The Greek historian Polybius largely blamed the decline of the Hellenistic world on low fertility rates,[6] writing his work The Histories that:
"In our time all Greece was visited by a dearth of children and generally a decay of population, owing to which the cities were denuded of inhabitants, and a failure of productiveness resulted, though there were no long-continued wars or serious pestilences among us…. For this evil grew upon us rapidly, and without attracting attention, by our men becoming perverted to a passion for show and money and the pleasures of an idle life, and accordingly either not marrying at all, or, if they did marry, refusing to rear the children that were born, or at most one or two out of a great number, for the sake of leaving them well off or bringing them up in extravagant luxury."[7] ”
In a speech to Roman nobles, the Emperor Augustus commented on the low birthrates of the Roman elite:[8]
"How otherwise shall families continue? How can the commonwealth be preserved if we neither marry nor produce children? Surely you are not expecting some to spring up from the earth to succeed to your goods and to public affairs, as myths describe. It is neither pleasing to Heaven nor creditable that our race should cease and the name of Romans meet extinguishment in us, and the city be given up to foreigners,—Greek or even barbarians. We liberate slaves chiefly for the purpose of making out of them as many citizens as possible; we give our allies a share in the government that our numbers may increase: yet you, Romans of the original stock, including Quintii, Valerii, Iulli, are eager that your families and names at once shall perish with you."[9] ”
Upon the establishment of the Roman Empire, Emperor Augustus would introduce legislation to increase the birthrates of the Roman nobility.
Poor(bad) Fathers Leads to Childless Sons
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>dwindling birthrates
I know! Instead of giving people incentive to have kids, we'll just like the unwashed masses spill over the borders like shit and create a generation of rape babies
Fuck this world is retarded.
people are having kids. fathers just arent there.
I wonder if she said yes...
hot girl
love the 40s women fashion aesthetic
If history doesn't exactly repeat, it certainly rhymes.
I saved the text for future use. Good find. Dissecting Rome and learning from its history would probably give us some much needed foresight if we were serious. Of course, most people will just say, "but this time it's different".
>incentives to have kids
People want to have kids if they can afford them. Stop taxing them to fund your incentives and the birth rates will go up - as long as you also fix divorce law that is.
Every single Greek and Roman historian thought their own age was degenerate and decadent, and each one was wrong. Even when Romans became hardened Christians people still thought they were degenerate.
That is simply wrong. A richer population has less kids.
Not directly. Fertility rates are basically 90% dependant on female rights. The men can be as rich as you want and as long as women don't have all of the western rights the fertility rates will be fine. It's just that the rich countries tend to be more cucked and give their women all sorts of rights and privileges like "incentives to have kids."
Introspection and discourse on history and the humanities are in rapid decline on Sup Forums. When was the last time you saw an actual /lit thread with worthwhile booklists? Best we stay to our books until traffic stagnates again on this site.
He was wrong tho. Greece got btfo because they never could politically evolve out of the poleis stage.
>but this time it's different".
It really is, this time you can import people from anywhere in the world
He passed the virtue laws precisely to concentrate his own power and "force" potential rivals to dillute their wealth/status by having multiple heirs. Augustus was many things but benevolent is not one of them.
what type of fathers are you talking about, user?
I like the style in OPs pic, but I've always hated this professional/short hair/worn up style that emerged at the same time.
This, you have to end interference in child rearing, this is the biggest issue. End the No Fault Divorce laws, and you will see men wanting to get married again.
lel these faggots are talking about taking (((constantinople))) back but they have 11 million people in the whole country while there are 20 million just living in istanbul
constantinople isnt even greek.
your inferior monkey race, would do well to try to do one single good thing for humanity and not pride yourself on stealing roman and greek accomplishments, if you inbred cockroaches can even do that
>meme flag
alright let's pretend that your opinion is worth something. roman accomplishments? you mean intense degeneracy they spread like cancer? don't get me started on grecucks. most of their "achievements" were taken from egypt and mesopotamia. turks did a favor to the world by taking both the trash out
show your flag
lol of course the monkey did not even realize he was speaking to a hellene.
go ahead little monkey, tell me what i dont know about ancient greece.
also haha your pathetic ottoman empire copied roman empire. and do you really think the roman republic accomplished nothing?
bump for interest
>diaspora gayreek with meme flag
opinion discarded
meanwhile you can see what a real nation is like
>muh opinion discarded
hahah oh your sweet khanates. One ptolemaic dynasty did more than all of these shitholes combined.
but a good monkey cant engage in intelligent conversation
Tell me, isnt everything great in your country built by greeks and romans?
all of the shitty aspects of greece come from you lol
If the US stopped being cucks and actually cared about religion again Constantinople would be back in the hands of Greeks within 48 hours.
Just be happy the west doesn't give a fuck about your shitty shitskin country and uses it as an airbase to mongo down your shitskin bro's in neighboring countries.
The hardened Christians all were in the Eastern Roman Empire, that's why it survived a thousand years longer until 1453 than the West.
The West changed the original teachings of the church from houses of spiritual healing to a system of overseer's of a human farm, a power structure for control.
That's why the Western church fractured into thousands of churches while the East did not, people understood that it was merely a power structure where a bunch of jews were selling salvation for money.
Christianity in the West will only be restored if you go back to the original teachings and the original practices our ancestors followed 2000 years ago.
the orthodox church was cucked by the ottomans.
Bottom row, 2nd from right pls
the w*st failed the last time, what makes you think they can manage it this time strayacunt? your ancestors are still buried under our soil, died as imperialist tools in shame. show respect to your betters criminal an*lo spawn
Before these roaches came the butthurt Crusaders.
>Upon the establishment of the Roman Empire, Emperor Augustus would introduce legislation to increase the birthrates of the Roman nobility
What exactly was this legislation? I also heard Romania did something that increased their birth rates, but what specific legislation actually does this effectively? What are some non-barbaric policies we should be trying to get pushed
The Orthodox church never turned into a slave colony, that's why it is flourishing and growing to this day.
Nothing can touch them, no one can successfully invade them and no one can enslave them.
Pretty comfy position they are in right now.
Look, Russia is even telling the West that they should defend their women and children, but they don't want to listen and instead respond with stupid threats.
So then fail and be raped and murdered by blacks. Once it has gone all to shit we will take over.
What incentive does a man have today to seek a wife and to start a family?
At every turn, you'll be fucked over. There's over a 50% chance she won't be happy and she'll divorce you. Brad Pitt wasn't good enough for his wife, and she divorced him.
Society does nothing but scream that everything is the fault of men and that men need to be punished. When men try to fix the problem by correcting bad female behavior, an unending army of government goons with guns come to kill him or imprison him.
Men are just increasingly deciding to let this out of balance society burn to the ground. That's exactly what happens when there's no rewards and all risk for men when we get married and have children.
>What are some non-barbaric policies we should be trying to get pushed
- give married white couples grants to make it easier for them to buy houses (the younger they are, the bigger the grant).
- tax breaks for white couples with children.
- deport more undesirables to reduce overcrowding.
If it weren't for Anglos you would have lost Constantinople in the Crimean War