but if there is it's disguised as mostly plausible excuses

Central banker wealth isn't what we would traditionally think of as storable wealth. Bill Gates could hypothetically piss away his billions, while the bankers loosely control trillions but have a much smaller limit on how much they can piss without completely devaluing their wealth.


>soros is top dog

shill or just retard

>rothschild arent top dog
not saying that rather just using them as an example, someone made an argument that there were like 8 or so families in this wealth bracket im describing

>soros is recreating germany similar to 1929
I never really understood what his endgame was, so please tell me what this means to you exactly. Why would he want to recreate germanys depression afte WW 1

Oh shit this was it, thanks user

yeah this is where I feel like a tin foiler

funny thing is almost any family of power Ive spoken with always alludes to this

Rothschild wealth is far too diluted and spread out so that individually they are not worth much but collectively they're worth trillions.

A lot of the old wasp establishment families and old money families of europe are very good at hiding their wealth as well. 400 million for the Bush family especially seems a low ball figure, they have been a banking/political aristocracy in america dating all the way back to the mid 19th century and should be worth a lot more.

Basically the Forbes list is kind of a meme it's mostly nu money, not to mention there are tons of stealth billionaires as well.

They don't personally own all of that money.

Because there is no one even close to their amassed wealth.
Because they tell erryone else what to do and what not to do.

There was a BBC documentary in which they followed Jacob Rothschild and his daughter.

The Rothschild family are much like the House of Saud. When a Rothschild dies, his money is split in equal amounts to all of his children, rather than all of it going to the heir who takes over the business.

Which means that their immense wealth is spread out over hundreds, if not thousands of family members.