>Mark Walters asked Massie about the lack of movement on national reciprocity, and Massie said, “The Speaker told me he didn’t think the timing was right.” An exasperated Massie then added, “But this is the exact time to bring this bill. So it is frustrating for me.”
*blocks your concealed carry reciprocit*
oh my a thread defending gun rights on /k/?
I'm surprised the faggot mods haven't 404'd the thread
It's important millionaires get a tax cut. Once they do, the wealth will trickle down and you can hire a lobbyist to push your pro-gun agenda.
>he didn’t think the timing was right
"we need to wait until we get paid to push it"
Why don't you have a lobbyist? Seriously, are you poor or something?
amend it to the next omnibus spending bill or the next NDAA.
>implying I want to fund nevertrumpers
Probably the same shit for hearing protection act. The GOP is worthless. The only good thing we'll get out of this president and congress is Gorsuch.
Not really Trump's fault. He has all the globalist faggots in both parties allied against him to make sure nothing is done for the American people.
maybe the NRA will help
Every time I think this cuck just couldn't possibly get any fucking worse...
I admit Ryan had me fooled once. Never again.
Bannon was right. This fucker needs to step down and join the Democrats already. Fuck the Uniparty.
Who likes paul ryan? Where are his supporters? What's this RINO cucks endgame?
He was basically bullied into the job when Boehner stepped down.
That reminds me. Is it some kind of unspoken rule for the speaker of the house to be the shittiest, most unlikeable person they can find? All the speakers I can think of on both sides are terrible.
I was reading a thing about that actually. It was talking about how the people put in those positions are not the ones with charisma or personality, they're the people that know how to politic well. How to maneuver their own party members and outflank their opposition.
>The GOP is worthless.
Welcome to American politics. Both parties are useless and genuinely retarded scumbags in Congress. At this point, you're only voting for Representatives and Senators to keep the status quo on things you like, not actually change them for the better.
Basically this. They don't want to move on those things because if they move on them then you'll stop voting for them. They don't actually believe what they are saying for the most part (though each issue will have it's True Believers) they're just stringing you along until they can rob you blind.
Well that would explain why Hillary got the job
Always makes me laugh.
i think we all know this but we keep trying to fix the bullshit by electing guys like trump
>tfw term limits on congressmen and senators
Never liked Paul Ryan. Career politician fuck, more concerned about his wallet and "bipartisan support" than doing the right thing.
We're close as we're getting to a majority, toss it now or go nuclear and do the 50 in the Senate. Stop letting the Dems sit on the floor like literal children. We know you're never going to try and repeal the NFA or Hughes or something like that, give us this.
My only solace in this political climate is that the idiots are so scared of "Nazis" they're too occupied to try and take my guns. At the moment.
Honestly, I've had this thought before. I actually sort of feel bad for him, literally nobody likes him. He's a Nazi to the left, he's a pussy to the right, and the Centrists hate everyone involved.
Guess he'll just have to wipe his tears with his hundred dollar bills, but damn.
Shit that will never happen for 600.
Yep. It's nice to see them spending all their time talking about DACA instead of an AWB.
have faith heathen
I hoped Trump would whip Congress into being able to do something but instead they're being the same extremely inept faggots they were under Obama. I wouldn't trust Congress to do something as simple as make a child's lunch for school at this point.
I don't like spamming executives orders such as how Obama and Trump are doing, but frankly it's the only way some sort of changes can be made at this point.
Can McCain roll over and die and take Ryan with him? I'm sick of these two RINO fucks getting in the way of everything because they're upset that they're not the pet of the current president like they would've been under Cruz.
Yeah, kind of busted that the only way to put in term limits is to get permission from the people whose last desire on earth would be to get a real job that doesn't revolve around getting paid massive sums of lobby money to vote once every few months.
Some Dem will propose one every few months as virtue signalling bullshit, then they act like its some great shock that a majority republican congress didn't pass it.
So what happened with that "Hearing protection act" thing? Did it die?
God fucking damn it, look how much these worthless bastards get payed to do fuckall, and thats before their kickbacks and lobbying money
The Average Joe of Congress (there are 529 of them) gets paid $174,000 per year. But not everyone is average; the Speaker of the House gets $223,500 a year, while the majority and minority leaders of both the Senate and the House, along with the President Pro Tempore, get paid $193,400 per year.
That stupid Bernout went postal on the day they were going to vote on it and its been indefinitely delayed
>That stupid Bernout went postal on the day they were going to vote on it and its been indefinitely delayed
Well, shit. That sucks.
>but we keep trying to fix the bullshit by electing guys like trump
That's like saying you tried to stop your car from overheating by punching holes in the radiator. It was obvious even during the campaign that the only difference Trump would make was that his ethics violations and corruption would be in plain view rather than hidden away like normal politicians do.
>Stop letting the Dems sit on the floor like literal children
You do realize that those tactics exist for a reason, right? We'd have been fucked if the Dems decided they wanted to railroad their gun control packages in 2013 through the Senate.
Fuck off ShareBlue, Hillary lost, I'd rather have Le Orange Meme Man who likes Putin and doesn't mind me owning guns than the senile dingbat who hates both those things.
Get a job
Do you Trumpcucks ever bother to actually come up with any talking points to support him or is it just going to be the same "hillary lost, get over it" and calling everyone a cuck for the next 4-8 years?
we don't need to defend him, he's the president and that's that
Well for someone who supposedly doesn't need defending, you all seem to get pretty defensive over him.
>replying to shit with anything but shit
if your standpoint was valid maybe people would take time to articulate a reasonable response
but all anyone does is cry about le cheeto knowing 110% fuck all about him other than what the news is currently complaining about
I don't understand how normies unironically believe that a government that benefits from corruption and dysfunction will ever reform itself. Nobody on either side is going to willingly dismantle the system that gives them power, so all we peons get to look forward to is a gradually-worsening status quo until something inevitably snaps and things really go to shit.
>mfw Cuomo gets unlimited terms as governor
even Putin pretends to play by the rules by participating in elections and obeying term limits, here in New York we don't even bother trying to hide the jackboot that uses your face as a doormat.
If you had any level of literacy you'd see I'm supporting him based on the merit of him being the lesser evil of the two candidates.
Nice how you faggots never actually deny you're paid shills, we know you're here, we've seen the leaks, get a real fucking job that isn't posting on Sup Forums trying to change people's minds, you're pathetic human garbage.
I appreciate it, but they're still literal fucking children.
>mfw i realized that trump's real legacy will be to show gen z and millenials on how useless congress really is
Ryan! Your Fired!